Weight loss and calorie counting


Just booked a family holiday for august and need to lose weight for it.
I'm a 36 year old man, 5"8, weigh 17 stone and at its biggest point my belly is 113cm.

I have joined a gym and understand I need to do lots of running, Cycling, Cross trainer and rowing to burn the fat and also weighted squats, free weights and weight machines.

My main problem is calorie counting. I'm not sure I understand how to do it.
Say I make some spag bol for my tea, do I weigh each item i put in separately
i.e. - Dolmios Sauce, Mince Meat, Sweet corn, and then create a meal, weigh it out onto my plate and use that weight for my meal calories???
hope I've explained that right.

Also I'm aiming to eat 1800 calories a day for the first month, On the days I go to the gym do I need to re-eat what I've worked off. i.e. if I eat 1800 calories, go to the gym and burn off 1000 calories do I need to eat some of them back?

Thanks for your help



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    While exercise is important, your weight loss comes from a calorie deficit. Lifting weights will help you retain muscle, so definitely start on that. Look up Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength to determine what program is best for you to start with. You can choose whatever cardio exercise you'd like to do, if any.

    Yes, that's pretty much it. Weigh out the final product as well (deducting the dish's weight) then what most people do is divide by 100 grams to set how many servings there are.

    The way MFP is set up, you should eat your calories back. However, the database and machines often overestimate what you burn, so it's recommended to only eat back 50-75% of those calories. If you use a heart rate monitor, you can play around with what you eat back to see if it's more or less accurate.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    While exercise is important, your weight loss comes from a calorie deficit. Lifting weights will help you retain muscle, so definitely start on that. Look up Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength to determine what program is best for you to start with. You can choose whatever cardio exercise you'd like to do, if any.

    Yes, that's pretty much it. Weigh out the final product as well (deducting the dish's weight) then what most people do is divide by 100 grams to set how many servings there are.

    The way MFP is set up, you should eat your calories back. However, the database and machines often overestimate what you burn, so it's recommended to only eat back 50-75% of those calories. If you use a heart rate monitor, you can play around with what you eat back to see if it's more or less accurate.

    Nothing more needs to be said. +1
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    There are 2 methods, the MFP default net method or the TDEE method. They treat exercise slightly differently, the former does not include exercise until you do it and the latter includes exercise and then evens out the calories over the week. Others can explain TDEE and I'll just discuss the MFP default method.

    1. Work out your maintenance calories based on your stats height , weight, age, sex. I get them to be 2605. That is the amount without exercise you will burn during the day.
    2. Work out how much you want to lose, so lets say 1.5lb a week, which equates to 750 calories a day deficit. 2605-750=1855. (bear in mind its just a projection).
    3. Filling out MFP correctly should get this.

    So as for your scenario, then best get some kitchen scales and weigh all your food, then enter the ingredietnts into MFP for the total calories. You can either enter it as individual ingredients on MFP or use the recipe builder if you make it exactly the same way each time. I prefer to use individual ingredients and then once you have logged a few times just copy from previous entries, which is very quick.

    Your gym example, then its up to you whether to eat back calories or not. If you are doing TDEE then you do not eat back as they are included already. If you are doing MFP and burn 1000 calories, then the first question you need to ask is if that estimate is accurate. Lots of people report MFP being over generous with calories burned estimates leading you to believe you have burned more than you have. That might have you eating back more than you should.

    I would suggest eating a % of those calories back, say 50%, but you need to be honest about what the burns are. Check other databases, use a hrm if you have one, dont overestimate your own effort. Its up to you what you eat back though. Id say eat 50% and then adjust up or down based on what the scale does over a month. Its all about maintaining a consistent deficit.

    Good luck.
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    heres what I did and I've lost 72lbs in just under 7 months. (No stalls)

    1. Drink plenty of water, as much as you can tolerate. In started with 64 ounces but can easily drink a gallon and a half to 2 gallons now.
    2. Try to cut out caffeine and artificial sweeteners
    3. Run, jog, interval train, hell even walk a lot don't worry about weights as much (blasphemy I know).
    4. Stay under your calorie goal, and never eat back all of your exercise calories. No more than 50% of them.

