...*ladies question only!*...



  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Warm bath always helps me =) Also, have you thought about going on the pill? It's amazing for lighting it up!
  • precious71701
    precious71701 Posts: 105
    I have the same exact problem...You just have to try to work through it...I usually have to cut back on my exercise for at least 2 days...usually some walking, leg lifts, squats....try to keep it simple but do get in some type of exercise...good luck
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    I know you said exercise makes it worse but have you tried just walking for 30 minutes a day? I have some of the same issues and found that even taking my dog for a walk 30 minutes on a regular basis makes me feel somewhat better. I also tend to take midol or pamprin every 6 hours on the bad days and that helps me feel good enough to get myself out to walk.

    Also, I don't know your beliefs on birth control but if you are ok with it and are not trying to get pregnant I would talk to your doctor about possibly getting on it. I have been on it for years and it definitely helps to make my TOM lighter, although not much shorter. I also don't have nearly as many cramps. Hope this helps.

    I agree -- light exercise during TOM works for me. I bump the resistance down on the elliptical and just go a little slower. At first it's uncomfortable but I feel better at the end of it. And birth control is the most wonderful thing ever. Makes dealing with TOM so much easier and less annoying.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I've had 2 kids and now I have pretty heavy periods (super plus tampons only last about an hour) I have a cyst on one of my ovaries that hurts like a *beep*. I just push through the pain and it will actually ease up some. I think a lot is we are also mentally drained during this TOM and it makes it harder to push through. Lots and lots of water for sure helps. Just think of it as flushing yourself out. :wink:
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Sounds like your doc is full of crap and you need to find a new one. Seriously, TOM is uncomfortable, but should not be excessively painful. If you are having major issues with bad bleeding, cramping, etc, have the doctor do bloodwork to check your vitamin D, iron, and magnesium levels.

    D helps with mood and body aches.
    Magnesium helps muscles relax and reduces things like stress headaches and cramping.
    Iron is necessary in alot of functions. But if you are low, it can make you fatigued, cranky and other symptoms associated with being anemic.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I used to be that way until I got on birth control.. now my TOM is Really light and only about 4-5 days long! ITS AWESOME!

    If you aren't on birth control and aren't opposed to medication maybe try that,...

    Other than that good old ibuprophin works FANTASTIC! I mix it with tylenol (dont' worry my doctor said it is okay) and it is like a concauction from heaven!
  • FitNHappy0261
    Tons of water, one or two pieces of pure dark chocolate and a thermacare heat pack (it does wonders for me) I have the same problem, bloating like crazy and cramps that can bring me to tears. I'd just take it easy for a few days until it starts to subside and then try to do some crunches (surprisingly those have helped me a lot with the pain) and walking to get in some cardio. Hope this helps.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt! You're going to think I'm nuts, but workout more--more time, more intensity, more days, more weight! Yes, it will be uncomfortable the first couple of periods and you may think you can't get through it, but you can. After a couple of months, you will find that the intense exercise will decrease your period symptoms. Heavy exercise will mean lighter periods, less severe cramps, and even fewer days on your period. I took mine from 2 weeks of heavy bleeding and pain so bad they put me on painkillers and told me to stay in bed for that 2 weeks a month, down to 3 days of light spotting with just exercise. You can do the same thing. :wink:
  • wolsteem
    wolsteem Posts: 17
    Sorry you are suffering on those days... dont dispair, having a few days where less exercise is taken will not ruin the overall goal.

    On those sorts of days I generally take long gentle walks, getting out in the fresh air helps. I have also taken to having a starflower suppliment and that seems to have calmed down the monthly cycle of pain. I also listen to my body and dont eat anything before the exercise unless I am definately hungry. Then it is usually something that is quite easy to eat such as a banana.
  • gayleskorner
    How well I remember those days! I'm not a person who would suggestion using medication lightly but taking an Aleve would really help and so the few I took during the painful times were well worth it.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    If you are able and are not taking something already, conception control medications often assist in lightening flow and/or menstrual discomfort.
  • tiggr62
    tiggr62 Posts: 64 Member
    I too have very heavy periods and I am beyond cranky, more like MEGA BIT** Since the birth of my daughter 31 years ago I no longer have cramps or any pain. Just a feeling of everything falling out, but thats better then the cramps. I don't exercise like I normally do during that week. Just too tired and weak feeling. I walk alot on those days. It isn't as excerting as the elliptical and the ab glide, plus I can go at my own pace but still feel like I did something. Good luck and hope you find something that works for you.
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    My period cramps are horrible as well but with the help of Midol (sometimes that alone doesn't even help), lots of water and exercise it all seems to work together. I would cut back on caffiene during that time too. The most caffiene I have anymore is an occasional tea or chocolate. My cramps used to be much much worse when I was drinking caffiene all the time. I would suggest pushing through the pain to do some sort of exercise whether it be a heavy work-out or a light one.
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    I feel your pain!!!! I am the same way. I wish I could crawl in a small dark hole and hide for 3 to 4 days till the pain, bloating and irrational craziness goes away, or least subsides a little, and I can be myself again. I really can’t work out either and I definitely can’t do low cal during that week. I try and take it easy, drink lots of water and jump on the treadmill 30 minutes a day at a slower pace. I actually think eating right and the small workout makes me feel better!
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    try soaking in a hot tub then excercising. Works for me.

    You shouldn't take baths - this can lead to internal bleeding.

    That's an old wive's tale.
  • Emmea2729
    Emmea2729 Posts: 100 Member
    i was like this.
    keep pestering the doctor, it's horrible.
    eventually they put me on the pill - and oh my god. it works wonders. no where near as painful, if any pain at all, meaning you can carry on like you normally do every other day.
    obviously there may be other causes, and other types of tablets, but once you find the one that works you forget about just how painful it was!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I would suggest going for a brisk walk if you can to at least get some exercising in.

    Have you tried a heating pad? I know that if I use mine 30 minutes prior to working out it is a major difference!
  • Elise1931
    Elise1931 Posts: 184 Member
    Totally feel the same as you do. My lower abdomen and low back always hurt so awfully that I can't stand or even have a sit. Putting a hot pad and having a hot shower on those areas are both helpful for me. And in where I live, it's said that having cold water and beverage would make them worse...sometimes is true :~ My doctor said that I can just take a painkiller in fact.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Are you on birth control? Most women who have terribly bad cramps during their tom get put on birth control and it helps a lot. It did with me, but now that we're ttc I'm back to dealing with agonizing pain. As others said, hot baths can help to relieve the discomfort and if you make yourself get up and do some light exercise that will probably help the pain as well.
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    try painkillers like anadin or co-codamol i get crazy bad 1's too but i refuse to let it rule my life