

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,764 Member
    Verdenal... welcome! This is probably the only place on MFP that you won't be judged or mistreated!

    Joyce ... I was confused with the post name too...

    Are you ladies sharing your plumbing woes? We found water dripping in the basement last night. Found the source ...a capped off vent pipe ... but all my younger son's baby books/photo albums are sopping wet! One of my goals for the year was to organize photos ... guess it will be sooner than I thought!

    Have a good day!
  • Dkuffer
    Dkuffer Posts: 12
    Good morning everyone. I have two questions: 1)does mfp have a journal where you can write and keep it private? 2) how do I get my weigh loss ticker to show up? I've checked the box?

    I started today with a 1.5 mile walk and a healthy breakfast. Today's goals:
    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Swim laps for 15 minutes
    3. Make healthy choices for food.

    Have a great day!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Nice loss for 2014. Wishing you the same or better in 2015. I can't figure this fit bit can't set the alarm and so it stops and starts whenever it feels like it. I need to get someone here with more computer knowledge than I have.

    Terri Mom
    When doing housework think of it as exercise. The more you move the more you lose.
    I find I do much better when I pull out of my slumps and get moving. A Clean house helps a lot with weight lose. I find.

    TN gram to 7
    5 lbs in Dec great accomplishment.

    And all the rest of you new comers
    Welcome to a very encouraging site.

    Your plan looks good and doable.

    You sound like me I love to cook but as I get older I'm slowing down.
    Yesterday I had my immediate family over for bunch 7 of us.
    Then for supper had my siblings 20 or more but was fun.

    I imagine if your whatching your sodium intake you might want to stay away from sauerkraut.
    Not walking dogs here neither at -31, poor little *kitten* have a hard time to go down the steps to pee. Sometimes we need to go and get them. And carry them in.

    3.5 loss is a month is good for the time of year.

    Keep coming back it works. Do the journaling of your food.

    Well glad yesterday is over. Today I start a new day a new year. With plans on seeing myself at least 25 lbs lighter next year.
    I sent all the Christmas cookies and desserts out with my niece. Gave away the alfredo sauce to a nephew who loves it. Kept the Italian sauce going to make rice mix some sauce and stuff peppers. Going to make me some lazy man cabbage rolls casserole. Lots of things can be make from Italian sauce and they don't need to be out of reach for us.

    Wii said I lost the .2 I gained yesterday. And an extra .5 so all is good in the home front.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario where it's freezing cold.
  • mrsltb
    mrsltb Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Karen and am new to the site. I turned 50 a week ago and need to loose 50 lbs so I can be healthy and keep up with my grandson.
    Looking forward to a successful year!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2015
    Dorene, I don't know about the journal, but I do know about the ticker.

    If you go here:

    And find the BB code in the box on the left, copy it and paste it into your message, the ticker shows up.



  • tonetta51
    tonetta51 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello to all,
    I'm Toni from Columbus, OH. Not new to the site but new to the community and groups. I'm 63 and have 50+ lbs to lose. (I will be happy with 50 but if I lose more than I'll take it!) Started again on this site 12/31/14 after a two year break.

    My goals for Jan:
    1. drink 8 glasses of water a day (yesterday got in 7 which is a real accomplishment for me)
    2. exercise every day (types: yoga, line dance, bowling, etc.
    3. walk 10,000 steps a day
    4. concentrate on portion control and healthy eating
  • justmemary927
    Happy New Year Everyone! I'm new to this as well.. And will be 50 this year. My daughter is getting married in Sept before I turn 50 and I have to goals to lose this weight that has been slowing me down. Any help or suggestions are helpful and I'm gladly appreciated to you. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Better to have friends than enemies! ;)
  • knjiuv
    knjiuv Posts: 61 Member
    Excavator is here right now and they are trying to determine which side of the back yard would be best to remove the fence. Huge pipes on a truck also. It's slightluy damp outside. These guys are made of a different stuff to work in this. Finding things on the news I didn't know was on is early in the morning. Wow, amother women with water issues. So far this year is being a pest

    Joyce, indiana
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    I got myself moving and off to work early again today, which meant I had time to ride the bike for 15 minutes. It sure helps that I work at a clinic with a gym across the hall, and my co-workers cheer for me when I come in. :D I should be able to do the same thing tomorrow. The big question will be if I can get the 14 y.o. boy out of the house early once school is back in session.

    His flu is doing better, fever is gone, appetite is back, but still coughing a lot. I'm trying to keep him hydrated and full of vitamin C and other good foods, but - he is a 14 y.o. boy . . . .

