Dukan Diet



  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    I googled it and the website wasn't informative enough for my tastes. They wanted me to sign up and give personal information (height weight, etc) and they would e-mail me what my true weight is.

    I then looked on amazon.com and wasn't impressed with what I read in the book. Some of the foods he said to avoid were ones that I thought were good for you.

    I've lost 23 lbs by just working out and watching what I eat and how many calories I consume. I don't really but much stock in diets that restrict what you can and can't eat. I heard/read somewhere that the best "diet" a person can do and will stick with is the one that you make yourself.
  • pstubby25
    pstubby25 Posts: 3
    I refuse to use the word diet, Im doing a lifestyle change . I still eat all the foods as before im just eating less of it. Sitting down and eating something 5 times aday helps my hunger not be as bad. No special food or word diet and I feel alot better and dont dread doing it. Ive lost 46 Lbs and going to gym and eating is now fun and a way of life.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Dr Oz program was very informative .. laid out the diet's each phase .. was interesting to see that Dr Oz was not against the diet ...

    ... his final words were ... he was ok with phase one since it was short lived and one is not on it for a long period of time ... and produced fast weight loss .. was ok with phase two since it provided long term management skills .... as for phase 3 or the consolidation phase .. he would like to see people stay off processed food and not go crazy with " eat what ever you like" for 6 days period and protein one day ...
    He also endorses the HCG...so what does that say about his mental stability?:tongue:
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member

    watch your calories and work out...that is the trick.

    this seems to work:)
    much better than fad "diets"
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    Thank you everyone, that is the main reason why I LOVE MFP so much, If you ever have a question, it gets answered honestly. You all have given me a lot to think about. Its like a big family here.
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    agents 007 .. Dr Oz did not endorse hcg ... he said ..

    “It’s worth investigating.” Dr. Oz cautions viewers not to buy HCG supplements online, at the drugstore or at the health-food store; instead, they should consult a doctor who prescribes HCG and try the diet under their care. Dr. Oz acknowledged that while no formal studies have proven the success of HCG injections in the past, the success stories of the show’s participants indicate that for some people, the HCG diet does work...

    I think he just lays out the info that is out there and lets the viewer make there own decissions ... I think diets are like clothing .. even though the tag says .. one size fits all .. we know that is certainly not true ... ultimately you have to figure out what works for you and figure out how to develop a lifestyle plan that is healthy, satisfying and manageable for you ...

    As for me .. it i turning out to be lean proteins, good fats in moderation and low glycemic index fruits and veggies and making sure I meet my soluable and insoluable fiber intakes
  • caz426
    caz426 Posts: 2 Member
    So sad to see lots of negative opinions on the Dukan Diet. I agree that it's not for everyone, but upon doing some research I am giving it a try. I had great sucess on Atkins, but quit during the 2nd phase after loosing 20lbs. Gained that back and some more after having a baby.

    I do agree that it's very restrictive. I am on Day 4 of the first phase and am very much looking forward to adding back in veggies. Once you get to the 2nd phase it's lean proteins and vegetables. You do phase 2 until you reach your goal weight. Then you start the 3rd phase.

    Phase 3 reintroduces fruits and whole grains, with restrictions with days of pure proteins included. The book advises to stay in phase 3 so many days ( I believe 3 ) for every pound lost . This is suppose to teach you how to eat a variety of foods in moderation and retrain your body to want to maintain at that new goal weight.

    Phase 4 does say eat what you want... with 1 day each week of pure proteins, but you are supposed to make choices based on what you learned in phase 3.

    I have been using MFP to track foods just to get an idea of calories and fat that I'm eating, but find it very hard to keep up with logging everything I eat which always leads me to quit. I have tried many "diets" and bottom line is that if you don't learn to make good choices you will regain everything back. At this point in my life I am committed to making this a life change.

    Good luck with whatever plan you decide to follow!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    This diet is featured in the May 9/11 issue of Woman's World magazine.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    So sad to see lots of negative opinions on the Dukan Diet. I agree that it's not for everyone, but upon doing some research I am giving it a try. I had great sucess on Atkins, but quit during the 2nd phase after loosing 20lbs. Gained that back and some more after having a baby.

    I do agree that it's very restrictive. I am on Day 4 of the first phase and am very much looking forward to adding back in veggies. Once you get to the 2nd phase it's lean proteins and vegetables. You do phase 2 until you reach your goal weight. Then you start the 3rd phase.

