
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I have missed you. I am happy to report that the children and grandchildren have come and gone home, holiday entertaining is over and the new year has started! I am back on track and look forward to another year of sharing with all of you.

    Tere in RVA
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hello all,
    My plan was to put on the color coat today but I am so sore from painting the primer I have decided to give my neck and arms a break. I can't wait until the remodel is done and I can share a picture with you all.

    Have a good day.
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello All,

    I typed up a long message on New Year's Day but my browser had an issue and shutdown before I could post it so Happy New Year!! :smile:

    My DH and I went out New Year's Eve to our church for a "First Night" celebration. They had several praise bands, a comedian that had us laughing so hard we could hardly catch our breath, games for the kids and adults, food, noise makers, etc. We had a great time and before we knew it it was midnight. We were worried we wouldn't be able to stay up.

    This new year is finding me lighter than last January but not as low as my lowest when I was following my plan faithfully. I have started back to logging and exercising and have seen a couple of pounds released.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies.

    Joyce - have you tried logging out of mfp and signing back in? You may want to change your password too just to be safe in case someone has hacked your account. Glad to see the water situation is being worked out and hope you have a great time with your plans.

    Pipcd34 - such a cute puppy picture!

    Margaret - beautiful flowers. Makes me happy and warm to see all of the pretty colors. It's freezing here in my office. I may have to print them out and hang them around my cubicle.

    Meg - So happy to see the good news about the baby thriving. I would love to be off until the 5th. I have so much I want to do around the house, with the pets, with DH. I am eligible for retirement on my birthday in February and just trying to figure out which month to leave. I will definitely be leaving before summer.

    Jenny - you have joined the group by posting. Welcome. To bookmark, just click on the little star to the right of the title at the top of the page. Afterwards, just click on the 'bell' symbol - notifications, to the far right to return. Utah is a state I would love to visit. In fact, we are discussing options for this summer and Utah is one of the top choices. We visited Montana, Glacier National Park, last summer. The area is beautiful. We flew into Washington and drove to Montana.

    Well, finished my lunch and brought my gym bag with me today so I need to get up and go down to the gym. Very slow at the office today as most are still out on vacation.

    January goals:

    - Do Bodyblade workout each day
    - Walk at least 3 miles daily
    - Get to bed earlier - bed by 11:30 and up at 4:00 is too short! Being tired is one reason for too much snacking at night.

    Tina in Maryland

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2015
    Kyung, tdpetunia and all newbies: Welcome to a supportive group of women. The more you participate, the more support you will receive. :flowerforyou:

    Jo: I’m one of the women whose knees are thanking me for the weight loss. In fact, it was my left knee that motivated me to do something about my weight. It will never be perfect, but it is MUCH better and is no longer an obstacle to me doing the things I love to do. I am so lucky I found MFP and this group. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Except for the Oregon Ducks, who will compete in the national championship this year, I have no interest in football. :noway: Several of our friends are Winterhawks (hockey) supporters and I’d join them in going to a game if it wasn’t such a hassle to drive there and park. I enjoyed the old Paul Newman movie, Slapshot, and watched hockey on TV as a kid. I also watched roller-derby and wrestling. What else could I do? There were no westerns in that time slot. :devil: :flowerforyou:

    Beth in WNY: I love your “to do” list. Sorry to hear about your water damage. :flowerforyou:

    Robin: Love Bodi & Ritter Ying & Yang. :flowerforyou:

    Terri in Milwaukie: Your son’s bowling coach is doing what he believes is right, but I think his view is shortsighted. Those mediocre bowlers know they aren’t top notch. All he’s doing is compromising his team’s win/loss record. Your son will eventually be the star of the team despite the coach if he sticks with it. :flowerforyou:

    Leslie: I don’t count housework calories either. I started out with the idea that I should be counting those things I do especially for my health and weight loss. It is working out well for me. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I agree with this absolutely, “Welcome all the new people. This thread is soooooo important to me. I have lost my weight and maintained for a year with the help of these supportive women. I hope you can do the same.” This group is important to me, too, and the support is non-judgmental, wise, and always available. The crumpets look yummy. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m glad you’re feeling better and hope you continue to improve rapidly. I googled low fat no salt added cottage cheese and found that Walmart sells it. There is also a recipe to make your own, and a dairy listed. I love cottage cheese. My grandpa was a professional cottage cheese maker and had his own creamery before I was born. I love the company bulletin board joke. :flowerforyou:

    luvmygolden: What worked for me was counting calories for every bite and swallow, moving more, and PATIENCE. This is a reliable process but it is not quick. Stick around for unwavering support and encouragement. :flowerforyou:

