140 lbs. to lose and I lack motivation with an addiction to food...

My name is Mary Kay and I re-joined at the start of the New Year. I am now at my all time highest weight of 265 lbs. and realize that I am out of control. I have been to my family doctor and a nutritionist who both told me that ideally I should be between 104-138 lbs. I chose to set my goal to lose 125lbs. I look at what I need to lose and feel overwhelmed and I feel like I am in over my head. I typically lack motivation but I am ready to change that too. I want to make 2015 the year that I find me.


  • DawnKovsky
    Hi Mary,
    Congratulations on your new mind set and goals for this year. Rather than focusing on the overall goal, as that can be daunting, instead try and focus on smaller goals and build up as you go. Set yourself a goal to making a food diary of what you currently eat. Don't worry about changing your food so much as just getting in the habit of writing it down. Writing it down and being honest with yourself is one of the hardest tasks to master for some. But don't worry as denial is the first step (if you're me that is, lol). After you know what your food patterns and triggers (associated emotions) are then you can make small changes and tweaks to get where you want to go with each small goal at a time. Remember that change happens slowly so set realistic smaller goals to aid you in accomplishing your overall goal. Before no time at all you'll be on your way to the healthy you that you know you can and will be :smile:
    Thanks, Dawn
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Hey... Looking at your ideal weight range, I'm gonna guess you and I are close to the same height. (And interestingly enough, close to the same starting weight).

    A) You are not addicted to food. You need food to live and you deserve to eat and live. Really, no kidding. You might have a habit of eating too much, and yeah, habits can be tough, but to call food an addiction sets up an unhealthy cycle.

    B) You don't even need to be motivated or excited about eating less. (Good heavens, is anyone?) Just make a rational decision about what you want to do and how you want to accomplish it.

    To be honest, this is going to take some time. It plain is. The idea that being skinny is where you're going to find yourself would mean putting your life on hold for YEARS. Since your life (and everyone's) is finite, toss that out.

    So, who are YOU, really no kidding. Not your dress size. YOU. From your profile pic, I'm gonna guess you're a Mommy. That's a big job and a great joy. So, what ELSE about YOU??

    I know that sounds derailing, but your diet and habits may be part of your lifestyle. They don't need to be part of your identity. That make sense?
  • marykay1999
    marykay1999 Posts: 10 Member
    So, who are YOU, really no kidding. Not your dress size. YOU. From your profile pic, I'm gonna guess you're a Mommy. That's a big job and a great joy. So, what ELSE about YOU??

    I am a mommy of 3 (ages 13-19 yrs.) and my oldest child and his girl friend just had a baby in November (the girl I am holding in the pic. I am a stylist/massage therapist in a salon/spa.

    I guess I never thought of the whole food thing the way you described. I have a huge love for food but make all the wrong choices such a the type of & amount of fast food that I eat.

  • cynthiamm67
    cynthiamm67 Posts: 52 Member
    I started exactly where you are. It can certainly be done. I'm approaching 50 lbs lost. I've got another 85 to go. Find a plan that will work for you, forever. It's thinking that this is a short term change that will cause failure.
  • Bchlvr64
    Bchlvr64 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Mary! I totally understand how you feel. I was 331 lbs at my highest. Extremely discouraged and somewhat depressed. I didn't have motivation either. What I realized is that I would get to 400 lbs. and more if I sat around waiting on motivation to show up. I have lost 105 lbs. People ask me if it's been hard. I tell them "HECK YES" but being fat is hard and I just picked my hard. I wish you all the best - sounds like you're ready to just do it.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I agree with setting smaller goals. Set your ticker for 10-20 pounds at a time and change it each time you hit a goal. It will feel a lot less overwhelming.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I agree about starting with a smaller goal. Another thing I did - and it helped me - is to start where you are instead of where you should be eating. I eased myself into it and it became more habit that way. Starting all out, full throttle, new way of eating is a way to set yourself up to relapse fast. I started with JUST logging and looking for things to improve a little. Honest logging is, IMO, the best place to start. Friend me if you want.

    As far as motivation - meh, it's over-rated. Somebody on here sometimes posts "then you don't want it enough." You're right. Lots of days I don't. I have adapted the "progress over perfection" mentality - I just keep improving and trying to resume when I don't do well. Friend me if you think I could help - I'm about baby steps and loose goals - not rigidity, major life upheavals and perfection.

    I think my goals for THIS YEAR is to make it onderland on the scale and run farther. All else will be gravy.
  • bigldesigns
    bigldesigns Posts: 102 Member
    i was exactly where you are 18 months ago.. 260lb and scared to give up what i loved most.... eating food!!

    2012 (260lb) - October 2014 (152lb)

    Yesterday enjoying the sun (149lb even after Christmas and new years feasts)

    To be honest... I've eaten like a pig.. not really had to give up anything..
    (just changed the quality of the food i am eating).

    if i want something junky.. i work out how to make it myself, so i can put more of the good things in it..(less of the not so good) and usually i could prepare and cook most meals, quicker than i used to take to shower, dress, drive down the street and come home (ie. get takeaway)

    I did hardly any exercise in the beginning but now.. i walk and jog everywhere.. cause I WANT to!!

    I'm 5,4 and currently 149lb (thats a loss of 111lb) with just 20lb to go... to be in that "Healthy Weight Range"

    I'm full of energy, and healthier than i've been for the last 15 years

    My advise is..

    dont try and change it all at once... (if you really want to eat something.. find a way to make it happen.... eg .. I used to love KFC.. but now i LOVE homemade Grilled or roasted spiced chicken and i no longer miss KFC!

    And let other peoples success motivate you.. but not be your motivation.. you are doing this for you..

  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I'm close to where you are and pretty sure we are about the same height as well, judging from your ideal weight range. Sending a friend request. I'm doing Whole30 this month but normally I'm not as strict as all of that. :) I'm overall aiming for something that will work for me long term and not a "diet". It is definitely all about baby steps and taking it one day at a time.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    You might do better with a behavior change goal, rather than focusing on losing weight.

    That takes the pressure off.

    An example of a behavior change is to decide to stop eating out, or no more soda pop...sometimes just one change can be motivating. Try one change this month, whether it is no more ice cream or whatever...

    I focused on two things, no eating after dinner, and no second helpings of anything but salad. Those two things, I lost four pounds in a month.
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    you can add me if you want. I had my daughter 2 years ago and was 292 lbs. After I "lost" the baby weight I was around 270. Feeling stuck and sad. I am now 214 and still losing. You can do this.
  • dagotco
    You got this!!!

  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    My motivation speech to you...losing just 2 pounds a week is 100 pounds in one year! Get to work!
  • nayduch2001
    You should try apps like Strava or Endomondo. They give you the motivation to exercise that we all need! Best of luck on your journey and remember this one thing. 18 letters. 5 words. Say it and you're healthy. EAT LESS AND MOVE MORE!
  • marykay1999
    marykay1999 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone for your words and inspiration as well as the friend requests from a few of you. It was great seeing the weight loss pictures as well.
  • dwaska
    dwaska Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! I want to join this club. I'm 322 I lost 70 lbs through this program called Lindora. I found out I had to get my gall bladder out April of last year and I ate all my weight back :( It is so very hard to pick up and start over but I want a family and I'm getting older and I can't have babies like this. Just know you are not fighting this alone!