
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Phew just tried the Macareno Workout and I am so uncoordianted! I nearly tripped meself up trying to do the leg work. Think I'll do that one on weekends when I have more time. Practice makes perfect though and I can only get better at it :) I hope!

    Viv (in still sunny and bright York UK)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Jane: thinking of you.

    Rita: where is your TN house, if I may ask? And are you using an app for mindmapping or pen and paper? Am interested.

    Drkatiebug: I have those organizing urges this time of year as well.

    Meg: I think I missed something. What happened to your knee?

    I crashed and burned with food yesterday and even had discomfort during the night. Looking forward to a better day with lots of water.

    Hope everyone has a good day! :flowerforyou:

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    So nice to see all the new people! This is a fabulous group of women, I`ve been here since 2012! This is a no judgment, plenty of support, lots of kindness and caring group of wonderful women <3 ! Welcome to you all, come in often!!!

    I am fighting the flu at the moment and feel absolutely horrible :sick:. This is the 3rd day, I actually felt better yesterday than I do this morning. Woke up to a fever again…just a slight one but still makes one feel icky! I have gone through a box and half of Kleenex and my nose is a bit sore now. Still a little achy and still have a bit of a cough. No appetite, I got on the scale this morning and had gained ½ lb., I`m sure it`s sodium from the soup I`ve been consuming, still makes me sad :sad:! I did have a flu shot in Oct., I heard on the news the shot is only about 60% effective this year…grrrrr!!!

    Sylvia :) Sure hope you`re feeling better! I know you just went through the flu and a stomach bug now :sad:…feel better soon!!!

    Viv :) So nice to see you posting! I understand about getting weepy over just anything. It`s all normal, don`t be hard on yourself about it! I think you`re doing just fine :flowerforyou:!!!

    Margaret :) Thanks for those lovely pictures! They are beautiful <3 !

    Joyce :) You`ve become two different people on here :laugh:…how strange! Glad your Christmas went well! That`s a lot of people to have in the house! Get some rest!

    Melody :) Love the Macarena workout!!!

    Meg :) Take care of that knee!!! How is Benny Beagle doing? Glad to hear the baby is doing good :love:!

    Tere :) Glad to see you back!!! I can`t believe people let their dogs just roam :grumble:!

    Barb :) I found your post so interesting. My brother is a diabetic and the Dr. has just put him on a very low calorie diet, since he started insulin he has gained almost 20 pounds, he can have 2 eggs and 1 slice of toast for breakfast, 6oz. of lean meat and 1 cup of veggies for lunch and dinner and for snacks celery and cucumbers. He is only on day 3 and is not very happy about it. They really want to get his insulin down. Thanks for sharing your story!!!

    Rori :) Great goals! Love the pic of Mars!!!

    Linda C :) That omelet sounds delicious!

    Robin :) Hope they get your meds just right! Glad you`re getting the renovations done!

    TNToni :) Sounds like the same weather in NC. I`m ready to see some sunshine B) !

    Katiebug :) Your organization looks fabulous (*) !!!! I still have to get in my closet and the garage and do some work!

    Katla :) Have you had a session with the new yoga teacher yet?

    Michele :) Have you seen the sunshine???

    Yanniejannie :) Glad things are better with DD!!! Watch that bp!!! Congrats on being down a pound…YAY!!!

    Cynthia :) Hope today is a better day for you!!!

    I know I missed a lot of people, just know I`m thinking of you all <3 and wishing you the best of luck!

    DeeDee in soggy NC

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    DrKaty, what is the June Cleaver site? Just curious.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello, everyone! Unusually warm--close to 70--foggy,showery this am. Still keeping a close eye on the bp; this am so far: 129/64 and 107/69........so, getting back to what is normal for me. The high readings were terrifying to me (which, I know, adds to the stress and continued high readings) because having a stroke and being left w/o speech and/or movement would be my absolute worst nighmare.

    drkatie........Hmmmm, when you arew finished organizing with Janet in Myrtle Beach, how about heading up the coast a little more to me????

    Beth.......We are on the same page with the "buckle down" agenda!!! We'll do it together!

    tere.........I keep thinking about the loose dog situation in your neighborhood......and I've decided it would be OK to suggest you just call 911 when you are actively being threatened by roaming dogs. If nothing else it would get both police action and animal control out there more quickly than a call to report it later......and it really could turn quickly into an emergency.

