Keto was the right choice for me



  • iridescentblue
    iridescentblue Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2014
    Yep. Had loads of protein and fat. My carbs were less than 5 though. Maybe too much, too soon.....

    Your body is very used to having easy to access sugars and glucose to fuel it. When you don't provide it with those sources it freaks out and makes you crave them excessively to get things back on track. It's like any addiction - part of it is physical, and your body *will* protest loudly in the hopes that you'll give it what it wants.

    There are a few ways to approach this. First of all, I think easing into keto is a good approach for many people, rather than going cold turkey. It doesn't shock the body as much. Record a normal day and see how many carbs you have. The next day, replace some of those carbs with fat and protein. Then do some more the next day, etc.

    Secondly, for the first little bit a person should eat to satiety rather than focusing on calorie amounts or macros or all that fun stuff. Craving bread? Eat a pepperoni stick or make some bacon and eggs. Wanting cake? Have some cheese or avocado. Reaching for that bag of chips? Try pork rinds instead. You get the idea. Basically, keep feeding yourself protein and fat (and drink tons of water and make sure to supplement electrolytes) and gradually those cravings will recede and then vanish.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yep. Had loads of protein and fat. My carbs were less than 5 though. Maybe too much, too soon.....

    Your body is very used to having easy to access sugars and glucose to fuel it. When you don't provide it with those sources it freaks out and makes you crave them excessively to get things back on track. It's like any addiction - part of it is physical, and your body *will* protest loudly in the hopes that you'll give it what it wants.

    There are a few ways to approach this. First of all, I think easing into keto is a good approach for many people, rather than going cold turkey. It doesn't shock the body as much. Record a normal day and see how many carbs you have. The next day, replace some of those carbs with fat and protein. Then do some more the next day, etc.

    Secondly, for the first little bit a person should eat to satiety rather than focusing on calorie amounts or macros or all that fun stuff. Craving bread? Eat a pepperoni stick or make some bacon and eggs. Wanting cake? Have some cheese or avocado. Reaching for that bag of chips? Try pork rinds instead. You get the idea. Basically, keep feeding yourself protein and fat (and drink tons of water and make sure to supplement electrolytes) and gradually those cravings will recede and then vanish.

    Awesome advice! Thankyou xx
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    A) No, but I'd wager most people will panic, get depressed, and fall off the wagon once the water weight goes back on when carbs are introduced.
    B ) The headaches and lethargy in induction. Plus not being able to eat cake or chocolate.

    A) how silly. I'm going to regain 50 lbs of water. Yeah, right. LOL.

    B) Easily avoided - sodium intake. High cocoa solids chocolate is a regular for me. Low carb cakes are easy to make too, if that floats your boat. You can even buy cake mixes in boxes.

    I could apply the same snarky approach to exercise, or low fat dieting.

    Are you going to exercise at that level for the rest of your life ? If not, save yourself the pain.

    Restricting calories - you know you'll regain water when you stop ? Not being able to eat double cream, steak and full fat products, oh the misery. The panic and misery when you can't just eat 20% less of what you ate before and the weight doesn't come off. The nightmare of having to eat all the time as the blood sugar swings up and down. Pass the soda.

    A useful lightning conductor thread if nothing else.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited December 2014
    herrspoons wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    yarwell wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Anyone doing keto should ask themselves the following question: "can I do this for the rest of my life?".

    If the answer is no then spare yourself the misery.

    a) You don't need to.
    b) What misery ?

    A) No, but I'd wager most people will panic, get depressed, and fall off the wagon once the water weight goes back on when carbs are introduced.
    B) The headaches and lethargy in induction. Plus not being able to eat cake or chocolate.

    a) When a person decides to go keto, most will eat keto for life.
    b) Believe it or not, not everyone likes cake and chocolate.

    a) Evidence please.
    b) I'm talking about humans.

    Every person I know who eats keto has been doing so for 10-15+ years and plans on eating keto for the rest of their life. Whether they end up doing so can obviously change but they've been at it for a while and don't plan on incorporating carbs back into their diet.

    I'm not even going to bother replying to your second claim because I don't entertain wise guy comments.
  • denisegresham1
    denisegresham1 Posts: 47 Member
    ketorach wrote: »
    I also eat a ketogenic diet. It helps me feel satiated, so that I am able to stay at a caloric deficit. Instead of gaining weight this holiday season, I've lost six pounds since Thanksgiving. And I feel great.

    Many people are equally successful with simple calorie restriction and moderation. (I'm not one of them.) Great that you found what works best for you.

  • denisegresham1
    denisegresham1 Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with you "Ketorach". I have never been successful with a simple caloric restriction, and the keto diet works for me.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Isn't the true keto diet higher in fat than protein? The majority of your calories come from fat I thought. Too much protein can take you out of ketoisis, can't it?

    It's different from Atkins in that way, isn't it? Maybe I'm mixed up.

    Anyway, OP, I'm glad to see a thread with someone talking about a keto diet when they are DOING it, instead of planning to do it!