    DH is planning on driving about 4 hours for a bowling tournament this weekend, weather permitting. That means I get to sleep in the middle of the bed again, and DS has to eat the healthy food I buy and make. Yay ! ! ! I will also try to spend 10 minutes each day doing some sort of cleaning or organizing, thanks to everyone's support here.

    Now, time to work on my paperwork, since we have a new system, and I need to learn as well as teach.

    I hope everyone is able to make wise choices today.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Thanks for the warm welcome! sure did miss all of you.
    since I have signed up for the Mumbai Marathon to be held on 18Jan have been training for it. But not keeping track of my food has lead to eating more than my goal. So have begun entering every bite and every sip, however horrifying it looks. Guess its easy to slip up when not recording the daily intake.
    So thank you all, for helping me to take my first step.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • merrywait
    Good Morning Ladies! I would like to introduce myself. I am going to be 50 in two weeks, a school administrator, mother of an 8 year old and a 9 year old, an avid hunter jumper horse back rider, camper, cook, reader, sewer. Also, due to a birth defect in my back that caused my knees to wear out too soon, the owner of two artificial knees, one of which was put in two weeks ago. My husband got me a Garmin vivofit for Christmas and I am going to lose weight!!! I want to have the highest quality years with my daughter's I can and make the most out of my new knees.

    My challenges are mostly at work. There is so much junk at a school and for some reason I get hungry at work when I never would at home! Stress!?!? Probably! I am looking for support during those challenging times when my school nurse, size 1, walks in an puts cake on my desk with a wicked smile...she loves getting people toe at bad food.

    I am excited to be a part of this site and look forward to sharing success and opportunities with you!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning; pretty nce here today, about 40 this am. BAD night: up since a little after 2. I did remember to get weighed but had already had tea and water. I'm here almost 2yrs (mid-Jan.).........the losing went well...in fact, I reached two pounds below goal in less than eight months. Then went to maint. which turned out for me to be a very depressing 50 cals. more. It has been an ongoing battle on my part of thinking I can eat more and get away with it.......fueled in part by several dramas with a 22yr.old daughter, living at home since June. Last night's was the worst by far; since she graduated college her life has not been going the way she planned it would and she now seems determined to screw it up in every way possible. Good news: I did not eat!!! Bad news: I got on that scale this am and I'm 14lbs up since Aug (that's got to be a record for me)........and I will get it off again. Seventeen pounds to goal right now. More good news: It's less to lose than before.

    Hunger is not an emergency. I met my goal today of getting on the scale, I'm on a roll :)
    So here's another one: Three pounds will be gone by Feb. Back to always weighing and measuring, logging everything, and more exercise ......been there---done that--- CAN and WILL do it again.

    Katla.......Your Ducks did very well!!!

    Heather.....Crumpets look lovely! I think I missed a grandchild pic. somewhere as people are mentioning a recent one; sure it was lovely...they are soooo photogenic.

    Carol Ga........We are in almost the same spot; we can do it!!!

    Linda........Good for getting rid of the sauce and desserts!

    Welcome newbies. Going to have breakfast next.

    Stay strong; hunger is not an emergency!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member

    this is a pic of my youngest, yogi, aka yogurt the day we brought him home.... he is going to be 1 this year.... he's getting so big, thank goodness not as big as Floyd (the lighter golden in my profile pic). why am I posting this? just because he's too cute not to. have a good one all. welcome to the new peeps!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,899 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT. Thanks for this. It is so true for me. I really want the leftover wings and this thought is saving me.

    Marietta, GA

    This is so true for me as well! I made 2 resolutions that I want to achieve in 2015: fix my finances and lose 50 pounds. I created a mind node map for these two breaking down what I need to do each month, then each week, then each day. This makes the major goals easier for me to obtain. So for January and weight loss I have: eat 4 veggies a day and 2 fruits a day, and log everything I eat. Do 3 days of aerobic exercise and 2 days of weights each week.

    Taken one day at a time, these are very doable.

    Wish me luck!

    Rita from CT

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Yanniejane-I feel your pain with your daughter. No wonder you put on weight. LOL But like you said, you will lose it and know what it takes. We are all with you.

    Merry (don’t)wait- Sorry, I couldn’t resist the fun with your name. Welcome to the group and to MFP. With your challenges, first I’d just put out a contract on that mean school nurse. >:) Also you might want to take snacks that you can eat when the treats are flying around. I find that sometimes I just need to put something in my mouth, even if it’s not my favorite.

    Tatiana, welcome! It sounds like you know what you are doing and this is a great place to get support.

