turning 25

so my goal had always been to lose all my weight before i turned 25
well 25 is 8 months away
ive lost weight in the past but its always so difficult to keep it off
i love food all food
i need some motivation


  • Platypusman82
    Platypusman82 Posts: 14 Member
    Start small. either cut out all food after 8pm, OR cut out all french fries. Seriously you have to start small. I find that when people listen to me and force themselves to not eat close to bedtime combined with some type of fitness routine they notice a difference. Then it snowballs into choosing certain foods to give up. French Fries and terrible. There is one thing to cut out.
    Another easy thing is to eat only 1 bun in a sandwich. Example take the top bun off your chick-fil-a sandwich or whatever. Cuts out some carbs and helps you on your journey.