    Michele........I must be Vince's cousin. My mom died in 2006 and I'm still dragging my feet on unpacking some stuff and putting stock in my name........I do occ. take a very small bite of the elephant and do feel better for it when I do. I really do need to get on the stock name change........they have sent me checks over the years in her name and they just pile up because of course I can't cash something not in my name. It's a situation that I must get sorted out!!!! (Which I have said to myself a milllion times)

    Jenny......Welcome and feel free to use or change "Hunger is not an emergency". Glad you find it helpful; pretty sure I "borrowed" it from someone here myself!

    Katla.......How was the latest riding lesson and the new yoga teacher? Wonderful that your DH is having a stable time lately with his diabetes.

    Dee Dee........Awwwww..........I'm so sorry you have the flu! Hoping you feel all better soon! Do the grandgirls have it too? Not fair to be so sick and gain weight too; sure you are right that it is retention.

    Should be a quiet day here........DD has gone to the monthly lifeguard drill practice this am, then she will go work at the show barn. DH still in bed, good for him!

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Good Morning my friends. I hope you are having a better day than yesterday and even better tomorrow. I won't respond to individuals because I know my posts tend to get a little long.
    Thank to all that gave me dessert ideas. They are great!
    I've read some posts from another site about hating exercise and struggling with eating right. I would like to eat things that I don't, because I love the result of a little resolve. I set mini-goals for myself and one of them was to lose 30 pounds. Today when I stepped on the scale, I am one pound away from that. When I started this journey in Mid October, I had no idea if I would ever lose 30 pounds and now I know I can do it. My clothes are getting looser and I know that before long, I'll be able to shop somewhere other than the "Women's" department. That is motivation! I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and can't wait to hear what he says about my weight. :smiley:

    It is not always an easy journey as I know maintenance won't be....but to be healthy and happy with fewer aches and pains is well worth it. You have all inspired me and I hope I can help inspire some of you.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Glad to have you.
    Katiebug, I did find how to add my food. Thanks.

    Keep up the great work. If you fall, get back up and start again. We can do this.

    Huggs and love to you all,

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barb from Louisiana: Keep up the struggle and you will win! The prize is better health, and feelings of pride in accomplishment. :flowerforyou:

    Marywetterlund: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: It sounds like your family Christmas in January was a huge success. Get some rest! :flowerforyou:

    Wizzywig: Your “small” piece of cake won’t derail your progress. It was lovely of you to visit your DH’s Auntie. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I’ve had my first riding lesson of the New Year, but my first yoga class is not until Tuesday. I hope it turns out well. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Do you have family members who have had serious strokes? My mom had a series of mini-strokes but they left no lasting disability. I believe the medical term is transient ischemic attacks. She also had a disease called temporal arteritis that stole part of her vision. DH’s stroke took part of his vision and he will listen to me next time if I tell him I think he’s having a stroke, even if I have to call the paramedics over his objections and have him carted off. There is a golden hour when it is sometimes possible to reverse the damage if you get in for treatment quickly. On another subject, the latest riding lesson found me sore and inflexible. I back-slid a bit after a couple of weeks off. I haven’t had any problems with pain in the saddle before, and the last lesson was very uncomfortable. My teacher suggested a different brand of jeans. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie’s question led me to ask those of you who ride for jeans or riding pants recommendations. I was thinking of looking into women’s bicycling shorts as a possibility to go under my jeans and saw all sorts of underthings on the internet that are marketed to women riders.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    afternoon ladies
    well we are on the last day of vacation and getting stuff, done.. brought the DFIL his clean clothes and cookies, of course he was sleeping and didnt wake up, we did hang his pictures..
    got DH lunch all set and will roast a chicken.. have laundry in the wash and will sweep the floors in a bit
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! I have to say that I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, but I'm very happy that I have a job, am well, and able to do so. I have thoroughly enjoyed my long holiday. Wow! Four days off for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. I have loved it! LOL!