    Mollywhippet—I love your joke of the day. Thanks

    Doreen- Welcome! You have come to the right place if you are willing to “do it”. A lot of times it’s just like Barbie said; sometimes we just have to say “NO thank you”. When I do this, it even makes me feel proud of myself that I am strong enough to do it. You can do this.

    Michele-you can come clean my house any time. But I do agree that no one will clean it the way I would. (If only I would more often)

    Flowerbaby-You are very smart to take care of yourself. I think “Me time” is important to all of us. Best of luck.

    Heather- The crumpets look somewhat like our English muffins. I wonder if they are supposed to be the same things? Thanks for the picture.

    Karen-Welcome to the group. I have about 50 more pounds to lose. This is a great group for encouragement and suggestions when you need it. Good luck.

    Tonetta51-Welcome to the group. You can do it and this is a great start.

    Justmemary=Welcome and I hope you enjoy this group as much as I do. Congrats on the wedding.

    NMMargaret=what beautiful place and nice outing. I know you must have enjoyed it.

    Pipcd34- He is too cute to not share. Thanks for sharing and you enjoy him. I love my dogs. No matter what is going on, they greet me with such love and excitement every time I come home, even if I’ve only been gone for 10 minutes.

    Rita- Good luck! You know with that great attitude, you can do it.

    My heart goes out to all of you with pluming problems. Talk about not fun!

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. I find that I simply need the right mindset to make this journey so much easier. Please put your name an location at the end of each post. That helps some of us with less than stellar memories, get to know you.
    I wish us all the best of health and happiness in our journeys.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • rupert2011
    rupert2011 Posts: 24 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy New Year!! I have been using MFP but I have not done a lot of posting or really understand how this all works... So I have a few questions if you don't mind teaching an older dog some new tricks. 1) how do I join? your group 2) some of you have mentioned bookmarking this thread, how do I do that? 3) I can't seem to figure out the Quote function, how do you just quote a portion of someone's comment?

    55 years old
    5' 1" on a good day, in the morning :blush:
    Started March 2014
    SW 232
    CW 179
    The beautiful state of Utah!!

    You all sound like lovely women, thank you for your support. I would love more friends.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Happy New year! How did we get to four pages so quickly? DH and I had a wonderful time NYE...went to our usual hotel party. This one was great. It was a benefit and had hor doeurves or how ever you spell them, a five course dinner, open bar, wine at the table, champagne, dancing, raffles, photography....so much fun with dancing to my favorite band too! Unfortunatley the cyst in the back of my knee came back with a vengeance and by the end of the night I could not put any weight on it! So I have been hobbling around since!

    Had a great family dinner yesterday with all our traditional foods and got to see the baby. Now we call her chunky monkey....she has put on a ton of weight and looks great. She's just over 12 pounds. DD#1 was even eating...some...She went back to work without dr approval because they ran out of money and food. Can't quite figure out why BF can't manage to get a job though... I don't think he's trying very hard, especially now that Tanya is working again.

    I'm off til the 5th which is great except I can't do anything so I'm bored! What a weird situation! I always want more time off and now that I have it, I want to go back to work. Hopefully my knee will keep improving so I can get around by the end of the weekend.

    I have a simple list of resolutions: 1) get here daily, 2) stop wasting so much food (I buy too much), and 3) make the bed! I think those are doable!

    Well I'm going to get the ice pack and ice my knee again for a bit. Hope you all had a fabulous set of holidays and are starting 2015 hopeful and happy. Take care all, Meg

  • mdeleeann
    mdeleeann Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Barbie,
    I recently joined and anxious about my 2015 journey to maintaining my healthy lifestyle. I began changing my poor eating habits around May of 2014, but did not realize that I had dropped 27 pounds unless I saw the doctor in September. Seeing that number and getting bad information about a health issue prompted me to get my act together, if I wanted to live life longer in a healthy way. As of December 22, 2014 when I last visited the doctor's office, I weighed in at 231. Have not weighed since that time (I need to invest in some better scales at home). My ideal weight is between 110 and 120. I believe joining this forum will help me tremendously accomplish my goal in 2015.

    I look forward to hearing everyone's successes, encouraging others, and being encouraged as well. I especially feel encouraged to be in the mist of people in my age range.

  • knjiuv
    knjiuv Posts: 61 Member
    Good to see you Meg,glad the baby is doing well.. For some reason I am posting under this unknown name. Guess I'll have to contact admin about it. Plumbers are still here, important things are done, they gave Charlie permission totake a shower and then me run the dishwasher. YEAH

    Joyce, indiana