    Dorene: I recommend measuring your portions using a food scale, measuring cups, or restaurant style “dishers.” Portion control has been the key to success for me and guessing doesn’t work well enough to be considered reliable. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Gardengail: My dog wore his Thundercoat for New Year’s, too. It helped a bit, but wasn’t perfect. :flowerforyou:

    Dorene: I choose not to share my food diary, but I don’t know about private journals on MFP. I do keep one on my computer. I write 99% of my posts on a word document that is saved on my computer and then paste it into MFP. I have the link to my ticker on the saved document I use for writing my posts. It shows up if I use the word document but not if I spontaneously respond to a comment. :flowerforyou:

    LinC: BRRR! Stay warm. Your poor little doggies have my sympathy. DH wants to know what kind they are and how far north you are. We live close to the 45th parallel. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: It turned out that maintenance for me was only 40 calories higher than losing. Then I quit alcohol and my weight started dropping to the point that DH was worried. I’m eating more & working on stabilizing. I have been building a little muscle since I started riding, and I think it is a factor in the need for a few more calories. Stress has always been my downfall and has caused weight gain because I comforted myself with food. :flowerforyou:

    MNMargaret: I love the pictures! Beautiful. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: Good to see you’ve set some doable goals. I hope this turns out to be a good year for you. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: Nice to hear from you and see that your DGD is gaining weight. It sounds like she is doing well. :flowerforyou:

    Marjorie: Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Tere: I’m so glad that you are back! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Riding lesson today! Yay! I plan to dress WARM. We have beautiful sunshine right now and it is above freezing outside. We’ll see how the day goes. My riding lesson is not until late afternoon and it will be cooling off by then. I have a duffel bag with all sorts of warm clothing that I will put back into the car now that we’re home from our travels.

    We have a new yoga instructor to meet on Tuesday. I hope she turns out to be a match and reliable. I’m also planning to join a gym though Silver Sneakers this year, and will ease into that so that I’m not overwhelmed with the “New Years Resolution” crowd that will be clogging up the facilities for a few weeks. I like people well enough, but not crowds.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hi Jenny and all the other new ladies. Glad to have you all.
    To bookmark the thread, at the beginning where it says the name of the group, to the right is a star. If you click on it, it turns gold and is in your bookmarks. It should open to where you left off each time.
    To join the group you need to be on the screen in groups where it lists this group and it has a tab to join. I can't even find it now, so thank goodness I have it bookmarked.
    The quote function will copy the entire post, but then you can delete all that you don't want.
    I missed exercising yesterday but did some extra today to try to make up for it. There's always a new day.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • sissellsharon
    sissellsharon Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I will be turning 50 in February 2015. I live in Orangevale CA. a few years ago i was 220 lbs. I lost 20 of it by the end of 2013 so in I was trying to lose 50 lbs in 2014 so i could be 150 when i turned 50 in feb of 2015. I only lost 35 of it so far so I dont think i will make that so i am making a new goal for this year. I would like to lose a minimum of 25lbs in 2015. that would put me at 140lbs . I could live with that weight if that is all i lose but i do want to get down to at least that. Maybe have that my maximum weight i live at so a little more wont hurt. Good luck to all of you with your goals. Happy New Year.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hope they get everything fixed up for you. lots of work.

    What a stressful life hats of to you for keeping it all together.

    So far so good having a good day.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yannie Jannie
    Great attitude. Like hunger is not an emergency.

    Beautiful gardens that should lift the spirits.

    You are so right doable 1 day at a time. We can't say oh tomorrow is another day.
    For tomorrow will never come.

    We have a little one was born 5 lbs. 3 months ago he is now at 17 lbs. good old breast milk. And Mom don't weight 100 lbs i'm sure. Glad to hear yours is doing well also.
    Is that cyst what they call a bakers cyst. Hope you can find relief with it.

