Are you new? Find help and friends here!!

Happy New Year everyone :D

The idea of this thread is for it to be a positive and non-judgemental way for anyone experienced on MFP to share their top tips for losing/gaining/managing their weight and health for those who are turning over a new leaf this New Year and joining us in this wonderful community, so you will be able to stick to your guns and go the distance with us backing you up :)

Obviously this is a public forum, and people can post what they like, but here are some guidelines of what would be most helpful to post:
  • Nutrition and exercise tips
  • Images that motivate you
  • Tips for others to stay motivated through all stages of their journey
  • Possible pitfalls and stumbling blocks you have overcome
  • Personal stories that may encourage others - hurdles you have overcome that they can overcome too

Please understand that EVERYONE is different, and we have all taken many different paths to get where we are, and we have all found success in a variety of ways. Please don't judge or 'hate' anyone for sharing their own method of success, and equally please don't take anything we say as the gospel truth either! The most important thing is to find the method that works and is enjoyable for you. After all, no one else is making your journey, only you are, and we are all here to support those just starting out on theirs :) This thread is not just for those losing weight, it is for anyone losing, gaining, maintaining or improving their general health, new and experienced. We can all learn from each other!

If anyone does post negativity, I would invite everyone else to rise above arguing and to allow others to have their opinions without causing big drama. Remember, you don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.

So without further ado, you have ridden the trains of ignorance, excess, illness, emotional trauma and bad choices, and here you are at the end of the line in Regretsville. Welcome, and you are among friends! <3


  • NoSugar2015
    I am new here
    I would love some friends
  • Southerngalpal
    Southerngalpal Posts: 23 Member
    <3 Happy New Year! I'm new and I would like to have some pals!
  • caringgal
    caringgal Posts: 3 Member
    Hi,I am new here & would like wish every1 a v happy new year.All the best for 2015☺
  • crybol
    crybol Posts: 1
    Hallo und frohes neues jahr allen zusammen.
    Auch ich bin neu hier und vielleicht ist ja auch irgendwer da der jemanden zum austauschen sucht
    Würde mich über Nachrichten freuen
  • IslandLifenFitness
    IslandLifenFitness Posts: 48 Member
    Hello I am new here also and trying ti loose 30pounds. :D
  • sftjojo
    Hi All and Happy New Year!!! Cheers to a fantastic 2015 full of health and happiness. I have been on MFP forever, but never consistently or actively. I'm definitely trying to engage a bit more with the community in hopes of helping me with the process. I'm looking forward to building supportive relationships that allow me to gripe about the process some of the time but to keep me accountable and encouraged the majority of the time. I have a good amount of weight to lose, but I'm not focused so much on the outcome as I am on the process.

    I'm thinking about starting a blog on the site. Any thoughts?

    (picture to come)

  • bdspruill
    bdspruill Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I am new need help
  • colepoler27
    Hi everyone, Happy New year!! I'm new to the fitness pal, but have been apart of many other fitness programs.

  • sandrarowley62
    sandrarowley62 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all happy new year!
    Im new to this site and like most of you and looking for inspiration into loosing some weight. I have made a start by logging my food intake and exercise as i have quite a way to go. Look forward to mking some new friends on here in hope that we can support each other alo g our journey. :)

  • amilynmc
    Add me please need friends and support!
  • MzHarlequin
    MzHarlequin Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy New Year!

    I'm new, and just looking to lose that last pesky 15 lbs. I've been a part of other fitness apps, but I heard too many good things about MFP to ignore.

    In the past, I lost 50 lbs by calorie counting, and I've kept it off through the years with a moderate diet. I just would finally like to get rid of that extra -- the kind of pounds where you go "I'm not overweight, but I could look better."
  • Ashlei_V
    Ashlei_V Posts: 5 Member
    Happy New Year,

    Ive tried doing this alone. I could use some help. I don't really have a goal weight in mind and I just want to feel like I look good. I'm excited to us progress :smile:
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Happy New Year just turned 50. I was on track. But I fell off the wagon. So my daughter and I are challenging each other. Today is the first day. Plus I'm engaged. I love to look thin for my big day. Peace Julie :D
  • Haschol
    Hallo. Wünsche euch allen ein Frohes neues Jahr :D
    Bin auch neu hier und würde mich gerne ein wenig austauschen bzw. gemeinsam die Erfolge feststellen B)
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello all, and welcome new users. I'm not new infact, today is my 421st day here, but I wanted to let you all know that if you'd like a new friend on here, I'd love for you to send me a friend request.

