Vegetarian, Mid 50's

Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
This is my second try using MyFitnessPal, but this time I'm more determined, hoping putting my picture on here and joining the community will help keep me going. I've put on 30 lbs since I turned 50 and want it gone. Would love to swap vegan recipes and exercise motivation. Getting achy in the joints and finding walking/running with my dogs more painful than in years gone by. Happy to chat with folks from anywhere in the world.


  • Yogirunner68
    Yogirunner68 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! I too am a vegetarian and I'll be 47 at the end of the month. I'm not sure of the amount I need to lose as I will be doing my 'official' weigh in on Monday morning. Figured I'd give myself one last weekend of no counting calories. For fitness I like running, yoga and my various Jillian Michaels DVDs. I have done LoseIt before but thought I would give MFP ago as my big sister has just recently joined :o) Hoping to connect with some super supportive and motivated folks