    They are miniature Dash Hounds. I live at the end of the world to go further North than were I am you need to fly or take the North train. 750 miles north of Toronto.

    I know I'm being annoying being here so much. But I hate falling behind all caught up.

    See you lighter

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Well here we go into the New Year. Yesterday was a nice relaxing day. I went to lunch with several girlfriends. It was nice to have a girls afternoon and I did well, just a bowl of tomato soup. Then last evening I got the notes and things ready for our CMA meeting tonight. It is the first one for the year and new officers take over. Since I am still the secretary for this year not alot of changes.
    I am working my short 8 hour shift today. So will go down and ride the nustep this morning and then when I get off. Sounds like we could get some more snow tonight. Winter is here!!!
    Has anyone heard or seen anything from Kelly? Been along time since I have seen anything from her.

    Heather--your DGD is so cute. Hard to believe she is walking. DS in Iowa sent me a picture of my youngest DGD just learning to walk. They are so cute when they realize what they are doing. Sounds like your company and meals are going well. I bet they are enjoying all the special touchs you add to things. I would feel so special and loved to be sharing one of your meals with you.

    Sylvia--Please take care and if the pain keeps up by all means call the doctor or go to ER. You can never be to careful. Also I know I have breathing problems when it is so cold. I am learning to cover my mouth and nose when I have to go out into the cold.

    pipcd34--Please be carful and glad you were not hurt.

    Toni--I love that slogan. Thanks for sharing it.

    Beth--thanks for the words of wisdom.

    Trying not to get depressed when this morning I realized because of the last couple months I am only 2 pounds down from where I was Jan 1, 2014. But lots of wise words here today and taking notes and going forward. Can't change the past only take it One Day at a Time.

    Joyce--Pray your water is back on and you are getting the house back. It would drive me nuts also. Just read where they are letting showers and dishwasher to run. Hope it means things are fixed and done right.

    Meg--Hope your knee feels better soon. Glad DGD is doing well. What is it with young men these days. My DGD's husband just will not hold a job. He has no problem with her working all kinds of hours and then expects her to come home take care of the boys and house. I am working really hard on keeping my mouth shut, but I worry about DGD.

    Tina--Your New Year's eve sounds fun. For a couple years our CMA group would get together and play cards and snack then at midnight pray in the new year. This year to many people were going to be gone or something else so did not plan it. I did miss it.

    Welcome to all you new ladies. You have come to the right place for support without judgements. I plan to go down and ridge the nustep for the second time today when I get off in about 40 minutes. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Katla, (and everyone else who has contributed regarding my hurt feelings) - thanks for the support for my DS and his H.S. coach. The junior varsity coach pulled my son to his team, and told me and DH and DS straight up that he wants DS to take them to State. So far it is looking good. DS has a great attitude, and keeps doing his best. I think he has MORE fun now, because he is bowling with the kids he hangs out with in school, not the upper-classmen (grade levels in H.S. are weird that way). The more fun he has, the better he bowls. I have to keep remembering that I can't control the way other people think and behave. It just feels personal when parent-coaches pick favorites, and mine isn't a favorite. DS actually said it himself at a tournament recently, when he was getting beat by a kid 2 years younger than him: "Is this how the older kids felt a few years ago, when I was better than them?" I smiled, said "yes, now go shake that boys hand and congratulate him on how good he bowled." It really is about me raising a good kid that will become a good adult, and everything else is secondary.

    I rode the bike another 15 minutes during lunch today, so I'm doing pretty good getting in my 30 minutes per day most of the time. Plus, when I'm getting tired of sitting and need to move around, I find silly ways to do it: marching, side stepping, kicking heel backwards toward my caboose, etc. Hopefully that burns off a few extra calories, too, and makes people laugh at me.

    Reading the posts from this group makes me excited to wake up and get on the computer in the morning. Thanks and Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (where we are expecting bad weather to arrive this weekend, and my previously broken arm agrees with that forecast)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I had to come home because I was sick and throwing up. Got home, laid down, got covered with dogs who wanted to help me while I was again throwing up. So I'm glad I'm not a dog.

    There's nothing left in my stomach. Drank some water.

    Later ladies.

  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy New Year everyone and welcome newbies!

    Special welcome to Tdpetunia and justmemary927! I also get to be Mother of the Bride this year. My DD is getting married July 4! Can wait to find out what kind of funky clothes I’ll have to wear for the event. I am not involved in the planning… I offered them a tall ladder.

    You are all still the most amazing, supportive group I have ever had the good fortune to stumble upon. I hope all your Holiday travels/adventures were good ones and everyone is now snug back into the routine.

    This year I enter the brave new world of “Maintenance”, even though my ticker still says I have 4 or 5 lbs yet to loose. I went from a 14/16 to a 4/6 in jeans and large to small in tops. I have never worn a small anything in my whole life. It is pretty amazing. I had never run more than a mile in my whole life. I finished the 9-week Couch to 5K program on New Years Eve, running just under 3 miles in the 30 minutes the program builds you up to. I also dropped 20 points on my blood pressure and knees, back, and hips no longer bother me at all!! Now I need to re-build some muscle and upper body strength!

    Thanks to all of you for the random ideas I picked up on and the unbelievable support.

    In order to build on my hard work, I want to walk 500K steps this month and run 30 miles. (See the tickers on the bottom.)

    The other part of my life is showing my dogs. The older dog, Zedd is on his “farewell tour”. He is only going in the ring once or twice a weekend, when I love the venue and the judge. He finished last year as the #1 collie for the AKC National Obedience Invitational. He has herding titles to finish, and I am going to work hard so he can kick butt at a collie regional herding trial in the Fall. The younger dog, Talga, is just on the cusp of playing with the big dogs. His confidence is back, and he is figuring out where he is supposed to be relative to my smaller body. We are ready to test his training. He goes back in the ring next Saturday to try for the last leg for his Utility title. If he finishes, then it is spit and polish to see if he can’t qualify for the Nationals for 2016.

    My mantra for the year:
    Remember to breathe….

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Wow! We are really charging along ths month. Welcome newbies, please stay and help us support each other......Barbie has created a warm wonderful place here. BTW, it sometimes seems to confuse people a bit----this is a thread in the motivation and support forum, not an "MFP group" . So I don't think it will be found in any group directory.

    Anamika........Meg........Rita........Tere.........Tina..........and any others of the older group I missed; it's great to see you all; you are missed! Thanks for stopping by and please, please come back often!

    Joyce........YAY for having showers back!!!!!!!!!

    Margaret........I can't tell you how much I appreciated your flowers.......beautiful and amazing. My one red ruffled poinsetta and my bunches of red and white carnations are still doing well but can't compare.

    Janet........."less than stellar memories".........Me??? LOL, You sure got that right.

    Katla........You will be enjoying your riding lesson soon. Good luck with your new yoga person.

    Sylvia...........Hmmmmm......flu???? Feel better, hugs!..........(from far, far away).............

    Heather..........Had to go back and find that pic..........adorable!!!

    Linda.......Annoying???? Never, ever, ever!!!! You gotta keep reading often these days with all the activity here!.........or you look and have five pages to go through........and who can keep that straight or remember any of it? Speaking of Canada, I called my cousin today; she was looking out at the ice skaters out on Lake Rideau.......way south of you! Says snow is forcast there. Her daughter did a "polar plunge" for charity last Sat...........now, THAT would really be "Polar"!!!

    Well, my bp is finally back in the 130's; last night when I was so upset it got higher than ever before, 170/82 which is really, really high for me.......usually if I happen to check it in the evening it's about 114/56. All day it's been coming down slowly; I was concerned so I've checked it a few times. I don't normally have high bp, only in the dr. office. I know stress and anger played a big part last night and probably the sodium in the pork and sauerkraut........and my weight being up too. Yet another reason to do this!

