Over eating in the evening



  • fitandstrong2014
    I have this same problem. im gonna have an after dinner snack ( fruit or a veggie) and tea instead and try going to bed earlier because I find that the cravings start to hit as the evening gets later.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    I'm the same way. I'm just more hungry in the evening. What helped me is saving the majority of my calories for that time of day, and I also eat dinner rather late. Sometimes I don't even eat lunch until 4 or 5 p.m., and then I eat dinner close to nine. During the day, I eat a pretty light breakfast, and usually just a snack in the afternoon. This helped me tremendously, and I've been doing this for about 4 to 5 months.
  • CheekyWu
    CheekyWu Posts: 12 Member
    Im sooo guilty of this but unfortunately found this discussion 30 mins too late as the dammage is now done :(. Im in love with the manicure idea. For me when im dedicated and motivated enough its because i aim to create a new habbit. I like to drink peppermint tea when i get the signs of my 1st after dinner cravings then take a shower and go to bed. Even if that means im in bed by 8.30pm. I wont eat in my room let alone my bed so that's a bonus and it allows me to maneuver around mfp and get my motivation up till i fall asleep!(means i also get that all important 8 hours - unlike my munchie days)
  • crazydogladyjess
    crazydogladyjess Posts: 128 Member
    Next time I want a night snack - I am going to re read these posts first!!
  • novembersuse
    novembersuse Posts: 77 Member
    Same here. I have tricks that can stall me a bit - paint my nails, brush my teeth, look at pictures of celebs and think 'I bet she's not thinking about junk food'...!
  • Deekay8008
    Deekay8008 Posts: 44 Member
    This is my problem too and for me it does align with the fact I associate relaxation with tv and tv with snack foods. The only one thing has worked for me in the past and I've started doing it again now is - the 14 hour fast.
    Every day I have my breakfast shake at 10am, this gives me until 8pm at night to eat. As I need to leave 14 hours in between. I have heard this is good for the metabolism but for me its more about stopping snacking.

    As I normally don't sit down to dinner until 6.30pm this isn't too difficult to stick to and I usually have the lions share of my daily calories at dinner. At 8pm I brush my teeth and its only water from that point on until bed. I get really hungry about 10.30pm and so I then go straight to bed rather than straight to the fridge.

    More water, less snacking, more sleep, it's the only way I think I'll beat this habit - zero tolerance approach ha ha!
  • Deekay8008
    Deekay8008 Posts: 44 Member
    I also pre programme in all my meals/snacks for the day around lunchtime each day , so I know I can have popcorn and a smoothie lolly and I space these out after dinner.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    This also is my worst problem. It totally nullifies me being good all day, meals and workout-wise.
    It's Day 6 of no eating at night.
    My 2 things:
    1. I brush my teeth soon after dinner, and put in my night-time mouth guard.
    2. I haven't needed it yet, but I'll allow myself a snack of crunchy apples or carrots with 1-2Tbs of peanut butter.
    I find that popcorn, w/out any fat or real content make me want more/something else.
    So the fat in the peanut butter along w/ the crunch of the apple or carrots are more satisfying.

    Good luck.
    Take it day by day.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    push your food back.

    I don't start eating till noon/1 typically- then when I get home- I can eat and not worry about it.
  • intrepie
    intrepie Posts: 24 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Jessaha, give yourself a manicure in the early evening after dinner - when you are sitting in front of the TV, cause I bet you are when you feel the hungries. Since you don't need a manicure every night, the other evenings, slather your hands in a nice hand crème and put clean socks over them (not mittens or spa gloves because you can actually handle food with those, lol) After a couple of weeks or possibly less if you are like me, your night cravings will be gone.

    Such a good idea! It is difficult to snack when your nails are drying or your hands are covered in lotion. Lol
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I think as long as you are only eating your cals that are left you are fine. I generally eat 300 cals at night, and I have a rule to not eat after 9:00 that is my personal cut off time. I have been trying to eat higher proteins at this time too. If I get on a mad binge I go to bed.