    Phase 3 reintroduces fruits and whole grains, with restrictions with days of pure proteins included. The book advises to stay in phase 3 so many days ( I believe 3 ) for every pound lost . This is suppose to teach you how to eat a variety of foods in moderation and retrain your body to want to maintain at that new goal weight.

    Phase 4 does say eat what you want... with 1 day each week of pure proteins, but you are supposed to make choices based on what you learned in phase 3.

    I have been using MFP to track foods just to get an idea of calories and fat that I'm eating, but find it very hard to keep up with logging everything I eat which always leads me to quit. I have tried many "diets" and bottom line is that if you don't learn to make good choices you will regain everything back. At this point in my life I am committed to making this a life change.

    Good luck with whatever plan you decide to follow!
    The thing to remember about fad diets is can you truly live with them, be on them for the rest of your life? Live comfortably not feeling you ARE on diet?

    Using MFP and making a total change in my lifestyle I can do that. Being on a 'diet' is not something that's sustainable nor is it supposed to be. Diets are for dropping weight quickly which isn't the least bit healthy physically or emotionally/mentally. The weight is quickly gained back, we beat ourselves up for gaining it back, call ourselves a failure and begin the next fad diet of the hour. Far lower self esteem and far more weight on our bodies and far more vulnerable for the next latest and greatest fad diet craze

    Don't you WANT to drop the weight once and for all and be healthy for life? Do you want to continue dieting your entire life? What's what happens when we jump from diet to diet, I know this because I used to do the same thing years ago that some of you are doing now. Each time a new book, TV program, Dr. endorsed (?? or someone using the title in front of their name) diet would come out, it ended up on my bookshelf same as all my friends. One day I tossed them all out and decided this simply isn't working, why waste any more time and gain any more weight trying?

    I think it's members that truly desire a permanent change that are the ones that have success on here and that are not doing it by dieting but by making lifestyle changes. Creating a variety of food choices, keeping a regular workout schedule, drinking water regularly and keeping a positive attitude and keeping like minded company (MFP community is great for that). To me this will give a long lasting effect on our health, not the latest diet craze no matter WHAT Dr. recommends it. Diet doctors are not in this for fun but for money! They make their living off of fooling naive members of society that want nothing more but to change their lives and to change them overnight.

    So that's exactly what each diet promises, all the weight will be dropped at quick rates, that is what sells the books. No fad diet of any kind ever promises the weight will stay off, they would make no money if they guaranteed that!

    Members care, that's why they share what they do when fad diets are brought up on the boards. It's not like we want you to fail but it's inevitable a person will with restriction that a fad diet requires.
  • CrimsonWife
    CrimsonWife Posts: 56
    I've been on it since March 30th when I got my review copy from Amazon Vine. I had been doing Sonoma prior to that but had plateaued 6 lbs. above goal weight. Dukan helped me blast through the plateau and I lost 3 1/2 lbs. the first week (incredibly fast for me, and my bodyfat percentage dropped 3% so it wasn't just water weight). I did 2 days in the "attack" phase and then switched to the least restrictive "cruise" phase (5 days protein + vegetables, 2 days pure protein). Reached goal weight over the weekend but then had some emotional eating slip-ups and re-gained 1.5 lbs. Starting fresh again today to hopefully take that off.
  • yankeefamily05
    I know nothing about this "diet" but I HATE the word diet!!!!! If its something you can't realistically do for the rest of your life, its not great!! That is why I love MFP. I can always count calories and work out. I can eat what I want in moderation! You shouldn't have to restrict what you are eating unless there is a medical reason for it (sugar, salt etc)!!!! but good luck if you try it!
  • CrimsonWife
    CrimsonWife Posts: 56
    I can always count calories and work out. I can eat what I want in moderation! You shouldn't have to restrict what you are eating unless there is a medical reason for it (sugar, salt etc)!!!! but good luck if you try it!

    For me personally, it's easier to restrict certain foods than to obsess about calories in, calories out. I hate having to measure my food portions, log what I've eaten, and then sit there worrying about hitting the right numbers. I'll do it when I need to lose, but it takes too much time and psychic energy to do that for the rest of my life. Whereas I have been able to keep the weight off for years at a time following South Beach/Sonoma.
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    I was on it and really liked it. Like most diets I lost at first quite a bit but then the lbs came off really slowly. I did notice my inches were going down though. Right now I have gone back to South Beach where you just add carbs in slowly. I think it is easier to do and probably more healthy.

    I received my information from Attack Phase on Dukan diet. I thought it was easy to follow and I had no cravings which is really wonderful. The people who don't like it don't believe in low carbing.