    DH and I stayed up until almost 2 am just watching TV. Sounds crazy, but I'm not sure we've ever done that before. It was rather enjoyable being just the two of us and doing absolutely nothing! Today, I have to put up the Christmas decorations, but I'm embarrassed to say that I put out very few things this Christmas so it's not going to be very difficult. I've already put away the Christmas dishes and glasses with the help of DH because this short old woman can't reach the cabinets above the refrigerator! LOL! It feels good to have accomplished something! My house is finally getting back to where it was before my daughter and her family and her friends and their family moved in. Thank you Lord! I still have a lot of decluttering to do, but I'm working on eating that elephant ... one bite at a time.

    Marywetterlund – Welcome! Congratulations on the weight loss. I’m sure that soon you will start losing again.

    Joyce – Enjoy your guests and then get some rest! Glad to have you back as you! LOL!

    Viv in York UK- I was laughing so hard at your post about the cake and video that I had to read it to my DH. You are hilarious!
    Cynthia – Today is a new day. Forgive yourself and go on.

    DeeDee – Hope you feel better soon! I hope that your brother does well on his diet and is able to get the insulin down. It is extremely hard to lose weight taking a lot of insulin. At least it is for most people. Like your brother, most of us end up gaining weight.

    Yanniejannie – Happy your b/p is coming down to normal limits. Please take care of yourself.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach NC – Congrats on the weight loss! I am so happy for you! I’m sure your doctor will be happy!

    Katla – I hope there is no “next time” for your DH, but if you suspect a stroke, call 911. It’s far better to find that he’s not having a stroke than it is to deal with the consequences of no treatment if it is. It sounds like you have learned a lot about strokes. I’m glad you shared your knowledge with everyone. It is good information and many people are not aware. Thanks for sharing!

    Since I will be going back to work, I doubt that I will have the time to address everyone in my posts, but know that I will be reading, wishing you all well, and looking forward to following how everyone is doing. Hugs to all!

    Barb from South Louisiana

    P.S. I really want that ticket to start saying that I've lost more than 25 lbs.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    edited January 2015
    Yanniejannie and Janet - I think it was me who came up with the "Hunger is not an emergency" quote. I got it from THE BECK DIET SOLUTION book. It is a good book that encourages us to make commitments to ourselves and examines the excuses we all make and how to overcome them. It operates on CBT principles. I bought the Kindle version. I love that quote as I am one of those people for whom hunger really does feel like an emergency, but I have got better at enduring it for a short time.

    Today was the second day I have been working at creating the new habit of getting down to my typing after lunch. I have found that I am much more likely to do it if I have something on the TV at the same time. Today I watched a light comedy film which was the perfect accompaniment. I am not creating new stuff, just typing out and proof editing an old novel I wrote in the early 80s, so it doesn't require a whole lot of my brain.
    When I was at school I often used to do my homework with the TV or radio on and sometimes I used to read a magazine at the same time! ! ! ! For me it takes away the fear of being stuck there all alone with just the page in front of me and my own brain full of judgements, so I guess I will carry on doing what works for me. :bigsmile: The important thing is to get it done. So far I have typed about a fifth of it.
    I might try the same trick when it comes to writing my memoir, which I started and abandoned because I found it brought up so much pain. I do fear going into that space in my head, so I will try doing it with some day time TV burbling away. :laugh: I have always had a love/hate relationship with my writing and found the actual process really hard to get into. Once I started I was fine, but had so much resistance to actually sitting down and doing it. I fought it all my life. For those who don't know me, I ended up writing quite a few published children's books as well as short stories, poems and plays which were published/produced, but the agony of doing it was always with me. I never managed to get a full length adult novel published despite 10 tries, some of which were very near, frustrating misses. I now want to see how the old novels do on Kindle, but some of them need to be transcribed onto Word. I typed them on an Olivetti portable! ! ! ! Carbons and everything! ! !

    DH still very poorly. He is upstairs watching rugby and football. I will take his dinner up to him. Good TV on tonight - the 3rd series of Last Tango in Halifax and a new Foyles War. One of them will have to be recorded - which will be Foyles War as I can then skip the adverts! ! ! :laugh:

    Eating ok now, but that pesky pound is back. BE GONE!

    Katie - loving the organisation. Fab! :flowerforyou: I need you in my utility room. :sad:

    Love to all. Newbies, just stick with us and you will accomplish miracles! ! ! ! :flowerforyou:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member

    DrKaty, what is the June Cleaver site? Just curious.


