Hey all you new year newbies!

I've been here before but have started anew after a long break where I put everything back on. So, how many others are just starting this new year? :)


  • tima41112
    tima41112 Posts: 4 Member
    I am! my goal is to lose 30lbs by the end of March. My smaller goals are 2lbs/week and 10lbs/month.
  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member
    Took a short break at the end of 2014, but back at things for 2015.
  • allierat84
    allierat84 Posts: 73 Member
    Well best of luck to both of you for the following year
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    A massive welcome to all of you starting your new year the best possible way!!
    You are on the right track, you got this!!!

    Happy new year!!
  • Happy New YEAR!!!, stay positive, and be true to yourself
  • Starting fresh in 2015! My goal is to lose 50 lbs.
  • Me too! Fell off the wagon (and bounced a few times) over the holidays and gained back some of the weight I had lost but back at it! I would love new friends to keep each other motivated!
  • Bit3s
    Bit3s Posts: 2
    Also rejoined the site after a 2 year hiatus...things have changed a lot since then! :#
  • hannydeee
    hannydeee Posts: 155 Member
    I'm a restarter too... :smile:
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Took 12 days away from dieting, now back on the grind as of 2 days ago. Best of luck to all of us!
  • Starting over again here as well. Will accept nothing less than success for me this time around! :)
  • GemmaRoseLondon
    GemmaRoseLondon Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone :)
    I'm also back after a long break - though it looks like I'm new because I deleted my old account and made a new one today (I hated my old username :p )
    I don't need to lose weight but I'm determined to get toned in 2015! Unfortunately, I lack motivation which is why I rejoined this site ;)
    Good luck everyone!!
  • RoseyandReady
    RoseyandReady Posts: 256 Member
    I'm 183 pounds (again) and will be healthy and fit again too. I'm joining a local weight loss challenge for 20 weeks - money goes to a great cause and winner gets a prize. I've got this, I'm going to do this and I'm telling everyone who will listen. I'm finding my inner athelete again. I wish everyone much success! :)
  • cooky_monster
    cooky_monster Posts: 68 Member
    I lost 2 stone last year but took a break for Christmas and put a little back on :\ But I still have more to lose so no giving up!!! We can do it :D x
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 366 Member
    I took a long break also, I'm back with about 40 lbs to lose, everyone please feel free to add me. The more support we can offer each other the better.
  • Hello and Happy New Year. I am on a diet plan and using this app. to record my cal. intake. I love my new diet. Lost 6 lbs. in 3 days. Wishing you all well.
  • I'm back after 4 month hiatus, new user name, new understanding of what I need to do. Want to get rid of 25 pounds in 5 months. (Then, there will be another 15 to think about ...)
  • Hi, I'm returning after a break and really want to put my mind to this and make 2015 count. I've set myself the small goal of losing 2lb a week aiming to have lost 50lb by my birthday in the summer. Best wishes to everyone
  • New to this site but loving it so far! Wishing everyone all the best for their 2015 goals whatever they may be. :D
  • Restarting...lost 20 by june 2014 but put in all back on...my goal is 50 lbs