Working Mom - Let's do this!

Hi all! I am a full time working mom with three young children (1, 2, 4). I have done Weight Watchers in the past, but I just don't have the time to make it to meetings consistently anymore. I work 9-10 hour days while my husband stays home with the kiddos. Between working all day at a computer and pumping on every break for the past year, I have just really lost my ability to be active. I have close to 100 pounds to lose, but truly I just want to be healthy. I want to play with my kids more and have the energy to keep up with them.

I'm completely overwhelmed with life much of the time, but I'm look to take it back and appreciate the body God has given me. Feel free to add me if you're in the same boat!


  • Brandi8809
    Brandi8809 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I definitely understand how hard it is to be working full time and taking time out for yourself to be healthy! My husband is a stay at home dad as well. I used to do WW as well, but a large part of me doesn't want to pay for it and I couldn't find a leader that was what I needed. I need someone who will be more strict then they are!
  • 0408boys
    0408boys Posts: 72 Member
    I am a full time working Mom, by boys are a little older, but I travel and have a hectic schedule. I would love to help support you in our journey, please feel free to add me!
  • fmg2001
    fmg2001 Posts: 1 Member
    I too am a tired working mom (kiddos are 7 & 11). Working FT and busy weekends make options limited. I try the 5am thing but its hard to maintain. My biggest issues are eating. I am an emotional eater and I snack like crazy when I get home. Any tricks/tips on how to manage this would welcome.
  • dawnie1174
    I am also a FT working mom of 4 although only 3 of them still live at home feel free to add me @fmg2001 I love to snack as well but I did find out that twizzlers are low in fat and calories

  • jamiejunkemail
    jamiejunkemail Posts: 4 Member
    fmg2001 and lindzgrm I can totally relate! I work full time, my boys are little (2 & 4) and I have them every other week. When I have them, I am so busy with them, the job, and the house that I am too worn out at the end of the day to work out and the concept of getting up early is extremely daunting because the exhaustion rolls over. When I don't have the boys, I do good with going to the gym, but then I suffer from emotional/bored eating which totally cancels it out. If anyone knows a support system that works with this, or any ideas how to keep the motivation I am open ears.
    PS - I haven't done WW or any other thing like that because I'm also having to be as frugal as possible.
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! You can meet your goals! I've lost almost 40 pounds in the past several months. Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    Hi All! I am with you all! I am a working mom of 3 kiddos, ages 6,5, and less than 1. My husband and I both work outside the home and our days are insanely busy. I have to focus on my eating because some days there just isn't enough time to physically fit a 'workout' in to my schedule so I wind up doing whatever I can throughout my day. I would LOVE to have more working mommy support! Please friend me!
  • leleti01
    leleti01 Posts: 24 Member
    Is this group still on because I am a working mom struggling with guilt of working out and spending time with the family. I finally put my Foot down in June and I am slowly getting there. It doesn't help the guilt though...