    I stumbled upon it with a search for Apple banana muffins.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    edited January 2015
    With all the invitations for decluttering, I think I have found a way to enjoy my retirement and see the country at the same time. :D

    My DH is a tad bit OCD with routines and such, so I have to somewhat organized or he gets grouchy. I tend to oscillate between somewhat of a slob until I lose something, then the organization bug bites and I cannot stop until it is done. This time it was my new health insurance card. I found it 5 minutes into the organizing, but by then the mood was on.

    As for hunger not being an emergency, that is so true. My aunt Sis (of the Orange cake recipe for those of you who remember my Kroger meltdown), who was a size 6 or smaller her entire life, said there were two secrets to keeping your figure: one was to wear your blue jeans every single day (no elastic pants for her) and to realize that feeling a little bit hungry would not kill you, especially if you knew when your next meal was coming.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited January 2015
    Wait...drkatiebug is organizing us? Where's the list? Put me on there!

    Katla: have you looked into the thin layer that joggers put under their jogging tights? Odlo is one brand, but there are more.
  • TatianaMacKenzie
    TatianaMacKenzie Posts: 23 Member
    Hello ladies.
    So far so good re my January goals re exercise and food portions. Tuesday will be a week since I restarted tracking after December off the web site (and which resulted in 4 pounds weight gain). Grey grey day today: after the freezing rain, we got plain rain rain rain. And they say snow is coming as the temp dips down. I guess winter is truly here! Taking down the Xmas decorations today. Then some house cleaning and finishing painting some wood trim around a rather large living room window. Drinking more herbal tea to try and snack less, especially at night (my downfall). So far, it seems to be working.
    Glad to be reading all the postings as I feel I can glean new tips to try in this journey.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    afternoon again~
    eating bad today...falling into old habits.. have to get back on the band wagon...foggy and getting warmer,took puppies for a walk now to get online and looking for a part time job..
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon! The sun is shining and I'm feeling good again! Happy, happy me! I felt hungry, and breakfast felt like it would stay down. Small victories.

    I have been smelling antifreeze when I park my van in the garage for WEEKS, and every time I mention it to hubby, he says "I don't smell any antifreeze. It smells like a hot engine or something, but not antifreeze". (Visualize pat on head here.) Then, my heater stopped working. Then the defroster. Then my son rode in my van and he said he smelled antifreeze. So, this morning, against hubby's better judgement, I decided to check the radiator. I'm hopeless about car stuff, so I watched a you-tube video. Guess what? The radiator and the overflow container were both empty! That can't be good. So I insisted on going up to Autozone and buying antifreeze. Hubby grumbled, but drove me in his car, then when we got back he poured it in the hole. I also got some stop leak, which probably won't help, but can't hurt. So I drove up to the grocery store and back and actually had heat! The van probably has some kind of problem that caused it to leak out, but I'll keep an eye on it myself every day. Hubby is about as hopeless with car stuff as I am. Now I need to scrub the floor in the garage in case any has spilled.

    DrKatie, the June Cleaver thing looks like fun! There's also a June Cleaver Club on the Taste of Home web site.

    Well, I have a lot of work to make up for from bring sick, so I'd better get busy.

    Have a great day!


  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    Lots of great info here! Very inspiring and motivational. Just what I need for the new year! Add me if you like!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. It’s cold here; well below zero wind chills this morning with a dusting of snow but now it’s bright and sunny. We are finishing up the Christmas decorations today. Last night DD#2 spent the night at a church lock in so we watched 2 movies: Flight plan with Jodi Foster and The Scout, which was a silly baseball movie. Both pretty good.

    Tere I think I remember you and that first dog. Why are the neighbors allowed to keep him? Around here that would be a fine the first time and confiscation the second. Can you call the local animal control? Good job with standing your ground!

    Barb; the orthopod said a meniscus tear was a possibility, but both times it has improved so dramatically I can hardly believe that is the cause. Both episodes I was completely unable to bear weight and within 2 days was nearly normal. But yes, I will have to keep my eyes on it! I have given LOTS more than 20 units of insulin before to patients….but it is so good that you are needing less and less as time (and weight) goes! That is fabulous and you should be proud!

    Rori: so good to see you! I had a shock when I got my new scales too.

    Sylvia: Hooray for feeling better! Thank you for worrying about me!

