stay at home Moms



  • tasheabarnes
    tasheabarnes Posts: 4 Member
    I am a mum of two beautiful girls the youngest is about to turn 7 months and I am the biggest I have ever been and it's depressing! I lost 18lb using MFP after my first daughter this time I need to loose 40lb! My husband and I have just got T25 to start once I have a sports bra and he has his vasectomy next week and has healed. But in the meantime I'm hoping my diet and the school run will get me started. Weighing myself everyday gives me the motivation to keep going and I keep looking for fun things to cook using pinterest and my husband has complimented every meal I've tried this week!
  • ourtruelovewillneverdie
    I'm a 28 year old SAHM of five all 7 and under. I just recently completed my Bachelors, I have commencement in 3 weeks, and I'm currently working towards a Masters in education. It definitely gets easier when they are in school. I have 3 in school all day, 1 does half days, and the 2 year old is with me all the time. I would love some support. I'm working on losing the last 10 lbs and it feels like it is going by so slow.
  • ak2fl
    ak2fl Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a sahm with 4 kids. 7g,5b,2g,6month b. I'm down most of my baby weight just trying to lose the last 8lbs. I lift and cardio,I'm trying to start running longer.
  • lawademo
    I am a recent sahm. I left nursing just a few months ago to take care of my littles. I have 3. 4yo, 2.5yo, and 13mo. I am doing crossfit, and running. Trying to lose my last 10 pounds to pre-pregnancy. . Then another 10-15! I could use the motivation of others in the same boat! It would be awesome if I could get it done by June 1st, my birthday :) not to mention summer *
  • ChloePresley
    I'm a stay at home mom with a 8 month old daughter and a 7 year old boy. No gym membership, no sitters available to me to go out and run (won't take my daughter cause I'm in Ohio and it's frickin cold) I'm limited to mall walking haha. Also on 1200 a day
  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    I homeschool 5 kids (oldest is 11, youngest is 1). I workout at 5.30am and then I am with the kids from 7am until 8.30pm. Sometimes I workout at night as well.
    I make lunch my priority because if that's good food, then I'll stay on track.

    One tricky thing for me is lack of sleep but that should get better over time!!

    Good thing is that with a 13h job doing things for other people I desperately NEED the ME time early in the morning. That thought ("if I oversleep I will not have any time to myself until tonight") gets me out of bed 95% of my mornings!
  • hkied
    hkied Posts: 46 Member
    part time SAHM I work 2 days a wk. Have 4 kids 18 to 4 yrs old lots of go-go-go-go. I need to find time for ME. I need to get into some kind of sch. friend me if you would like.
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    I'm a SAHM. My oldest is in middle school and my two youngest are under the age of three.
    This winter weather and time change isn't helping me much. :/
  • SaundraM2009
    SaundraM2009 Posts: 65 Member
    SAHM to two little girls, almost 4 years and almost 4 months. Having a hard time getting motivated this time, I was in the best shape of my life after my first daughter was born and I enjoy working out, but I have a killer sweet tooth. Anyone feel free to add! :-)
  • Negriita2010
    Negriita2010 Posts: 45 Member
    I am here I have 107lbs to lose and I am just beginning my journey. Feel free to add me.
    im with you i have 75 lbs to lose i have a 7 month old
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    @BrendaLee615‌ - oh, sweetie... if you're eating under 1200 and doing daily cardio, you are straight up starving, and if you keep it up, your body will punish you for it.

    Assuming that you are logging every single nibble (it does take a while to get into the habit) and using actual measuring cups/spoons/a food scale instead of eye-balling, and the under 1200 is thus accurate, you are not eating enough to lose fat in any kind of healthy, sustainable way. You will stall out, & if you're stubborn enough to

    Check out this group:

    The first announcement thread has the details on the method I use. It's a lot of info, but it is WORTH slogging through it. You don't have to go hungry, you don't have to give up treats, and you don't have to sweat to death on a treadmill. Check out the group, friend me if you like. :)

    Goes for anybody else here too, friend away. I'm home w/ a 3yo and a 6mo baby. I lost 30lb (my son's post-baby gain) doing this, kept it off & started my second pregnancy 4 pounds under my pre-preg weight with my son. My daughter is now 6 months old, her baby weight is all but gone (3lb to go), and I made it through the holidays w/o going up a jeans size. 2015 is my year. I am saying goodbye to the 200s forever. I am getting back into my wedding dress (180lb) for my anniversary in July. By this time next year, I'm gonna need all new clothes because nothing I currently own will be small enough.

    Anybody wanna come with? :)

  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    AndyBee wrote: »
    Count me in. I'm a sahm of a 14 month old. He takes very irregular naps, so I'm trying to figure out how best to get my new workouts in. When I mention it to my non mom friends, they give me all these "solutions" that don't actually work.

    I have a 17 month old that is like that with naps. It drives me crazy! My oldest 2 were so consistent, but not this one!

