Motivation Buddies Needed- 100+ lbs to lose

MagicDance396 Posts: 13 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi, I'm Leah. I'm 18, 5 feet 5 inches, and have around 170 pounds to lose. Currently I'm around 300 lbs, and I really really would like to have some friends in at least a similar situation. Growing up I was always fat, starting my long chain of yo-yo diets when I was around nine years old. I struggle with depression and my biggest obstacle with weight loss so far has been emotional binge eating. I really need to not fail this time. I don't want to wake up someday to an 800 pound body, still hating myself, not living my life. It's scary enough having almost 200 lbs to lose, I cant afford to fail again. I am generally not a very social person but if an accountability buddy gets me closer to being healthy, I'm more than willing to step out of my shell. Anyway, thank you for your time :D


  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    Start slow :) small goals! Maybe 5-10lbs/month. I am currently 261.5 and my long term goal is 100lbs. You have age on your side girl!! Be active active active! You can do this!!!!
  • BananaAssassin
    BananaAssassin Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, Leah. I have about 70lbs to lose. I can be your motivation buddy!
  • stromae1252
    stromae1252 Posts: 1 Member
    Im always here to help! Im new to using the community on MFP but I'd love to help because i have a friend in the same situation as what you are going through now so i have some idea how you might feel.
  • Tamraprice
    Tamraprice Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Leah! I am 47 and weigh 225. When I graduated High school at your age I weighed 118. I don't over eat anymore, but love to snack on anything sugary. I am inactive but want to change that! I will add you and we can support each other. :-) It is a daily struggle and it is hard to stay motivated but know thatyou are not alone. So many women have this exact same problem. Keep your head up and take one day at a time. :-)
  • Bandiiit
    Bandiiit Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Leah! My name is Ariel. I'm 19 years old, 5' 1" and 183 pounds. I have almost 60 lbs to lose. I am in a similar situation. I've been over weight all of my life and have had serious issues with crash dieting. I lose motivation quickly so maybe we can help each other out (:
  • Ghoul97
    Ghoul97 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I'm Alyssa I'm 17 and I weigh 257 pounds and I want to loose 70 pounds :) would u like to be friends?
  • MagicDance396
    MagicDance396 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you all for replying :D I was honestly really nervous about posting. I'm really excited about how supportive people on this app are.
  • Hi! I'm jumping on here and would love to add some friends. I've been on MFP for a while and use it on and off. But new year, new goals, new friends! I'm 47 5'2" about 80lbs to lose (give or take). I'm trying not to diet, I want to change my eating habits and start exercising, I'm also quite inactive. So if it's ok I'd like to add as many of you that are willing. :) happy new year!
  • hey im Nicole and im needing a buddy also im 25 and weigh about 350 and im 5 foot 2 inches just message me if u wanna be buddies
  • I have 107 to lose and I am beginning very slowly with meal planning and exercise. Would love to have anyone on a similar journey as a friend.
  • jellybeanpumba
    jellybeanpumba Posts: 24 Member
    I am 32 and have about 100 pounds to loose but I don't even look at it that way. I look at is in small term goals, like 5 pounds, then 10 pounds and so on. For some reason its not letting me add friends so please try and request me. Good luck gIRL! We can do this!
  • Keep working at it

  • kcerrillo
    kcerrillo Posts: 103 Member
    Hi! I'm kelli! When I started my journey I was 235 I'm now 187 goal is 130 so I have total about 100 to loose :) I'd love to be friends
  • My name is keithra . Great hid on your weight loss. I cant wait to get under 200. What isyour secret
  • My name is keithra . Great job on your weight loss. I cant wait to get under 200. What isyour secret
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Hey! I am 27 years old 5'1 and have 100 lbs to lose. We are in this together:)
  • ekalten_22
    ekalten_22 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't have a lot of weight to lose - 25 lbs I would be more than happy with - but I also struggle to stay motivated and would love to have people to keep me accountable for my slip ups! Feel free to add me and we will all hopefully be able to stick to this together!
  • Feel free to add me! I've lost almost 30, 30 more to go!! (=
  • Carolyn917
    Carolyn917 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Leah, so glad you posted! Doing that takes courage, so I know you are courageous!! I decided that this is my year!! I am 48 years old, 5' 2" and weigh 214 #'s and I am sick of feeling terrible with no energy and dealing with all the health related issues that being over weight contributes to. I hate exercising and I have a mostly sedentary lifestyle, but I know I must change this so I am going to try yoga, Pilates and dancing to increase my exercise level. I know you can do this & so can I!! Please add me anyone on here that thinks I can be an encouragement or can encourage me!!
  • Hey I too have over 100 lbs to loss. I'm 29, 5'8 and weight 390. This has helped me not gain anymore weight since I started. I've only been on here for two weeks. I'm looking for a workout that I can do at home now to help loss the weight. Good luck to all. Have a good day. :)