Must lose around 90 lbs and don't have any support

Hi everyone! I am trying to lose about 90lbs I have a few health issues and have gotten tired of always giving up but have realize that the reason why I always fall off the wagon is because I need support. I lack support from my husband and immediate family. I am very good at motivating others but can't keep myself motivated so if anyone can help me with that I can surely reciprocate :)


  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    Why do you rely on others? Make up your mind and do it.
    I have 5 everhungry kids around me all day long, and I feel like I am preparing food for someone half of my waking hours. Do I beg them to support me? Ni, I don 't need support because I know what I want.
    Getting some inspiration or motivation through this forum or before/after pics etc is helpful but never ever expect from others to do the work for you.
  • Mrsortiz7124
    Mrsortiz7124 Posts: 18 Member
    I know what you mean but I just don't have your willpower. I do hope once I do this for a while I will but as of now I don't .
  • Mrs ortiz,
    Do you have a fitbit? I love mine and it integrates with myfitnesspal. It adds in your excersise and you can challenge your friends. I find that being able to see it real time and adjust my intake per day is very useful and helps me stay motivated.
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm right there with you! I am great at motivating others but can never seem to keep motivated myself. And sure yea, we need to have the willpower and just do it, but its easier said than done! Much easier to do when you have some support.
  • Mrsortiz7124
    Mrsortiz7124 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't but have heard great things about them..I'm going to look into getting me one soon
  • MirrorMe33
    MirrorMe33 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm happy to help out if you're interested in a new friend on MFP. I've struggled with being consistent for years and am finally in a place where I'm working well towards achieving my goals.
    For me this has been largely due to someone new (and much more driven) coming into my life and encouraging me to be consistent and determined. While as Sengalissa has said it is all about how much you want it, having someone around to remind you why you're doing it in the first place is helpful! The most valuable part of this has been having someone to talk to about lifestyle choices and alternative exercises when the gym or getting outside hasn't been an option or time constraints mean there's only a limited amount of time in a particular day to train.

    Best of luck!
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    I'm here too if you need support. If it was easy, we'll all be skinny
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    feel free to add me. this goes for everyone. i'm trying to lose 50lbs in five months and 100 total this year.
  • Mrsortiz7124
    Mrsortiz7124 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks ereilly311
    For me it's pretty hard to stay motivated the only time I stuck to an exercise and healthy eating routine was when I had a coach but he moved out of town and I lost all motivation to keep going
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Out of curiosity, what kind of support would you like from your husband? Have you asked him for it? Seriously.

    I ask because I have a husband who needs to be explicitly told what's needed. Oh, he'll DO it, if I ask for it, and he'll even ask me if I want to be nagged about something (rare that I say yes to that!).

    But the point is, I do know some people do expect partners to intuit wants/needs. And sometimes that doesn't work so great.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    sengalissa wrote: »
    Why do you rely on others? Make up your mind and do it.
    I have 5 everhungry kids around me all day long, and I feel like I am preparing food for someone half of my waking hours. Do I beg them to support me? Ni, I don 't need support because I know what I want.
    Getting some inspiration or motivation through this forum or before/after pics etc is helpful but never ever expect from others to do the work for you.

    I gotta agree with this user. We can't motivate you. We can't make you do it. Why we can't? Because we are not physically there with you to try to motivate you to go workout or to not eat a whole bag of cookies (nothing wrong if you do and it fits your macros).

    YOU have to decide.
    YOU have to do it.
    It's your choice.

    Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
    -Wayne Dyer

    You have to do this for yourself. When you want to do it for you, when you believe you deserve it, you will do it. You don't need anyone patting you on the back saying you can do it, because the only one that needs to believe that you can do it is you…
  • Mrsortiz7124
    Mrsortiz7124 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    edited January 2015
    Everybody needs a little support! Feel free to add me as well. I also highly recommend the fitbit. I have a fitbit flex and it helps keep me on track as well. I've also joined the community "Lose 20 by Easter" and I have started a MFP Blog. I'm going to try and update it with stats every 5 days to help keep myself accountable. Maybe that will help you as well?

    Cheers! We all believe in you. Let me know what kind of support you need - I'm not very good at butt kicking, but I can give it a go.


    My Blog: New Year New Me
    Lose 20 by Easter Community
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks ereilly311
    For me it's pretty hard to stay motivated the only time I stuck to an exercise and healthy eating routine was when I had a coach but he moved out of town and I lost all motivation to keep going

    I always start out great and once I falter I quit. I need to stay motivated so I stop doing that to myself. If you need someone to help keep you going, feel free to add me!
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    sengalissa wrote: »
    Why do you rely on others? Make up your mind and do it.
    I have 5 everhungry kids around me all day long, and I feel like I am preparing food for someone half of my waking hours. Do I beg them to support me? Ni, I don 't need support because I know what I want.
    Getting some inspiration or motivation through this forum or before/after pics etc is helpful but never ever expect from others to do the work for you.

    AGREE, 100%!

    Support is overrated. We are adults and are responsible for our own actions. Also, support is different for everybody. What does support look like to you? I highly doubt that you have zero support. It just may not look like you think it should.

    As for not having willpower… that's an excuse (so is "I don't have any support"). Willpower is nothing more than making a decision and re-making it everyday. If it's important to you… you'll find a way. You'll find a way to make that decision every day. To say you don't have willpower is really another way of saying that it's just not that important to you to keep at it.

