Looking for new friends

Looking for some new friends that are in the same situation as me and trying to lose weight. I have tried dieting loads of times and gave up after a short time so i am looking for new friends that understand dieting and friends that motivate me & vice versa. Good luck everyone xx


  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    Hi my name is tina....it's a total mind adjustment! A life style change! You set goals for your self and make your self accountable to lose the weight.Ive been going to the gym for 3 yrs.3 to 4 days a week it's hard cause I go by my self but it helps u feel good.mentally and physically! I wish u the best and think positive! Hope this helps!!!
  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    And I've used no diet pills either.
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi tina, thanks for ur comment. I cant really afford to go to a gym as im unemployed at the moment however i do have an exercise bike at home and i plan to go on the nintendo wii and do the dance fitness fir 40mins a day 4 times a week. Will that help do u think? Aswell as a balanced diet. X
  • FengShwayze
    FengShwayze Posts: 8 Member
    I had gotten down to 128 using MFP 2 years ago, but then I got too confident and stopped logging, which was a mistake. MFP really does work and it is simple. Just log everyday and get a group of supportive friends. The support makes a big difference. I didn't have a gym or any equipment when I started; and I was also unemployed and dependent on somebody else to buy groceries, which were not all that awesome. Even with obstacles, you can be successful if you get creative and disciplined. I'm starting all over because of the discipline part. Good luck!
  • moosegoboomm
    moosegoboomm Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning, Dixon! I'm Teresa and I think your plan is going to work wonderfully. After months of trying and failing with crash diets and "detoxes" I finally found something that worked--Zumba, green tea, water, and alarms. Yes, alarms. Don't misunderstand, I never forgot to eat, it was a matter of me eating at ridiculous times of the day (or night, as it were). I lost 14-15 pounds in two months while playing Zumba once a day for 40 minutes, drinking green tea 3 times a day, and eating portioned meals at the right times.

    Hence, the alarms. My phone went off probably a little less than 9 times a day lol. I had them for Zumba, for my meals, for my tea, my bed time, for just getting up, everything.

    Then I slacked off big time and have almost gained all of it back ):

    Just wanted to post, say hello, and make it so you know you are supported and aren't the only one who has hit road blocks (:

    Let's make this year our best one, our healthiest one. No matter what, you can always start again. Don't be beaten by your failures. No matter how slowly we walk, we will reach our dreams if we only keep going.

    "Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." --Alexis Carrel
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the advice that really helps. I think ur right tho the app really helps for the support & motivation of other people and if it worked for u before then it must be good. Good luck with ur goals. Im sure ul be able to do it again x
  • moosegoboomm
    moosegoboomm Posts: 7 Member
    I had gotten down to 128 using MFP 2 years ago, but then I got too confident and stopped logging, which was a mistake. MFP really does work and it is simple. Just log everyday

    Completely accurate and should've been in my previous post. Make sure to track your intakes. It takes a while to get used to if you've never had to log your food/drinks before but it really is so simple with the app. You can scan the barcodes to mostly everything and MFP will do the work for you.

  • Marx_MI
    Marx_MI Posts: 82 Member
    I'm starting back up from 5 months of not journaling Add me
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    Good luck. Hope u reach ur goals x
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    Good morning, Dixon! I'm Teresa and I think your plan is going to work wonderfully. After months of trying and failing with crash diets and "detoxes" I finally found something that worked--Zumba, green tea, water, and alarms. Yes, alarms. Don't misunderstand, I never forgot to eat, it was a matter of me eating at ridiculous times of the day (or night, as it were). I lost 14-15 pounds in two months while playing Zumba once a day for 40 minutes, drinking green tea 3 times a day, and eating portioned meals at the right times.

    Hence, the alarms. My phone went off probably a little less than 9 times a day lol. I had them for Zumba, for my meals, for my tea, my bed time, for just getting up, everything.

    Then I slacked off big time and have almost gained all of it back ):

    Just wanted to post, say hello, and make it so you know you are supported and aren't the only one who has hit road blocks (:

    Let's make this year our best one, our healthiest one. No matter what, you can always start again. Don't be beaten by your failures. No matter how slowly we walk, we will reach our dreams if we only keep going.

    "Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." --Alexis Carrel

    Thanks teresa. Its good to know that what i plan to do has worked for sum1 else. Makes me feel more confident. X
  • TrainingToBePerfect
    TrainingToBePerfect Posts: 1,418 Member
    Me too !! Add me!
  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    ldixon89 wrote: »
    Hi tina, thanks for ur comment. I cant really afford to go to a gym as im unemployed at the moment however i do have an exercise bike at home and i plan to go on the nintendo wii and do the dance fitness fir 40mins a day 4 times a week. Will that help do u think? Aswell as a balanced diet. X

  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    ldixon89 wrote: »
    Hi tina, thanks for ur comment. I cant really afford to go to a gym as im unemployed at the moment however i do have an exercise bike at home and i plan to go on the nintendo wii and do the dance fitness fir 40mins a day 4 times a week. Will that help do u think? Aswell as a balanced diet. X

  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    Gotcha girl about the at hm fitness.a friend helps and so do kids to keep u in the groove for exercising esp at hm.A balance diet is key! The 2 big key foods to help u lose is tuna and turkey! I eat it alot.eating healthy is kinda expensive.so
    tuna creations are cheap & healthy and lots of salad.you can do it! Go girl.
  • ldixon89
    ldixon89 Posts: 21 Member
    I love tuna! Ur right it is quite expensive but its worth it if its gona do the trick. Thanks x
  • Looking for support as well!
  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    Losing weight is hard for anyone.... especially for those who's always struggled to stay fit and had to constantly watch what food they put in their mouth! Suxs but true.and I was one of those girls.i can gain weight by just looking at it.lol.
    Will power ladies=feeling better=Looking great!
  • rave1990
    rave1990 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I no longer feel confident when I go shopping and I'm embarrassed to eat in public. I've had enough! I'm taking positive change over my life and weight! Anyone going through the same thing or if you have positive advice please add me
  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    I hate to hear that about your experience going to the mall..that makes me sad for u.everyone is beautiful to me.you posses qualities that make you special inside and out.weight is something you can change and im all about it.i want to live a long healthy life.so working out makes u feel better.if not at a gym, walk around your neighborhood, go walk the beach, heck roller skate lol if ya can.go to track, or do at hm exercises (dvds).im gonna keep u motivated! Let's see you shine!
  • tloubkelley
    tloubkelley Posts: 32 Member
    Diet is key to!!!! The 2 big t ' s for me isTuna&Turkey!!!!