Do you Work out at home?



  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    After moving into a 1 bedroom in prime Chicago, I had to give up my gym membership. Luckily my buiding has a small gym. I mostly use the treadmill and do free weight circuits that I've created on my own. I think they are pretty effective for me. I miss having a membership mainly for the weight machines and spinning classes.

    At home DVDs are effective too. I'm doing 30 DS right now, but in the past I've done P90X and Insanity which are pretty good too. I had good results, but sometimes I get bored to the DVDs and prefer making up my own workouts.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i do both. i go to the gym of a morning, and then do p90x at home. i will say, i DONT like working out at home. i feel like if i could do that in the gym it would be WAY more effective for me. but, i cant so i guess ill just suck it up! lol.
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    Nope. I can't meet any goals by working out at home. I'd need a few grand to spend on good equipment.

    I also feel more motivated at the gym. Theres tons of other people working hard. And I'm paying for a membership, so I'm going to use it.


    I just do better at the gym. I try and workout twice a day so the first thing in the morning is not a problem. Sometimes in the evening if things get really hecktic an I can't make it to the gym for the second workout then I will workout at the house and do a good run, and abs...
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    I turned my den into a gym pretty much. weights, bands, a heavy bag, yoga mat, turbofire, p90x, insanity, and some JM workouts. I'm doing turbofire now and my husband is doing insanity and he works out at the gym 3 times a week. I don't mid the gym, but it's not close to the house and i have 3 kids so it's hard to find time for that so I just do what i can at home! seems to be working so far!
  • katihamlin
    katihamlin Posts: 41
    Biggest Loser Challenge on the Wii and lots of walking the dog :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I do. I go back and forth about joining a Gym...or there is a local place called "the cardio club" that does yoga, kick boxing, & zumba that I thought about joining too....but when it gets down to it, I feel like I can get just as good of a work out at home and its free! (or mostly free, minus 1 time fee's of say a work out video lol vs the $60/mo for those places).

    My work outs of choice are

    - C25K
    - Walking the Dogs
    - JM 30 Day Shred
    - Leslie Sansone Walking off the pounds DVD's
  • JustMichelleB
    JustMichelleB Posts: 290
    If I didn't work out at home, I'd never work out.

    I run on the treadmill (outdoors on weekends and on weeknights if husband gets home while it's still light out)
    I do dvds - P90X, Jackie Warner for strengthening/toning
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I have a gym at home, but no treadmill or assortment of dumbbells. I also lack a fly machine. At work I have a gym that has the rest except for a deltoids machine. :/
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Yep. I have a treadmill, powerblocks (adjustable dumbbells), a bench, a ball, and a mat. Full body strength training and cardio are covered.

    Now that the weather is turning nice, I also have the outdoors and a bicycle :)

    Yep. Pretty mush sounds like my set up, add in some Turbo FIre as well. Since it's been nicer out the TF hasn't been used as much as the pavement outside my house :)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes I just joined a gym a month ago but before that I only worked out at home. Treadmill, weights (dumbbells & kettlebell), pull-up bar, resistance bands, yoga mat, bar bell (my hubby uses this one LOL),

    I have completed Insanity DVD workout including upper body, JM 30 day shred almost 3xs now, JM Ripped in 30, JM Shredding It w/ Weights, P90X ab-ripper, and whatever is on Exercise TV - Jackie Warner (love this!).

    I also run around my neighborhood. I completed a 5K that was in my neighborhood last Oct and now I have a great 5K route.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I do.
    Outside I can do tire training, biking, running, and all other kinds of cool stuff. Inside, I can wack the weight bag, lift weight, stationary bike, elliptical, and do the crazy videos like P90. The only downside is that my squat rack is currently two trees. I haven't gotten around to building one yet. It's on the list...

    I occasionally visit a gym, but they aren't for me. Most are way too quite and packed full of prudes. I have gotten a decent workout at Sears, it was a dare.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I do! I used to be at the gym 6 days a week (would never work out at home) but once I had my baby there was no way I could make it to the gym with a newborn. So I started doing videos at home (JM 30DS, Insanity, free workouts from exercisetv, etc) and we also have a eliptical that I used right after I had the baby. One day I would like to get back to the gym especially for all spinning and pilates but for now it is the only way I can get workouts in with my lifestyle.
  • unwritten87
    unwritten87 Posts: 22
    Hi there!

    I work out at home now. I used to work out at the gym but would find every excuse imaginable not to go... I find that I actually enjoy working out at home more. I did invest in a few workout dvds: i started with Walk Away the Pounds, then Turbo Jam, and I'm doing Chalean Extreme now to weight train and still also use Turbo Jam for my cardio. I feel like I'm actually getting more results working out at home then I used to at the gym.
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    I do, single mom who has to be home all the time!. I have an elliptical and treadmill, mats, 30D Shred video, other videos, Wii fit plus and walking the dog/kids.
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I workout at home. I can't afford a gym membership or extra gym equipment. I do what I can with what I have. I jog in place do yoga ball exercises. 10lb dumbells. plus I have a bicycle now just have to get used to it again...
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've got a bench, adjustable dumbbells, ez bar, pullup bar, resistance bands, and a punching bag, but I do most of my workouts at the gym. I don't have enough weight for some lifts, and my ceiling is only 7ft. which makes it hard to do anything over my head.
  • CrisUndies
    CrisUndies Posts: 40
    I mostly walk and jog as my main exercise! I also do yoga, have some weights,jump-rope and dance at home for something fun! I love dancing and it's great for cardio too :)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    After my wife has our baby we will be getting a home gym setup rather than paying for two gym memberships. The initial purchase will just be a rack, bench and weights and will balance out the cost of gym memberships in just two years. You can do just about anything with this setup, but I eventually want to add tractor tires, sledge hammers, kettlebells and other strongman and crossfit type equipment.

    My ultimate goals is to have a home with enough property where I can build my own obstacle course.
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hannahrenee86 Posts: 183
    When we were in Germany, I worked out at the gym. However, after moving to Arizona, I work out at home. My home gym includes: JM 30DS, P90x, Insanity, Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds, and Hip/Hop Abs. I have weights (5 to 15 lbs), bands, pull up bar, pushup bars. I also walk 4ish miles a day, started doing it with 5lb weights.
  • Kblackmore84
    I have my wii i have wii fit plus (the games are silly but they can make you sweat and it's nice for the weigh in) and the zumba I kinda wanted another game too but idk :p Cardio trainer app for my phone and C25K program aswell as wrist/anckle weights for lean muscle and more cardio and a belly weight for belly dancing ( i have been trying for almost a year to activly loose weight ) Yoga mat , Yoga DVD and YOGA on Wii my husband jokes that we may as well open a virtual gym lol
    but i am a sahm and lazy lol so i am hoping with every ones encouragement i can suceed! :)