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    afternoon ladies!
    I am just saying a quick hello.. if you have read the news feed,you would know that I looked at my alarm clock and thought it was 2:15 as we were getting up at 2:30, well we were at a motel 6, had both the dogs with us,and we were on the bottom floor, and right near the outside door which opened most of the night,with people coming in, and when it opened the dogs barked. Tom finally turned the heater fan on and it drowned out some og it, well I look at my clock and told him time to get up, got the dogs and all the stuffed packed and the attendant says your leaving? HELLO it was 12:15 we woke up not 2:15, so we drove on 3 hrs sleep.. I took maybe a 1/2 nap,Tom slept for about an hour and a half.. we got home a little after 1 pm..
    sorry I dont have the wear with all to welcome all our new friends, but will do so this weekend..
    ta ta for now
  • Hello, I am new today, happy new year to everyone. I am 55 and from Australia and need to lose at least 5 kg. I think that is about 12 pounds?!? Shift work, eating out and wine are my enemies.
  • rupert2011
    rupert2011 Posts: 24 Member
    Ladies, thank you for helping me understand how this works I think I'm all set. kayak_kutie Utah is beautiful! We are headed for Zion's Canyon next week for our anniversary, 34 years. We stay at a wonderful hotel called the Desert Pearl, because it's off season we can get great rates on the rooms. Thanks again to all who helped me figure this out.

    2015 goals
    1. workout and strength train 3 times a week
    2. stay conscious of my eating... I'm an emotional and stress eater
    3. hike "Y" mountain, it's not a long hike about 1.5 miles but it's all uphill
    4. keep working on losing 1 lb per week to reach my goal by Jan 2016
    I'm a hugger so hugs to you all!
    Thanks Jenny
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Saturday morning here and just done a 2 mile walk with JJ Circuit B soon.
    I saw Brian yesterday and he is pleased I have LOST 1.4 Kgs and 1% Bf on HIS scales. I see him again in 2 weeks. I have NOT to run until he says I can do run intervals on grass not on road (I have a 400 M track)
    His plan for next week:
    Walking: Monday 5.56 mile, Tuesday and Wednesday 2 mile, Thursday 3.3 mile, Friday and Saturday 2 mile
    Weights: BFFM circuits alternating days of the upper and lower body circuits at 10 reps with 4 Kg dumb-bells
    Eat around 1700 calories per day
    Drink at least 2 litres of water + herb teas
    Have my vitamin tablet at every meal until used and then switch to vitamin HE recommends
    Sunday go for a drive, walk the dog, have Sunday brunch (cooked by Stan) take a sandwich for lunch, roast dinner. ENJOY
    Check weight and BF% morning and night and record for him and do graphs of last week and next 2 weeks.

    I also saw my doctor and she is happy I am seeing Brian and my weight loss at last. She has ordered fasting cholesterol and sugars and oestrogen and testosterone levels. Which I will do on Monday morning. Then see her in 2 weeks. She is happy with the training Brian suggested.

    I am in a much better place now
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read all to here need to keep up to you busy ladies.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Well day 2 of 2015 and Christmas is put away and I have walked my dog. Bundled up and faced the elements. I would have walked with Leslie - but my dog is an outside dog so he wouldn't get any exercise. I look forward to our outside walks on weekends.
    Love those garden pictures - makes me want to find the seed sites but I will have to control that urge - we are in the dead of winter here and will be for at least 4 more months.

    I really like reading all the posts - one always learns something here. I hope I can contribute to the motivation. This year I am going to set mini monthly goals. I have purchased several Leslie Sansone DVD's - so there will be no excuse when the weather is bad outside. And because 15 minutes will be better than do nothing I will be able to do the walks when I get home from work.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in Northwest Saskatchewan
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
    Hello to all. Wow nice to see so many newcomers. Keep coming back so we get to know you. I needed to eat something before I went to the grocery store today. I made a couple of purchases I wish I hadn't, nothing terrible but stuff I really didn't need. Got most of the Christmas things put away but decided to leave up the lighted garland on the banister for a while. I kind of like the light on the stairway on these dark afternoons.

    My lungs do not like this really cold air, had to start back on the prednisone today. Hope I can just do a ten-day burst and be done with it. See the pulmonologist again the end of February.

    Want to say thanks to all of you on this thread. When I am feeling down or cranky I can read your posts and I always feel better afterwards. I am always encouraged to do my best by reading about all your efforts.

    Katla - Enjoy the riding lesson. If you have access to a Horse and Rider magazine they have an article this month on exercises to keep in riding shape over the winter.

    Allison - Glad you made it home safely.

    YannieJannie - So sorry for the drama with your DD but it makes me really grateful that my DD and I get along so well. Hope yours grows out of it soon and learns to appreciate the person you are.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD