moms age 24-35



  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    My fiancé is the opposite of me. He's trying to gain weight. But he can't seem to gain more than a pound or 2. So not fair. Anyways, I have 2 kids. One is 4, will be 5 in January, and the other is almost 8 months. So since having my second, I've lost 41 pounds. I'm 4 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm having a hard time getting these last few pounds off. But then after I get to my pre-pregnancy weight, I have another 15 to lose. I'm getting married in August and I refuse to wear a dress any bigger than a 12. So I'm working really hard to lose at least 10-15 pounds by March. I can always use more support along my weight loss journey, so feel free to add me!
  • mummaparkes
    mummaparkes Posts: 4
    edited December 2014
    Hi first time positing. I'm Hannah, a mummy, 26 with two boys 4 & 2. Would love some new friends to help motivate me and share recipes etc. X x
  • Dessalena
    I'm 30 y/o mother of 5 ( ages 14, 11, 10, 8, and 8) Yes, twins! :) Mine are no longer toddlers, but getting them to eat healthy is still a struggle. I often find myself making something entirely different for me to eat, which can become time consuming and very frustrating. Other times I make a meal that can be individualized as it is put on plate...for example taco salad. Keep all ingredients separate and make theirs the way you know that they will eat it, or if they are old enough have them construct their meal them self. I make mac and cheese for kids but I don't eat it, instead I make sure that there is an extra veggie or other side that I can eat. We incorporate leftovers into our meals all the time, which helps.

    One idea I've seen recently that I would have tried with my kids when they were younger if I had thought of it: Cut veggies ( or other healthy foods) into shapes with small cookie cutters or if you're skilled, by hand :smile: Sometimes if it looks appealing they are more likely to try it. Also, I've hear but not had much success, that if you get your kids involved in the food prep then they will be more likely to try new foods, and even ones they've previously snubbed.

    I'm looking for friends to add that log regularly, as well. I'm on day 6 of logging. My food journal is open. I may not always eat perfect. I'm still trying to figure out a good balance. Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • aprilslusher84
    I'm a 30 yr old, stay at home mom of two boys. They are 7yrs & 11yrs old.
    Feel free to add me!
  • filemanager
    filemanager Posts: 22 Member
    I have a 5yo, 4yo and 3-month-old (breastfeeding)... I'm trying to eat enough to breastfeed, but not enough so I can lose weight... and I'm trying to exercise enough to burn calories but not enough that I'm exhausted because I'm up many times a night with the baby... it's a fine line!
  • FitforLP
    FitforLP Posts: 18 Member
    add me! I am 31 and just became a mommy to a beautiful baby boy back in October I am breastfeeding and trying to eat enough HEALTHY calories but not so much that I am not continuing to lose weight. I have lost all my pregnancy weight of 29 lbs but would love to lose 15-18 more.
  • needstobefit15
    needstobefit15 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm a mom of 2 26.and it is hard for us to exercise when we have boyfriend can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound.