killing the sweet tooth

I have a horrible sweet tooth. My upbringing has me conditioned to want something sweet after I eat a meal. Anyone have any suggestions on how to kill the cravings?


  • khearron26
    khearron26 Posts: 171 Member
    Yes! Check out the book The Sugar Smart Diet by Anne Alexander. There is a lot of great information in there about how sugar affects our bodies and why we crave it so much. And it goes through a plan on slowly eliminating sugar from your diet for a time period to sort of "reset the system". Then it gradually adds certain foods with sugar back into your diet, and helps you learn to really limit those foods each day. Alexander understands that it is very difficult to eliminate sugar from our diet completely in the long-term, and so she explains how to make certain changes so that we aren't getting so much sugar intake from sources we aren't expecting, and how to keep "treats" as "treats" and not have them all day every day.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I tend to want something sweet after a meal too, I think it's out of a need to cleanse my palette. Or balance it, since I also tend to want something savory after having something sweet, soo...

    You could brush your teeth, or opt for some low-cal sugar free things like jello or popsicles. You could also just keep something sweet on hand like fun size chocolates and limit yourself to 1 or one serving. Just allot some calories for sweets and satisfy the craving when need be, log it, and don't overdo it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Try having a piece of fruit. Or save some calories for a small dessert after dinner and if you want something at another time tell yourself that you are getting it that evening. I regularly have a bit of ice cream after dinner and it works to limit the desire to snack at other times or indulge in some non special treat that appears at my office, and also kind of signals that eating is finished for the evening.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    You could always accomodate it with moderation! I'm fitting 2-4 Oreos into my day lately. It's okay to have something after dinner, as long as it doesn't derail your calorie goals for the day.

    Killing it wise:
    - Sometimes (before I acquired an inhuman amount of Oreos...haha) I like to do a tablespoon of milk chocolate or dark chocolate baking chips. Gives me a chocolate fix, and curbs my craving for something sweet.
    - Opt for a piece of fruit, or a more filling dinner so you don't feel the need to have a dessert after.
    - Ignore the craving, and let it pass.
  • lexilu823
    Thanks all! I typically keep some kind of ice cream or mini dessert in the house, but I lack in impulse control. I think I'll switch to just brushing my teeth after meals or having some fruit. Thanks for the input!
  • lexilu823
    khearron26 wrote: »
    Yes! Check out the book The Sugar Smart Diet by Anne Alexander. There is a lot of great information in there about how sugar affects our bodies and why we crave it so much. And it goes through a plan on slowly eliminating sugar from your diet for a time period to sort of "reset the system". Then it gradually adds certain foods with sugar back into your diet, and helps you learn to really limit those foods each day. Alexander understands that it is very difficult to eliminate sugar from our diet completely in the long-term, and so she explains how to make certain changes so that we aren't getting so much sugar intake from sources we aren't expecting, and how to keep "treats" as "treats" and not have them all day every day.

    I will definitely add this to my reading list! I would love a sugar detox. The thought of becoming diabetic really scares me and the amount of sugar I consume puts me at risk.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    By eating something sweet? I'm eating a cinnamon bun with icing with my late breakfast today once the kitchen is empty (I prefer having the kitchen to myself for meal prep since I'm chaotic with it lol). CI<CO and you're fine.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    I have a sweet tooth myself, but for me personally, completely cutting sweets out is a recipe for failure. I still eat something sweet after lunch and/or dinner and just fit it into my calories. I'll have a couple cookies or a granola bar or some hot chocolate or something. I usually love to have hot chocolate after supper. My newest obsession is the salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks...yum. I've lost just over 60 pounds still incorporating these things into my diet, and it's been the easiest 60 pounds I've ever lost. Once you learn you can still look forward to daily treats and they're not forbidden, it will make your life easier. I also find I crave them a ton less because I eat them daily anyway, and this keeps me from binging on them. It's all about portion control and keeping your treats within your calories.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    I'm aiming for a month with no sweet things. I have a killer sweet tooth, but i also have no self control with it either so I can't just work it into my calories. However, when I get absolutely desperate (which I know I will at some point) I suck a mint imperial. 10 calories, plus it gives me that brushed teeth peppermint taste.
  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    edited January 2015
    Greek yoghurt with sweetener and fruit is great after dinner. But for even fewer calories, there are sugar free low fat yoghurts. And if you live in the UK, there are Mini Milks. I don't think I could do this without always having those 30 calorie Ice cream lollies in my freezer.

    I did once cut out sweet things and my cravings reduced significantly. But that wasn't sustainable - after just a tiny bit of sugar I would be like a beast after a drop of blood, and go completely nuts and binge.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I can't help you with the cravings. But I've replaced chocolate with blackberries and rasberries, it satisfies my sweet tooth with hundreds less calories than a chocolate bar.
  • sari78
    sari78 Posts: 2
    Sometimes adding cinnamon to something can help satisfy a sweet tooth without using sweetener and cinnamon is good for blood sugar control as well (if you are diabetic or prediabetic).
  • lakhena
    lakhena Posts: 57 Member
    Tazo's Sweet Cinnamon Spice tea is my current go to when I want something sweet after a meal.
  • mluvst
    mluvst Posts: 6 Member
    I've been doing one dove chocolate square, I love them. Only 44 cals and I eat it slow, Know it sounds funny but it helps my after dinner cravings. Also life savers mints spearmint are sweet and few calories, they keep your mouth and mind occupied for a while.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    i grew-up the same way. we ALWAYS had dessert after dinner, and breakfasts were always sweets. (sometimes we would have brownies for breakfast - that was my favorite!)
    we even put sugar on our sweetened cereals!
    for me, the best way was just cold turkey no more sweets. it took about a week, but the cravings went away. i am the type that if i have a bite of pie, i WILL eat the entire thing. *thankfully* i have developed a corn and soy allergy, so most sweets are completely off-limits or i'll turn into a giant red itchy mess!
  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    lexilu823 wrote: »
    I have a horrible sweet tooth. My upbringing has me conditioned to want something sweet after I eat a meal. Anyone have any suggestions on how to kill the cravings?

    I have the same craving after supper !.... I chew sugar free gum to kill the usually works. Or I have a small sweet treat that fits into my daily calories...