    I'm sorry if this sounds harsh and unsupportive… but it's true. Nobody can motivate you for you. There's no magic mantra to keep repeating to yourself. There's no magic device you can wear that will make you keep going. You have to decide to do it yourself. The mantras and devices are great and can be helpful. But you still have to make the decision and keep making it everyday.
  • pcarbo3
    pcarbo3 Posts: 16 Member
    I totally disagree with the people saying that you are the only person who can motivate yourself, and you don't need support. Everyone could use some support and inspiration sometimes, and the approach that you don't need anyone may not necessarily work for you! Everyone is different! Yes, I motivate myself, and I do this for me and for no one else...but that doesn't mean I don't like to talk to others that know the struggle, who know how it feels, and who can offer tips and encouragement.

    Obviously you know that it's you who can make the change. No matter what support we give you, we can't physically change you. But we can be here for you! I am totally on board with the user who suggested the Fitbit -- I have the Fitbit Flex and I love it! Instead of guessing how many cals I'm burning throughout the day/at the gym/doing housework, etc., it gives me a more accurate count. Plus, you can integrate it with Myfitnesspal and it works to tell you when you're consuming more calories than you expend. It's a great investment, in my opinion.

    Good luck, and you absolutely CAN do this! My best suggestion is to start with small changes and make them habits. Once you see that you can handle that, you will hopefully be motivated to make even bigger changes!
  • Mrsortiz7124
    Mrsortiz7124 Posts: 18 Member
    sengalissa wrote: »
    Why do you rely on others? Make up your mind and do it.
    I have 5 everhungry kids around me all day long, and I feel like I am preparing food for someone half of my waking hours. Do I beg them to support me? Ni, I don 't need support because I know what I want.
    Getting some inspiration or motivation through this forum or before/after pics etc is helpful but never ever expect from others to do the work for you.

    AGREE, 100%!

    Support is overrated. We are adults and are responsible for our own actions. Also, support is different for everybody. What does support look like to you? I highly doubt that you have zero support. It just may not look like you think it should.

    As for not having willpower… that's an excuse (so is "I don't have any support"). Willpower is nothing more than making a decision and re-making it everyday. If it's important to you… you'll find a way. You'll find a way to make that decision every day. To say you don't have willpower is really another way of saying that it's just not that important to you to keep at it.

    I'm sorry if this sounds harsh and unsupportive… but it's true. Nobody can motivate you for you. There's no magic mantra to keep repeating to yourself. There's no magic device you can wear that will make you keep going. You have to decide to do it yourself. The mantras and devices are great and can be helpful. But you still have to make the decision and keep making it everyday.

    No, it doesn't sound harsh. I know exactly what you mean and do know I need to look deep into myself to stop finding excuses and do it, if like you said, losing the weigh is something I really want
  • Mrsortiz7124
    Mrsortiz7124 Posts: 18 Member
    pcarbo3 wrote: »
    I totally disagree with the people saying that you are the only person who can motivate yourself, and you don't need support. Everyone could use some support and inspiration sometimes, and the approach that you don't need anyone may not necessarily work for you! Everyone is different! Yes, I motivate myself, and I do this for me and for no one else...but that doesn't mean I don't like to talk to others that know the struggle, who know how it feels, and who can offer tips and encouragement.

    Obviously you know that it's you who can make the change. No matter what support we give you, we can't physically change you. But we can be here for you! I am totally on board with the user who suggested the Fitbit -- I have the Fitbit Flex and I love it! Instead of guessing how many cals I'm burning throughout the day/at the gym/doing housework, etc., it gives me a more accurate count. Plus, you can integrate it with Myfitnesspal and it works to tell you when you're consuming more calories than you expend. It's a great investment, in my opinion.

    Good luck, and you absolutely CAN do this! My best suggestion is to start with small changes and make them habits. Once you see that you can handle that, you will hopefully be motivated to make even bigger changes!

    Thanks and yes I'm starting small so far I have dropped coke of my diet..well it has been 25 days but do think I'm off it for good
  • bookstatic
    bookstatic Posts: 27 Member
    pcarbo3 wrote: »
    I totally disagree with the people saying that you are the only person who can motivate yourself, and you don't need support. Everyone could use some support and inspiration sometimes, and the approach that you don't need anyone may not necessarily work for you! Everyone is different! Yes, I motivate myself, and I do this for me and for no one else...but that doesn't mean I don't like to talk to others that know the struggle, who know how it feels, and who can offer tips and encouragement.

    Obviously you know that it's you who can make the change. No matter what support we give you, we can't physically change you. But we can be here for you! I am totally on board with the user who suggested the Fitbit -- I have the Fitbit Flex and I love it! Instead of guessing how many cals I'm burning throughout the day/at the gym/doing housework, etc., it gives me a more accurate count. Plus, you can integrate it with Myfitnesspal and it works to tell you when you're consuming more calories than you expend. It's a great investment, in my opinion.

    Good luck, and you absolutely CAN do this! My best suggestion is to start with small changes and make them habits. Once you see that you can handle that, you will hopefully be motivated to make even bigger changes!

    I agree! None of us would be on this forum if support weren't helpful. I've had people in my life work to derail me in the past because of their own issues, and I hope that talking to others with similar goals will help with motivation!
  • runawayescape
    runawayescape Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, sent you a request :) hopefully we can help each other.