New Year, Big Goals! Looking for Friends to join the Journey!

Hi! I'm a 29 year old stay at home mom to 3 crazy but sweet boys under the age of 5. Seems like I've taken the back burner these past 5 years, and I'm ready to be selfish. Not in a bad way! It's time to put my health and fitness back in the lime light so I can benefit my family more. I've struggled with my weight all my life. From being 118lbs now up to 228lbs. It makes me sad. I've gained 58lbs alone since 2008. WHAT??? How did I let myself go???
This is my year! It's time. I've waited too long and made too many excuses along the way. I want to be a role model for my children and how can I do that when I'm not even happy with myself??? I want to feel/be happy again. I miss being able to walk into a store and see something I like and have no issues with the size. It's time I push out of my comfort zone and see what I am capable of, mentally and physically.
As I see it, 2015 is MY Year!!! I'm looking for new friends to join me on this journey. I know it's a struggle. I've struggled the past 5 years with the same 20 pound loss, 30 pound gain. Over and over and over. UGH! So, if you feel like we're on the same page (or not) and want to add me, feel free. :) Let's help each other stay accountable. Let's celebrate the little things together. Let's be a support team. It's go time! Bring it on 2015! I'm ready!!


  • natgreens26
    natgreens26 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi im new on here and im also looking for freinds to join me on my journey so maybe we could help each other add me if you like x