Since Joining - my chart

Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
I saw a question in another post about how often people weigh? I weigh every day - because I like that I can put in a lower number and get a little self-gratification in seeing a difference on paper, if not in the mirror.

On the other hand, if I "blow it" and eat too much or eat wrong food, I can see the results in the the numbers - and my trend line moves up. I like the trend line to move down ... ;)

The blue lines & dots are my digital scale at home, in the AM, no clothes, before showering. The red dots and line are the "official" weigh-ins at Weight Watchers with clothes, but not shoes, on.

What's prompted me to post this - an NSV - two people this morning mentioned I looked like I lost weight! And I recently moved into my new jeans, size 40, down from 44. :)

Hope this helps - this is a chart I built in Excel.




  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    Hmm...I also weigh every day and would be interested to see what my lines look like. Thanks for the idea!
  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    Great chart trends!
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    i'm so glad i'm not the only one charting my weight in excel ;)
    great job! :)
  • forewiz
    forewiz Posts: 4 Member
    Excel is a great tool for me as well. It really does help keep the focus on the big picture. I've put 3 separate control lines on my chart as well. 1lb/week 2lb/week and 3lb/week. Trying to keep the trend line between the 2 and 3 is the trick.
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks everyone. :)@Forewiz, that's a cool idea ... I'm going to play around with that.
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