    A little background about me is that I am currently 22 years old and I'm definitely not perfect on here all the time. I started my journey on here at 210 lbs (I was 220 but lost 10lbs before starting here) I'm now currently sitting at about 145lbs.

    I'd be lying if I said every day was always easy, but if you remember to log your food accurately which is very important you will already be started on the right track. I recommend investing in a food scale if you're looking to lose weight because that way you will know that what you're eating is being counted for accurately. One thing to remember is if you lie on your diary the only person it hurts is yourself. You might think that if you show your friends on here that you had a slip up that it would make them think less of you, but if they are worth having on your weight loss team here they will understand that we all slip up once in a while and will help encourage you to get back on track.

    Another inportant weight loss tip is to drink your water! (seriously, it helps!). try to get in at least 8 glasses a day. it helps to flush out toxins and one cool thing I've learned is that when you have an urge to eat when you know you shouldn't be hungry, drinking a glass of water can actually help fight that urge.

    Oh yeah, another important thing is to find some sort of exercise that you enjoy that does not feel like a chore. If your workout plan takes everything you have to get up and do it, I can tell you now that you wont stick to it very long, so find something that's fun to you (just because your friend loves to go to Zumba classes doesn't mean you have to love it)

    I know you can be successfull. and reach all the goals you want to reach, but its not going to happen over night so be patient with yourslef and you will go far! Remember that weight loss is not a race. You don't have to be losing weight faster than someone else to be successful. As long as you are trying, even if you only lose half as much as your friend in the same amount of time, then you are doing better than you were before you were before you started your journey. weight loss is never linear either so don't be discouraged if you have weeks or even months of no scale movement, it happens and its tough but keep plugging away and I know you be back to losing!

    I'm still a work in progress and I am in no way an expert on diet and weight loss but I hope some of what I said helps atleats one person in this coming year to work towards their fitness goals and just incase you needed a picture to help motivate you realize that this site actually can help you drop weight I am going to post a picture of my progress so far. First pic is me in October 2013 at 220ish lbs and second is me last week on Chrismas eve at about 145lbs. I'm still not where I want to be but this picture proves that if I could lose weight, I know anyone can!

    ETA: opening your diary to the public, or even just your friends can help people help you when you have any questions on if your diet needs any tweaking, so that's another thing to think about doing to get the most out of your time on this site.
  • mollymcdonald0
    mollymcdonald0 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all!! I am friends with the op (Kate) and I think this post is such a great idea!! I have lost almost 60 pounds and here are some tips that have helped me get where I am!

    1. Log everything good AND bad
    2. Drink tons of water
    3. Have a cheat meal or a cheat day once a week (LOG IT!)
    4. Find a fun way to exercise---so it's not a chore
    5. Set realistic goals that are not too aggressive

    I hope some of these have helped! Good luck in 2015 new and old MFP users :)
  • vickpreston
    vickpreston Posts: 33 Member
    I've been on here for a while but trying to be a bit more committed this time around. All friend requests would be greatly received. :)
  • brendamac464
    brendamac464 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am back here after 9 months off and all my former MFP friends are no longer active. I'd love some new friends! My goal is to lose 30 pounds.
  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi all, I've been here and active since June 2014. Since then, I've lost 35 lbs and plan to lose another 30 at least. You're welcome to friend request me, as I post updates pretty frequently, and my diaries are open.

    I've found that focusing on eating reasonably; on cooking delicious food; and on cultivating patience are the best way to do this. You can't gung-ho it and exhaust yourself, get defeated, and go back to consistently overeating. Eat reasonably, exercise when it's enjoyable, and relax. You have a whole life to live while you're losing weight.
  • fitmumnz
    fitmumnz Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone ! I used to use mfp all the time after the birth of my first child, and am looking to get back into it after my second child. Looking for motivating and supportive people to help each other through this journey ! feel free to add me ! :)