    Jane: sending you virtual sunshine!

    OGcoffee: om gosh! How scary for you and how wonderful you are back to normal!

    Rita: great goals!

    Mariah: where is Broken Bow?

    Heather: “raucous snores”! That cracked me up. I envisioned a moose in your bed!

    Robin: oh my an electrical fire! How scary! Glad you are oK!

    Toni: good to stay out of all the drama!

    Dorene: I love Chiluly~

    Dr. Katy I will put on the coffee for when you come to organize me!

    Yanniejannie: so glad things have settled down! Keep an eye on the BP!

    Janet: I too am a type 2 diabetic. All my A1Cs have been under 6, so my doctor took me off my morning metformin, but then all that mess last quarter started and exercising has been down and stress way up, so I added it back. As soon as I can really exercise hard again, I’m cutting it down again (I think you are new to me, so here was my quarter: brother had heart attack, I got sick, hurt my knee, dad died, daughter had baby…not a good thing; sister in law had bypass surgery). I left a message for my dr when my latest AiC came in at 6.1 because I felt like I had to explain it and she sent me a card! How sweet! Good for you being so close to your mini goal!

    Michele: I would not want ashes around either; I’d think of it as unfinished business too!

    Katla: I have been missing all of you too and one of my resolutions is to get here every day!

    Joyce: so glad to see you are “you” again! LOL

    Viv: isn’t it funny what some people think of as “tiny little pieces”? I’m going to have to try that Macarena workout….sounds like fun!

    Cynthia: my knee had a Bakers cyst which had finally totally gone away but kept me from exercising for several weeks (I know now I can do upper body….duh!). So on New Years eve we went to our usual hotel party and after about 2 hours of dancing…no problems at all…I sat down when the band took a break. When I went to get back up…..GAAAAAAAAAAAAA...so painful I could not bear weight on my right leg and had to practically be carried to my room. I had just been to an orthopedist (took forever to get an appointment) and he wanted to inject it and get an MRI to see if there’s a meniscus tear, but I won’t do surgery (although I am re-thinking). So anyway, today is much, much better thanks to a bucket load of motrin, ice, and a huge ACE wrap!

    DeeDee: I sure hope you get better soon! Benny Beagle is doing well, but can’t figure out what the baby is. I have some cute pictures of him sniffing her with a very puzzled look
    on his face. How is the fur baby at your house?

    Barb: I too am dreading going back to work again tomorrow!

    Well I need to get off my duff! It’s nearly 2 and I’m still in my robe after reading the paper, cutting coupons, making the next week’s menu, blah blah blah. OK I’m getting on with it! Enjoy the day. Take care, Meg from Cold but sunny Omaha!

    ps welcome newbies!
  • New to this. But need to lose the weight and need support.
  • Nancy82144
    Nancy82144 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, my name is Nancy. I am starting today and found this community. Do you mind if I join in and get to know you? I need accountability and occasional pushes as this is a major struggle for me. I find food to be a consolation and really showing my "faults" is daunting. Perfectionism is a rouse to protect the appearance of "all is well" mentality when the truth is right the opposite. I will put forth my best efforts to be "real" and ask for your help to keep it real.

    A little about me. I was raised in a pastors home and love my heritage however, Baptist love their get togethers. Food was always present and not good for you food. It was lined with comfort and taste. Kind of a mask to hide the reality that lurks within the lives of humans to the all is well mentality. Food was prevalent and exercise was scarce. So now many years later in life I struggle with the love of community and food gatherings. In Oct 2008 I had the Lap-band procedure performed. It has been nothing but a pain and disappointment. My iron levels plummeted to 4, in which I have had to have iron infusions. Thankfully I did not have to have blood transfusions. I have struggled with energy and mental focus. So not only do I struggle with the emotional connection with food, I also have no energy and drive. However, I am reminded that it is not my strength and understanding that will get me through. I must learn that God has provided His strength for me and shown me that their are communities of people who struggle and share common issues. We need each other and moving forward in 2015 , I have a choice to make. Embrace others successes and encouragement or continue to sink into a pit that has no light or hope. I have hope in Christ and the provision of others He is placing in my path.

    Can I be an encouragement to you as I know you will be for me?

    From the great state of Texas...will you be my team and friends?
