Any 50 somethings out there?



  • metamorphoo1961
    metamorphoo1961 Posts: 3 Member
    I will be 53 in June, and I started MFP in October of 2013. I do WW points too (not a WW member, though). I did the old point system about 12 years ago and lost 70 pounds, so I can definitely say that you can lose weight with WW. With MFP, however, I can track things that I really want to keep an eye on: sodium and sugar intake.

    I kept it off for about 3-4 years, then my family relocated to another state. My routine was broken, and I slipped back into my old ways. Gained all of the weight back + about 25 more. Around the time I turned 50, my body began rebelling--and I just didn't feel that great.

    My main motivation for starting my weight loss this time was health, not vanity. I just wanted to feel good again and not be on so many meds (high blood pressure, cholesterol, asthma). So far, I haven't be able to decrease or get off any meds, but I can say I definitely feel MUCH better. I was surprised that within several weeks, I could tell a big difference, even when my weight loss wasn't all that much.

    In January, I started doing some of Leslie Sansone's "Walk at Home" videos. Within a couple of weeks, I began seeing a definite change in my body. Although I still have quite a bit to lose, the fat looks better because it's sitting on toned muscle!!

    Stick with the program, it's worth it!!!! You'll feel a whole lot better if you adopt a healthier lifestyle.
  • lstanisz79
    lstanisz79 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm Liza. I will be 53 in August. Post menopausal also. I have been losing and gaining weight since 7th grade (that was my 1st time at WW). I have been using MFP for 52 days! I'm very proud of that, however, the weight is really coming off S...L...O...W! I had a feeling it would since I have been roller-coasting with this battle most of my life. I am trying to make being healthy my primary goal. I am eating healthy and exercising. I figure the weight will come off when it does, I just need to concentrate on my healthy goal. Always happy to have anyone as my friend. I will be happy to encourage you when you are down, and would really appreciate encouragement when I need it too. So send an invite if interested. Best to all of you! Keep up the good work!
  • lstanisz79
    lstanisz79 Posts: 17 Member
    50+ Rocks!
  • jcas211
    jcas211 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Tanya. 55 here and also just joined 3 days ago. I too have done Weight Watchers and was successful Fell off the wagon because I love to cook and just did not try hard enough to do portion control. I do not have the time for meetings even though WW and the points system works well for me. I like MFP because of the food tracker. "If I bite it I write it". That makes it so much easier to be aware of what I am eating and how much I am eating as well as fat, sugar, sodium and carbs. I need to lose 55 pounds and would love to have friends to encourage me and to encourage in return. We can do this.
  • Joypm9
    Joypm9 Posts: 7 Member
    I turn 51 in June and have battled my weight my entire life. I can relate to most of what everyone has posted thus far. I lost 100 pound about 12 years ago and have yo-yo 20-25 pounds since. I have reached my goal weight twice, it but only for a short period of time. It's so FRUSTRATING!!! I am married to a wonderful man who has never had a weight issue in his life. He is so darn skinny it makes me MAD! lol He can eat and drink whatever he wants and never gains a pound. I have to log every bite and workout. The reality of it is ... Life isn't fair and that's that.
    I too have tried WW ... several times and just never found it to be helpful for me. I am giving myself 30 days to lose 10-12 pounds. I have promised myself to ... log daily, workout 5 days a week and no negative self talk. If I don't reach my goal I may join LA Weight Loss or Nutri System. We too are empty nester's and I have decided it's my time to take care of me. I am looking forward to summer; camping, swimming, ridding our Harley's and having fun. I need all the support I can get and I'm happy to give it! Life is good and it's time to start living! :smile:
  • Joypm9
    Joypm9 Posts: 7 Member
    You will LOVE Mexico Tanya! We went in Jan and had the time of my life. Best vacation ever! Don't worry about your size ... you will see everything size under the sun there and you won't feel out of place. I felt the same and realized it didn't matter. Just go and have a wonderful time. Walking the sandy beach is the best exercise! I only gained 2 pounds and got if off as soon I got back home. I ate until I was full (didn't stuff myself).
  • kathens2
    kathens2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm Kathy and I have been on MFP for a few years but really have not been consistent in logging nor have I used all the resources that seem to be available on the site. I still don't really get how the boards work?? Are there chats or do you just keep coming back to the boards and see if anything has been posted? I am 53 and have about 30lbs to loose. I had lost about 20 of that on The Biggest Loser site and kept it off for a few years but it has gradually crept back. :( I really need to loose this weight (yet again) mainly for health reasons....mental and physical!! Haa haa!! Physical really goes without saying. I want to be healthy and able to stay active for my husband, my children, my future grandchildren and mainly for myself. Mental in the sense that I feel sooo much better in so many different ways when I am at a more healthy weight. I have so much more energy, feel younger, feel more confident, feel prettier and the list goes on. I really am trying not to be down on myself but I am really disappointed I allowed myself to get back to this point. I never thought I be here again. I am 5'2" and I can really feel and see the weight. I'm looking for motivation and drive and accountability!! Please feel free to add me as a friend and hopefully we can help motivate one another.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    There is a group for people over 50, if you are interested.
  • yjpartono
    yjpartono Posts: 1
    Hi Tanya,

    I'm 55 going on 56 and have been using MFP (on and off) for more than 6 years. I lost 8 Kgs the first time I joined MFP and have been staying within the range of my BMI (Body Mass Index) since. I usually get back to using MFP when I gain 2Kgs or more after a business trip or vacation. I'm not only using it to control my weight but also my blood cholesterol and sugar levels.

    The key is dilligently keying in the food and drinks I've taken and excercising everyday. While reducing what I need to reduce, I try to make sure I'm not deficient on the other nutrients.

    I know you can do it! Make a small step everyday! Reduce your carbs and fats intake everyday, little by little, and start excersizing everyday, little by little!

  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm 48 and looking more to tone and strengthen but I loved the post and had to say "Hello"

    I'm sure you won't be part of the whale hunt..... they've already migrated north :laugh:
  • natural2299
    natural2299 Posts: 1 Member
    HI I am 55+ and need to lose 50 lbs. I have so many, many reasons to lose the wait but find I lose my modification very quickly. I am attempting to do self analysis on what is stopping me from staying focused and determined. I have tried WW a couple times and have been on this site on and off for the last year or so. I am hoping by joining the community posts I will remain focused and determined.
  • 2011Eileen
    2011Eileen Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Tanya,
    I am in my late 50"s (58)
    I too have tried ww but I have it calculated to a calorie form, without any free veggies and etc.
    I left for ww for a few months and just recently returned to MFP, as I prefer the diary with MFP,
    and this time found the points system on ww confusing, as I am constantly thinking in calories,
    not points.
    Having the support and a open diary on MFP has helped. I also use dominoes to represent each lb lost,
    . Good luck on your journey, and feel free to add me as your friend for support.
  • odddodd
    odddodd Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Pamela and will be 51 on Ground Hogs Day. Need to lose weight to hopefully help ease fibromyalgia pain, lower BP and cholesterol. I live in Oklahoma. Just checking to see if this group is still active and if there are new friends to be made as well.
  • Just joined yesterday. Hi! I'm 53 and looking to slim down and get strong. A couple of work out DVD's I love are Ballet Beautiful and Callenetics. Very good at lengthening the muscles instead of bulking up. It's not a harsh work out, but you will feel it the next day.
    Best to you all over 5 '3 in 2015!!
  • Bellamia2009
    Bellamia2009 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I just joined on the 31st of December. I just turned 55 last weekend. I've been an empty nester for quite a few years and divorced since 2013. I need to lose 65 lbs. And as of this morning I am down 4.2 of course its all water weight but a pound is a pound. :) I think the key for me is to pre-track. I plan the night before what I want for breakfast and lunch. Sometimes I will know that I want chicken or pork for dinner but not sure what I want to go with it so I will at least enter my main dish then when I decide what I want for side I can enter later. It allows me flexibility with favorite meal of the day! It can be difficult cooking for just one though. Most recipes serve 4. I can separate all the servings and refrigerate or freeze but sometimes its so tempting to eat 2servings. I live in northern NY state so going out for a walk in the winter is not the easiest thing to do depending on how much snow, cold or wind we are getting. I have a Yoga DVD that I am going to start using and an eliptical that I need to dust off. Enjoy your journey!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Anyone is welcome to friend me, have been on here since Sept 2013 BUT please note the following are MUSTS:
    that you log onto mfp regularly
    that you offer mutual support a two way journey for us both
    that you comment on posts and not use the like button only.

    good lcuk with your journey i am 67 by the way
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    Hi, another 50 something here. Just turned 55 actually. I've been on MFP for a while. I have successes and failures. 2014 was a bad year for me. I'm looking to turn that around this year. I have 100+ lbs to lose. I've set a goal to lose 20 by Easter. Looking forward to receiving your friend requests:)
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I will turn 55 in a month. Lost the weight two years ago and gained back 15 lbs in the last year. I had been drinking too much wine. The empty calories and the metabolic issues with alcohol have sabotaged my efforts. Also, I have not been sleeping good drinking too much. I tossed the wine and started agin on MFP. Got a fitbit for Xmas and just linked the two. Want to be down at least 5 lbs by my "double nickel" bday.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    I'm 53 and just joined. I've gained nearly 30# in the past 3 1/2 years, and I've got to get rid of it. I like walking, vegan recipes, figuring out how to feel better at an age where aches and pains and weight gain seem to be the new norm. Any and all can friend me. I noticed on my first day here that I didn't cheat or give up (as I did once before when I tried this) because someone had friended me, and I didn't want to let her down!
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    Hello Tanya! I am 50 to be 51 in March and put on 30 pounds over the course of 6-7 years. I am now peri menopausal and it has made the wt. losing nearly impossible, well let's say you have to REALLY put forth much more effort to lose unlike when you were in your 20-30s. I have Pals on my friends list who are in their 50-60s who have been very successful at losing wt. so I know it can be done. The key is commitment!! I tend to give up at the slightest whim ie., getting upset, sad, see an increase on the scale (I weigh daily don't know if that is good or bad but I can't give it up)! Best of luck to you!