Cycling Challenge - January 2015 Biking Bike Bicycle

As Per Our Fearless Leader, CricketKate:

Welcome to our January Cycling Thread. If you are new to posting on this thread, or if you are new to cycling, We welcome you! If you are returning from a previous thread, We welcome you, too.

This thread is for anyone who rides a bike. Do you bike to work? Do you pull your children to the park? So you ride weekends? Do you spin, at home or the gym? Or, are you just starting out and remembering how much fun you had biking when you were a kid? However you choose to push your pedal, you are welcome on this thread.

I am a fairly casual person and, as such, have created a fairly casual thread. There are no rules to how or what you post. My only request is that you be kind. You may post miles, minutes, # of rides, what the scenery looks like, anything. Whatever will motivate you to get on your bike.

Please know that everyone who posts is welcome and encouraged, whether you’re riding a 100 miler on the weekend or just riding around the neighborhood.

....and now from me...

I'm returning to MFP after enjoying my holidays too much. I returned in the fall but it didn't stick and I just decided to come back January 1, so here I am. -Paul


  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Dropping to 250 as I'm racing a marathon mid-month, then off to Utah for movies & skiing (Sundance) at the end of the month.
  • rlmllem
    rlmllem Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for starting the thread. Did 8.6 miles on the stationary bike at the gym today. Looking forward to spring to get back to riding outside consistently.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    January 1 - rode 8.3 miles for a duration of 1:05:00 (mountain biking)

    January Totals: 8.3 miles - 1:05:00 hours
  • Noobette
    Noobette Posts: 15 Member
    Great idea! I'm starting training for my first sportive so I'm really glad to find this!!
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I'm in. I have my road bike downstairs and am going to set it up on wind trainer today.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Thank you for starting a new thread.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    For anyone wondering who CricketKate is and why she never posts: I started this monthly cycling thread back in 2012. Last summer, I got cancer and I haven't been on my bike since. I just wanted to say that, when my health is back and the snow is gone, I will be back to pushing pedals. In the meantime, know that I'm here, in the back ground, cheering you on.
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    We'll be here for you, Kate!

    I did my first ride of the year today. My wife informed that she *preferred* that I didn't ride, what with the sleet this morning and the ice in the trees. By the afternoon I couldn't stand it anymore; it had warmed up (to almost 40*) and the rain had stopped.

    So I got out on the bike and put in 10 miles. The rain held off but it was so misty it might have well been raining. And by the time I got home the temperature was almost back to freezing. I finished the ride chilled but happy.

    01/01 - 10 miles

    Total: 10 miles


    Then after I got home I took the dog for a 2 mile walk. Finally I could warm up after that.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    For anyone wondering who CricketKate is and why she never posts: I started this monthly cycling thread back in 2012. Last summer, I got cancer and I haven't been on my bike since. I just wanted to say that, when my health is back and the snow is gone, I will be back to pushing pedals. In the meantime, know that I'm here, in the back ground, cheering you on.

    Can't wait to see you posting here!
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    I'm in, but not with any specific goals since I don't like riding indoors and am chronically ill so I don't ride in the cold weather. I'm hanging right at my goal weight so I'm good with only going a few miles this month again.
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    Hello :) My road bike has been stuck in the cellar for the last few months; work, weather and a whole host of other excuses have managed to wipe out the whole reason I bought it: the sheer joy of cycling :)
    Hopefully the wind shall die down at some point so I can get back at it and enjoy the scenery and hills again
  • usccyclist
    usccyclist Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I have been a fairly fit cyclist I'm the recent past. Now I am trying to just stay on the bike with no real big goals. Ride for fun and help stay fit.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    January 1 - rode 8.3 miles for a duration of 1:05:00 (mountain biking)
    January 2 - rode 17.3 miles for a duration of 1:49:32 (singlespeeding)


    January Totals: 25.6 miles - 2:54:32 hours
  • coxfamilytexas
    coxfamilytexas Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to the exercise bike, and new to mfp. I broke both feet and this is the only cardio exercise I can do in walking casts. Does anyone have any suggestions for easing the rear end ache? Lol I am a little sore. I know my 300+ lbs doesn't help, but I have to start somewhere
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Are you riding a stationary bike with a seat, cox?
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    January 1 - rode 8.3 miles for a duration of 1:05:00 (mountain biking)
    January 2 - rode 17.3 miles for a duration of 1:49:32 (singlespeeding)
    Jnauary 3 - rode 31.2 miles for a duration of 2:24:56 (foundation road miles)

    January Totals: 56.8 miles - 5:19:28 hours
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    rode for 20 minutes on my indoor trainer yesterday. :smiley:
    :) LOL I realized that my cycling shoes-with clips- are at least a size too big- and I've had them (and used them) for about 12 years. There is room for my thumb to push down -the full width of my thumb-in front of my big toe. I use these shoes both on mountain bike and road bike. Guess I'll be watching for a sale on smaller ones.
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi all,

    I got into cycling last January when some colleagues and I decided to enter a team sprint triathlon in May.

    I thought I might lose interest when the event was over but I'm now well and truly hooked.

    I was so pleased to manage to clock up 1000 miles in 2014 and I'm aiming to do at least that if not more this year.

    My brother and I are planning to do a two day coast to coast across England in July so I need to put in some serious training before then. He goes out on 80 mile club runs every Sunday so I've got a lot of work to do. My biggest enemy is hills and I know I really need to shift some weight to help with that.

    I joined MFP in 2012 and lost 5 stone over a period of 19 months. Since then I've really let myself get back into bad habits and have put 3 stone back on. Anyway I'm back here logging again and determined to stick with it!

    Went out for the first ride of the year this morning with my Dad. Just a leisurely one but taking advantage of a sunny, relatively windless day.

    January total so far: 11 miles
  • Just retired the first of November (very sedentary job, mostly) and am now able to rehab by left foot from an injury last spring in order to get back in shape. Bought a Nautilus R616 stationary recumbent bike and put the first 5.3 miles on it Saturday. I plan to use the bike 20-30 minutes each day, except weekends, so January will be a great start-up month for me... low and slow. It's nice to have these posts for encouragement.
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    In for 350 this month.

    1/4 - 19 miles

    Total - 19

    Remaining - 331