Weight Going The Wrong Direction

On Christmas day I the gift I looked for ... a FitBit Charge. I set up all the data and my goals.

Today I did my first weigh-in only to find I am up 5 lbs! Everyday I have been at or under my calorie allowance (and yes, I am logging ALL my food and drink) all but two days ... NYE and New Year's Day.

I am extremely fruatrated already and feeling like this is going to be a lost endeavor.

Has anybody else has a similar experience that eventually turned out good?


  • mallory_2014
    mallory_2014 Posts: 173 Member
    Water weight. It happens! While trying to lose weight, you will have weeks you lose, some you will stay the same, and some weeks you will gain. It is normal.

    When you are logging everything, are you properly measuring everything you are logging? Measuring cups and spoons for ALL liquids and a food scale for all food? And are you ensuring the information for packaged food is correct? Members are from all over the world and a lot of the entries are from members so there are errors or simply the item you are eating may have different values in another country.
  • I scan most foods with the iphone app-it works great for packaged items.
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    most likely water weight, also if you are logging your fitbit calories burned there is a good chance it is overestimating your calories causing you to eat too much. Happens frequently
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    Give it time. Weight loss is not always linear!

    As other users said, use a food scale, not measuring cups or "eye balling".
  • ASG_21
    ASG_21 Posts: 82 Member
    Weighing in just two days after New Years' Day, especially if you ate at a restaurant/ate plenty of party food/drank a lot of alcohol will mean that your weight will appear to be high due to water retention. Give it a few days and weigh again!
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Sheesh someone got a stick up their butt or something huh.

    It's probably water weight as stated above. It's normal for weight to fluctuate, especially if you ate a lot of high sodium foods. Don't give up :) And don't let negative nancy's get to you either ;)
  • Thanks for the words of aupport. To be clear, I measue ALL me foods with a scal or measuring cup and I cannot scan most items because they are fresh and don't have barcodes.

    I am logging my workouts on both my FitBit and MyFitnessPal and averaging the caloriea burned. Several activites I do are high intensity (e.g. eliptical on level 8 and highest ramp angle) but my FitBit only givea me 140 calories burned for 30 mins because I only log 2 miles.

    I will give it more time and try to remove the stick from my butt, maybe that's where the extra weight is LOL
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    Are fitbit and myfitnesspal linked? If so, logging them in both places can mess up your calories. For me- I have them linked and set up the same (activity level, weight, etc) and I only log exercises that aren't step based (bike, weights, etc). What do you think you should burn on the elliptical? Don't rely in MFP or the machine- big over estimators. I found that when I did it this way, all the numbers were accurate (how much I should lose with what I did lose).
  • That helps a lot ... thank you. I only logged them both places for the Elliptical, and found them to be far apart on caloriea burned, which started a lot of my doubting.

    Most of my exercise is running and biking, which I don't log in both places. The running seems to be right on with calories burned, but the biking is also way short as I am doing hill riding.

    I am seriously starting to think about ditching the FitBit until they come out with the heartrate monitor, which is going to fix a lot of inaccuracies.
  • slpecho
    slpecho Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in a bit of a stalemate at the moment too. I log everything and weigh it out so it's fairly accurate. Just keeping within my calories and hoping for the best. It's frustrating when I know I'm eating and exercising on point. Good luck to you!
  • And good luck to you as well. How long ahve you been working at this?
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited January 2015
    Fritts55 wrote: »
    I scan most foods with the iphone app-it works great for packaged items.

    Make sure you are weighing those packaged items, too. Either that or leave a little bit of wiggle room in your calories for error. I weigh everything...even if it comes prepackaged. You would be surprised how many things are over a serving in grams even when they're premeasured/cut.