Do you Work out at home?

I do !! I have weights (ancle and wrist) for when I go in walks /jogs , and some other cardio stuff I was just wondering if any one else does?


  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Yes! I do weights, cardio, yoga, pretty much everything at home.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Yep. I have a treadmill, powerblocks (adjustable dumbbells), a bench, a ball, and a mat. Full body strength training and cardio are covered.

    Now that the weather is turning nice, I also have the outdoors and a bicycle :)
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    30 day shred right now, I have a Tony Little thing that I use a lot and I have starting doing jumping jacks fro 1 min while I am making the lunch or punches whatever I feel like. The kids all think I have lost my mind but that's ok, I am getting fit! Have my resting heart rate down to 64 :)
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Nope. I can't meet any goals by working out at home. I'd need a few grand to spend on good equipment.

    I also feel more motivated at the gym. Theres tons of other people working hard. And I'm paying for a membership, so I'm going to use it.
  • Rhiani
    Rhiani Posts: 9
    I work out at home - I use a step, jump rope, resistance bands, ankle weights, dumb bells, weight belt, medicine ball, and balance ball.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Yes! I do weights, cardio, yoga, pretty much everything at home.

    Ohh, I forgot yoga! I love it so much that I forget it's a work out!
  • vaavamom1
    vaavamom1 Posts: 136 Member
    I work out at home... yoga, weights and when my treadmill was working running /walking :)
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I bought a treadmill (because of weather) and got rid of my membership to the Y and don't regret it at all. Core exercises and push-ups have always been free.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I do - several workout videos - Tae Bo, JM 30 DS, Yoga, a couple old aerobics, etc. Also have NEWOs taped to my bedroom wall, rarely do those though I should. And light weights.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I do Tae Bo at home. Everything else I do at the gym. I feel like paying for a gym membership keeps me motivated when I just don't feel like working out.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    I do workout at home. I have many dvd's (P90X, Insanity, Leslie Sansone, 30days shred, turbo fire, Rev Abs,Brazil butt lift,Slim in 6 and some Pilates) I just started 30 days shred yesterday, but I also go for a walk with my dumbbells when the weather is nice and I am not to lazy :P I am not a big fun of gym's I've tried a couple of times but gave it up .
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I have Zumba, and walking DVDs for when it is raining and I cant get to the pool or for a walk.. But I also use the gym for the same reasons. Gotta mix it up! Get bored with the same thing day after day!

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  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    No. I go to the gym. I cannot get motivated at home. The people at the gym motivate me. I love the atmosphere.
  • melanie44851
    I workout at home. I have an Elliptical, bicycle, weight machines and videos. Its cheaper and I have 4 kids so I cant to the gym!
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    I do. I have weights, yoga ball, elliptical and a collection of work-out dvds. It's really helpful to have these things especially when I have 2 kids. Finding a sitter would be hard and if I went to a gym I wouldn't work-out every day like I do...especially since the closest gym is about an hour away. It's so much cheaper/easier for me to do it all at home. :)
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I work out at home almost everyday! I use my wii (gold's gym, just dance 2), comcast's ondemand exercise TV, and we have a stationary bike.

    I've found working out at home is MUCH more effective for me because I don't have to drive somewhere.. I do my hour and then I don't have to worry about's private and I like to wear little clothing when i exercise (shorts and a cami) so I feel much more comfortable. The Wii games do show results if you use the dance ones often :)
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I bought a treadmill Jan 1 and that's all I've needed. Treadmill, outdoors running and body weight exercises.
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    i do both, i have turbo jam (which kills me) Turbo fire( which i haven't yet tried) P90, all of JMs DVD and some Tae bo, i keep them either for extra credit workouts when i have time or sometimes i do them when i am trying to talk myself out of the gym. I keep them as an excuse not to be lazy and it seems to have started working for me.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I recently quit my gym and now workout out at home. I've been doing Turbo Fire DVDs. And I have hand weights, ankle weights and a treadmill. I love it - saves me money and it's a lot easier: no more getting gear together (water, iPod, magazines, change of clothes), driving, staring at strangers, strangers staring at me, waiting on machines, sharing locker rooms/showers... and if I accidentally fart (hey it happens), so what, who cares - definitely not my cat.
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    I do! I am a SAHM to a 11 month old so going to a gym isn't really an option. We have an elliptical so I often use that. I also do P90x with light weights and pull-up bar/resistance bands. And I use a jogging stroller for my son & go out for 3 mile runs when the weather is nice!