Looking for input on depression/weight loss



  • Lach_esis
    Lach_esis Posts: 6 Member
    I've been chronically depressed for over 17 years now and have been on medication 14 years. First I took effexor but after about 10 years it didn't work for me anymore. Now I'm on cymbalta. Besides medication I'm in therapy. But all that has put me basically in survival mode, there no really feeling better, just being able to function on a low level.
    Sports don't help if you don't have the energy for it and can't get out of bed. I'm also taking medication to sleep and antipsychotics so I don't have to many dark thoughts. The last got me gaining weight and now I'm in a constant battle about it.
    If you think you need medication, consult with your doctor about it and don't hesitate to take it, you may feel better. But therapy can also help, although I don't believe in just therapy for severe depression. I think a combination of both is the best. Once you have enough energy you can start taking on sports to help you lift it a bit highter.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Sometimes medication is necessary. It absolutely does work in many cases.

    "If physical diseases were treated like mental illness"

  • CooperSprings
    CooperSprings Posts: 754 Member
    If you are so depressed that your endorphins are fleeting, then you are right to consider medication.

    The only reason I am ok with relying solely on exercise/health is because I have been dealing with this illness mostly medication free since childhood and I know what I am and what I want to change.

    I see my life as a series of needs, not wants.
    It doesn't matter whether I feel like standing up and walking away from my bed or not.
    It is morning and it is time to do so.
    So I will. Same with everything else I do today.

  • EasyBakeOven
    EasyBakeOven Posts: 29 Member
    funsteps wrote: »
    I took generic zoloft for a while a few years ago. I found it suppressed my appetite quite a bit, but I'm not sure how typical that is. I took it with b12 supplements to counteract the grogginess. My issue was (is) chronic depression and anxiety. I personally did not feel like it made a huge difference for me and I couldn't really afford to keep up with the doctor's visits and cost of medication (I was 19 and in college at the time and didn't want to ask my parents for help).

    I have had a pretty rough couple of months and I was feeling horrible and unmotivated constantly. I'd stay in bed all day on my days off, and hit my bed the second I got home on work days. The change in weather and not getting very much sun didn't help. I've definitely felt a huge difference since I started eating better and exercising regularly- but I know that getting into a routine like that can feel 100% impossible if you're in a rut. And clearly, it may not work for everyone because we're all different.

    Wow! so amazing, it sounds like you're telling my story. I have been the same and have recently started taking generic Zoloft. I have started to see a positive outlook and have been able to get up to do the things that I couldn't just a few days ago. I live alone so I could hide it pretty well from everyone saying that I was too busy to see them, but the truth was that all I could make myself do was get into some pajamas and go to bed once I got home from work.

    As for the appetite, I've found it to be suppressed as well, and Im trying to get myself on a good diet and exercise routine so that I can start to deal with my life's complications without the meds. But for now they are working well. Thanks for your story, its good to hear that you are doing well.