    Diet is key, exercise is just the icing.

    Oh and yes, track and weigh everything. Get a food scale and lots of measuring spoons/cups.

    Good luck
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    As for your spag bol, I would measure each thing you are putting in and create a meal. If you are .making 1 portion then you don't have to do anything else. If you are making 4 portions then you add the meal but out you are only eating 1/4th.

    BTW, corn in.your spag bol? Never heard of that before, but in america we don't call it spag bol so you threw me there also lol
  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    Mfp always gives you a crazy low calorie number to start. Go to http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html and enter in you info. Get that number and multiply it by 0.8. Eat that many calories to start. Then every 10lbs you lose go back and recalculate. Do you cook mostly for yourself or for other people too? You want to weight everything you put into your dishes. Get a digital scale if you don't already have one. I also use a small dry erase board to write everything down while cooking. Do you need help with how to use the recipe calculator? You want to weight everything first. I always go by serving size on package. Like if I am making spaghetti I weight out 4oz of noodles. 2oz for me, 2oz for my fiance. Then for sauce a serving size is 1/2 cup each so measure that out. Fry 6 oz of meat in pan and add sauce to it. Then I will drain the pasta and weigh it again and divide it in half, And the same thing with the sauce. Once you do it more often it becomes easier and 2nd nature. The hard part is just learning common serving sizes for foods. If you need more help message me. I'd be more than happy to help you.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    MFP gives you a lower amount because it doesnt include exercise and adds in burn back calories later. Its two different methods. Nothing crazy at all.
  • jameshubbard37
    jameshubbard37 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks a lot for your help guys and gals. Im just going to weigh everything I eat for a week, from all the ingredients that I use to make something, to the actual final meal. I will post back next week and see if what Im doing is right.

    Im really excited about doing this which I guess is a good step.

    I have measured lots of my body too for a progress report.

    Cant wait till first gym session tomorrow night

    ha ha ha
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    thanks a lot for your help guys and gals. Im just going to weigh everything I eat for a week, from all the ingredients that I use to make something, to the actual final meal. I will post back next week and see if what Im doing is right.

    Im really excited about doing this which I guess is a good step.

    I have measured lots of my body too for a progress report.

    Cant wait till first gym session tomorrow night

    ha ha ha

    Good plan, use the recipe builder here and next time you go to log your meal it'll be there. ..Once you have a week done you'll have a lot of foods inputted which will speed up the logging process.
    Some great advice from others ☺
    Wishing you all the best!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    thanks a lot for your help guys and gals. Im just going to weigh everything I eat for a week, from all the ingredients that I use to make something, to the actual final meal. I will post back next week and see if what Im doing is right.

    Im really excited about doing this which I guess is a good step.

    I have measured lots of my body too for a progress report.

    Cant wait till first gym session tomorrow night

    ha ha ha

    Good plan, use the recipe builder here and next time you go to log your meal it'll be there. ..Once you have a week done you'll have a lot of foods inputted which will speed up the logging process.
    Some great advice from others ☺
    Wishing you all the best!
    Ps when you're making your spag bol add other veg to bulk it up and it'll keep cals low yet you'll feel fuller for longer. ..ie grate carrot/peppers into it, add mushrooms..broccoli..courgette. ..anything really lol ..you'll have a big plate full of goodness :-)
  • katiediem
    katiediem Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I am having trouble losing weight. I exercise like crazy running, zumba, pilates, yoga, and calesthenics and am not losing. I am consistently under my calories. I also have tried eating less calories without effect. I measure my food as well. Help???
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    katiediem wrote: »
    Hi. I am having trouble losing weight. I exercise like crazy running, zumba, pilates, yoga, and calesthenics and am not losing. I am consistently under my calories. I also have tried eating less calories without effect. I measure my food as well. Help???

    You are eating too much

    1) no measuring for food ...you need to weigh on a digital scale, everything

    2) You may be overestimating your exercise ...eat back 50-75% of MFP database calories