Starting over - AGAIN!!

Hi - I'm starting over again with trying to lose weight. I am 65 and need to get down to a healthier weight. 207 pounds is where I am now and for a 5'1" grandmother that just isn't healthy. I tried My Fitness Pal once a long time ago but like everything else I just wasn't ready to commit to all the tracking. I tried W.W. and failed at that also because of all the weighing of food and journaling necessary. I feel like I am ready to commit thia time and am looking for that support you all offer each other. Wish me luck and congrats to all of you whose wonderful success stories I have recently read. I hope I do as well as you all did. Nice to meet you all. Grammiegert


  • lavagirlangie
    lavagirlangie Posts: 19 Member
    Our stories are nearly the same. 65 yr old woman, Lost 16 lbs last year with MFP. Now I weigh and plan to go from 224 to 160. This was a great plan and used it a lot last year. Here we go again...yeehaw!
  • Yogirunner68
    Yogirunner68 Posts: 58 Member
    Sounds like you both have the right attitude! :o) This is my first time using MFP. I've used LoseIt and found that it does work . I love the community support. I joined MFP to share my journey with my big sister and looking to find some new friends :o) All the best to you both :)
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    I'm a bit younger than the support group you may be looking for, but I am back and most of the friends I had on here years ago are no longer around. Add me if you like :) I like to read some of the food journals to see what else people cook for dinner and get insight into what works for others.