60 years and 40 lbs

Hi - I am using MFP for the first time. My goal is lose 40 lbs. I am 60 and the weight has been creeping on for 2 decades. Now my cholesterol is high and my doctor has given me 6 months to see if diet and weight loss will make a difference. I am trying the Mediterranean Diet and would love some supportive "pals" to stay motivated. Weight loss is definitely tougher after 50!



  • milliemed
    milliemed Posts: 1 Member
    Hi...my name is Helen and I am 64 years old and obese...85 pounds overweight...yes..It is harder to lose weight after 50..we just have to work harder lol
  • vgbgunc
    vgbgunc Posts: 10 Member
    Does high cholesterol/heart disease run in your family? If not you have a good chance in reducing it.
    Either way I'm sure you can.
    I'm 57. I had high cholesterol (270+). Dr gave me a 30-day supply of Lipitor. I told him then diet and exercise got me here diet & exercise can get me back. He responded that it is more hereditary than that. Since my family doesn't have a history of heart disease I felt more confident it would work.
    I returned 5 months later and gave it all back to him after lowering mine to <150. That's me though.
    But I would certainly try diet and exercise first.
    Good luck.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi Sharon! I feel your pain. I am almost 52 and I have been struggling to lose weight since my twins were born 12 yrs ago. I now have about 80 lbs to lose. Thankfully at this point all of my blood work is good. But I did want to share one thing with you concerning cholesterol. A couple of yrs ago I decided I would do vegetarian for a while. My cholesterol was around 135 at the time, so no problems there. But I wanted to see if cutting out meat would help me lose weight. I did continue to eat cheese and some milk. Anyway, six months later when I had a dr. appt and more blood work, my cholesterol had dropped to 112! The doc actually told me that I needed to raise my cholesterol back up. So, I picked back up eating some meat and it went back up. All that to say, meat obviously raises cholesterol levels, so you might want to experiment with it and see what happens. There are other things that can cause high cholesterol as well, so it just depends on what your body is doing. By the way, I did NOT lose weight from cutting out meat. But, I do have some other health issues, or maybe I ate too much of other things.

    My goal this year is to lose 50 lbs. I'm trying a couple of things that I haven't been able to do before to see if that helps me. One thing I know, I cannot keep doing what I've always done and expect a different result. Gotta change some things!

    I would welcome your friendship and we can certainly journey together. Feel free to send me a friend request if you wish. I have been off MFP for a while, but I'm committed to staying on and tracking my food. I hope all goes well with you. Just do what you can do, and maybe a little more, (haha!), and try not to feel the pressure of the 6 month stipulation that your doctor has presented.

  • stinianow wrote: »
    Hi - I am using MFP for the first time. My goal is lose 40 lbs. I am 60 and the weight has been creeping on for 2 decades. Now my cholesterol is high and my doctor has given me 6 months to see if diet and weight loss will make a difference. I am trying the Mediterranean Diet and would love some supportive "pals" to stay motivated. Weight loss is definitely tougher after 50!


  • Hi Sharon. I'm 63 and 50 lbs overweight. My BP is high & I don't want to go on drugs. I am an emotional eater. Lots of family stressors. So I need help. I start well, but get off balance easly. Hang in there!