Looking for friends to keep motivated!

Hey everyone! I am 23 (turning 24 soon) and have been on an "on-again-off-again" relationship with my diets since I was about 13! After a wonderful turned heart wrenching 2014, I have decided to make 2015 my year. I am 5'3 and looking to lose quite a bit of weight and finally make it a lifestyle change! I am hoping to find some friends on here to keep motivated!

Add or message me if you are looking for the same!


  • This sounds identical to me! Except I have only just turned 23. And I swear I yo-yo more than a yo-yo!
    I have added you, let's see if we can do this?!
  • ashleyohsnap
    ashleyohsnap Posts: 13 Member
    Its awful! One minute I am all for the healthy foods and working out, and then next thing you know its 3 months later and I find myself eating pizza twice a week and binge watching netflix!

    I really just want to make it a lifestyle change and not let a "cheat" day turn into a cheat month!

    We got this!
  • kateneyxx
    kateneyxx Posts: 59 Member
    Please feel free to add me girls!! :) I need friends who offer support daily :smiley:
  • I have been on the same rollercoaster my whole life. when I get to my goal weight, I get cocky and start to ruin it with crap food. Support is the best motivator! I am 52 ,but if you want to add me anyway feel free!
  • jwiebe613
    jwiebe613 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm also 23. I'm looking to lose about 20lbs but more importantly looking to improve my lifestyle. I also enjoy pizza and binge watching Netflix but hoping to cut back on that in 2015! Please feel free to add me ☺️
  • Zazzles2906
    Zazzles2906 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey. I'm 24 and looking to lose at least 28lbs. I want to increase my fitness levels too. I love binge watching Netflix! Feel free to add me :)
  • alesnie
    alesnie Posts: 90 Member
    Add me as well! I have been on MFP for.. years... lost a bunch and 2014 was ROUGH. Never really left, but need to get focused again and need some motivational friends!
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    Focusing on regular exercise has worked the best for me! I run monthly biking challenges if you want to participate or you can just add me as a friend. I log daily and post weekly.

    Here's #BikeJanuary's link: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/101528-bikejanuary
  • jellybeanpumba
    jellybeanpumba Posts: 24 Member
    We are all in the same boat. I have found that setting little goals each month are much easier than setting one big goal. You might not do it as fast as you would like but after each month your one step closer to you big goal. Please feel free to add meas well. I have 100 pounds to loose but iI'm focusing on the first ten. For some reason mfp won't allow me to request friends but I can accept them! I'm excited about us all being on this journey together. Be blessed!
  • handabearry
    handabearry Posts: 15 Member
    Hear hear! I never really considered myself a "yo-yo-er," but came to that realization recently. what you described fits me to a T! I always start the year strong and fall off the wagon in late June/early July and gain it all back. Just turned 25 in December and decided that was not a fun way to spend the first half of my twenties :)

    Added you. Get it girl!
  • AlyssaMont
    AlyssaMont Posts: 25 Member
    Same here with the yoyo dieting phases. Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • kaysnelson9
    kaysnelson9 Posts: 3 Member
    i am exactly the same!! feel free to add me - need all the help i can get to keep me motivated! i am a chief bridesmaid in six months! at the minute im the shortest and the biggest! ooops!
  • Slyf8787
    Slyf8787 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 27 and have about 19lbs to lose to get to goal weight, 2014 was full of stress and I get so much comfort from eating, sometimes logging everything you eat isn't your no.1 priority and as soon as I stop logging I put on weight. After a bad knee injury in the summer of 2013 (I can't believe it's been that long) I stopped lifting weights and over the years I've lost any kind of muscle and defintion I had. I've achieved so much in 2014 and I've now got some time to dedicate to getting healthy, getting my bottom to the gym and eating right. It would be great if you'd like to add me to help and support, I know how to do this I just need to be kept in check! :D
  • meaganbfancher
    meaganbfancher Posts: 2 Member
    I am 24 and have the same problem I am only 27 lbs from my target weight but I always do good lose 10 lbs and then eat cake(lots of cake) lol I just cant commit to dieting or exercise the way I did before I had kids. I would love to have friends my age going through this ill add you girls if its ok.
  • hiya guys im looking for a bit of extra motivation and support as well as giving it to others. I am 24 and hoping to lose around 30 - 40lbs would be very grateful if you could add me please :) thank you. Together we can do this!! x
  • It won't let me add anyone. So please feel free to add me. It's my first day today got a lot to loose going to need some support . I will do it this time x
  • bababs89
    bababs89 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm the same way! One cheat day always turns into me going unhealthy for way too long. Please feel free to add me!
  • kristen_karg
    kristen_karg Posts: 41 Member
    i definitely let this year get the best of me, but i really want to make this my year! let's do it together! :) i'm 22! feel free to add me!!
  • PandoraGreen721
    PandoraGreen721 Posts: 450 Member
    That "on and off" relationship was my life...I'll send you an add! :)
  • ashleyohsnap
    ashleyohsnap Posts: 13 Member
    Hey everyone! Just now seeing a lot of these responses! Thanks for all the adds! I'm looking forward to helping keep eachother motivated!