    Good luck to you. I tried once. It doesn't fit my personality.

  • Cheyenelikewyoming
    Cheyenelikewyoming Posts: 52 Member
    I started keto about a week ago. I have an under-active thyroid - I take synthroid so that helps. When I eat carbs I want more.....and more....and more..... >:) I love keto because my cravings are gone. I actually feel a sense of calm now. :D I don't find myself dreaming about food or the next meal. :p After I lose 10-15 lbs, I plan on slowly adding in healthy carbs to see how my body handles them. I'll start with fruit - low glycemic and then eventually sweet potatoes and brown rice. I'll always need to keep my carbs in check, but for now I'm greatly reducing them to see how many my body can handle. <3
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Whatever works for you IMO. I know I would personally never be able to keep such a diet forever, and the only reason I managed to lose weight is because I knew I didn't have to cut a food group forever. But we're all different.
  • yaryrosa
    yaryrosa Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2015

    yarwell wrote: »
    A) No, but I'd wager most people will panic, get depressed, and fall off the wagon once the water weight goes back on when carbs are introduced.
    B ) The headaches and lethargy in induction. Plus not being able to eat cake or chocolate.

    A) how silly. I'm going to regain 50 lbs of water. Yeah, right. LOL.

    B) Easily avoided - sodium intake. High cocoa solids chocolate is a regular for me. Low carb cakes are easy to make too, if that floats your boat. You can even buy cake mixes in boxes.

    I could apply the same snarky approach to exercise, or low fat dieting.

    Are you going to exercise at that level for the rest of your life ? If not, save yourself the pain.

    Restricting calories - you know you'll regain water when you stop ? Not being able to eat double cream, steak and full fat products, oh the misery. The panic and misery when you can't just eat 20% less of what you ate before and the weight doesn't come off. The nightmare of having to eat all the time as the blood sugar swings up and down. Pass the soda.

    A useful lightning conductor thread if nothing else.

    Lol!!! Totally agree!

    BTW, love the drama whenever someone talks about anything low carb in these boards!!! Lol
  • yaryrosa
    yaryrosa Posts: 65 Member
    I've been keto for three months and eat chocolate every day. Cake? At least weekly, and guilt free. I don't count calories, I let my body decide, I eat whenever I'm hungry, and stop eating whenever I'm full. :)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Well, it's certainly true that most people starting down the keto path with fail miserably.

    However, it's also true that most people starting down the calorie-counting path will also fail miserably, so that's not really a meaningful criticism.
  • yaryrosa
    yaryrosa Posts: 65 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Well, it's certainly true that most people starting down the keto path with fail miserably.

    However, it's also true that most people starting down the calorie-counting path will also fail miserably, so that's not really a meaningful criticism.

    Love your reasoning!
  • Birdy989
    Birdy989 Posts: 52 Member
    Keto worked great for me as far as weight loss -- I did it a few years back and lost a good 20 lbs. But then my hair started falling out, and my skin got super dry, and I started sleeping crappy and just looked "old" if that made sense. And I had a tough time doing my runs. Now I keep it low-carb but follow the Perfect Health Diet (which recommends eating some starchy carbs like squash, rice and sweet potatoes). My fiance is a bodybuilder, and he kept advising me that I needed more carbs. He was right. Now I found something that is sustainable and healthy -- for ME. I understand Keto is great for others, and I applaud people who listen to their bodies. I have a friend who is totally Keto, and he does really well on it. To each their own! :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm glad it worked for you, and I wish you the best.

    When I tried it, it was one of the most miserable experiences I had on a diet. Before I decided to prematurely terminate my planned 1 month keto experiment I was barely eating 400 calories a day, not because I wasn't hungry (I was starving), but because it got to a point where I would rather starve than eat anything from the list of allowed foods.

    As a person who does not like meat, and does not like fat unless it's attached to some kind of carb, that experiment was horrible.
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    Works for me. I'm also a diabetic so it had a second health benefit than just weight loss. I love meat and fats so I don't mind missing the carbs.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    I'm doing a month of keto to see if I can get my body to start losing, again. It takes a lot of thought and will power, however I was already going gluten free and keto just helps me avoid the bother of eating gluten free baked goods. Only a few days in, keeping at 30-50g of carbs, and amazed that I haven't gone face first into the leftover Christmas goodies.

    To clarify, this isn't a New Year's Resolution thing, just a coincidentally timed attempt to get my thyroid in order. Hashimoto's is a beast unto itself that I am trying to tame. Gluten free for a couple of months wasnt cutting it, so if fewer carbs help me finally get past the thyroid roadblocks and to my weight goal, so be it.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I'm glad it's working for you!
  • Zhost
    Zhost Posts: 97
    Doing keto, about a year now. Lost at least 50 pounds. Still going strong.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Zhost wrote: »
    Doing keto, about a year now. Lost at least 50 pounds. Still going strong.

    Awesomeness. Well done! B)