    I am a SAHM to 3 kids, 2 go to school. Feel free to add me. I would love to have more SAHM friends. I feel like what we do is so judged. This is what is best for my family right now. Money is super tight and it sucks, but we make it work.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    AndyBee wrote: »
    Count me in. I'm a sahm of a 14 month old. He takes very irregular naps, so I'm trying to figure out how best to get my new workouts in. When I mention it to my non mom friends, they give me all these "solutions" that don't actually work.

    I have a 17 month old that is like that with naps. It drives me crazy! My oldest 2 were so consistent, but not this one!

    I am a SAHM to 3 kids, 2 go to school. Feel free to add me. I would love to have more SAHM friends. I feel like what we do is so judged. This is what is best for my family right now. Money is super tight and it sucks, but we make it work.

    For me it's the other way around, it would make no sense for me to work because finding a sitter would cost more than what I'd make. My French degree unfortunately isn't worth much here, and I don't have much experience, heck I don't even know if I could find a job at all...
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    AndyBee wrote: »
    Count me in. I'm a sahm of a 14 month old. He takes very irregular naps, so I'm trying to figure out how best to get my new workouts in. When I mention it to my non mom friends, they give me all these "solutions" that don't actually work.

    I have a 17 month old that is like that with naps. It drives me crazy! My oldest 2 were so consistent, but not this one!

    I am a SAHM to 3 kids, 2 go to school. Feel free to add me. I would love to have more SAHM friends. I feel like what we do is so judged. This is what is best for my family right now. Money is super tight and it sucks, but we make it work.

    For me it's the other way around, it would make no sense for me to work because finding a sitter would cost more than what I'd make. My French degree unfortunately isn't worth much here, and I don't have much experience, heck I don't even know if I could find a job at all...

    Where do you live? I have a French degree, and I'm a secondary school teacher (in England). I make just enough that I can work, pay for childcare, and be better off. Just lol. We do get tax credits and child benefit, although tax credits are based on your previous year's income, so they'll be ok my first year back after maternity leave, but pretty pathetic after that.
  • BrendaLee615
    @BrendaLee615‌ - oh, sweetie... if you're eating under 1200 and doing daily cardio, you are straight up starving, and if you keep it up, your body will punish you for it.

    Assuming that you are logging every single nibble (it does take a while to get into the habit) and using actual measuring cups/spoons/a food scale instead of eye-balling, and the under 1200 is thus accurate, you are not eating enough to lose fat in any kind of healthy, sustainable way. You will stall out, & if you're stubborn enough to

    Check out this group:

    The first announcement thread has the details on the method I use. It's a lot of info, but it is WORTH slogging through it. You don't have to go hungry, you don't have to give up treats, and you don't have to sweat to death on a treadmill. Check out the group, friend me if you like. :)

    Goes for anybody else here too, friend away. I'm home w/ a 3yo and a 6mo baby. I lost 30lb (my son's post-baby gain) doing this, kept it off & started my second pregnancy 4 pounds under my pre-preg weight with my son. My daughter is now 6 months old, her baby weight is all but gone (3lb to go), and I made it through the holidays w/o going up a jeans size. 2015 is my year. I am saying goodbye to the 200s forever. I am getting back into my wedding dress (180lb) for my anniversary in July. By this time next year, I'm gonna need all new clothes because nothing I currently own will be small enough.

    Anybody wanna come with? :)

    Count me in.

    I always use the measuring cups. I read all the labels. I really need help with this. I can't go another day feeling like blah from the headaches that have become more frequent. I am focusing on today of eating healthy foods (well except for the bacon my husband cooked me for breakfast) and I thought maybe I can take the calories and divide them into 6 categories. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. To see if that helps me eat the total amount I need to. Any other suggestions are always appreciated.
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    edited January 2015
    I do a similar "break up the day" thing, but I do it by time. 6am - 10am, 10am - 2pm, 2pm - 6pm, 6pm - 10pm, 10pm - 2am. I find this not only helps me stay on track when I'm having a "crap I forgot to eat" day, but also helps me find those sneaky little patterns that set me up to overeat. Sent you a friend request. :)

    Also, headaches? Sweetie, you need to eat more. That's your body telling you that you are HUNGRY, but you've been doing it long enough that your stomach isn't actually sending recognizable hunger signals anymore. It's a survival thing, so you don't go nuts.

    Ah, "healthy" eating... I have found that as a general rule, unless you are diabetic or have thyroid issues or for some other reason need to pay very close attention to nutrient balances, by & large the body doesn't give a crap if you get your calories from cheeseburgers & ice cream, or from lettuce and apples, as long as you get an appropriate amount. Calories are calories.

    Where "healthy" vs "unhealthy" makes a difference is in performance. It's sort of like putting that E-85 corn fuel in your car. It runs, but not as effectively or as efficiently as it could on the premium stuff it was designed to use. Take a peek at my food log, you'll see I enjoy my home cooking (to avoid processed crap) and yogurt, but you'll also see cake and cookies and chocolate. Even the occasional (legasp) McDonalds run.

    I get migraines if I don't eat, brutal, stick-a-fork-in-me-I'm-DONE migraines. My day is over, I'm completely useless, because I cannot see, nor tolerate the slightest sound or light. As I have two small children, this is highly impractical. ;) So I eat.