Getting there, but want more support!

Growing up I was always the skinny girl Then I went to college....freshman year the sudden freedom caused me to rebel a LOT. I drank (and not just a little) almost every single day from October-January of my freshman year. Because of this I developed an ulcer and lost even more weight because any time I tried to eat I got sick. My clothes didn't fit, my hip bones stuck out, it got pretty rough....After getting my life under control and the ulcer taken care of and meeting my amazing fiance, I started to gain weight. At first I didn't really pay much attention to it. But then it just got worse and worse and totally spiraled out of control.

When I hit my heaviest weight of 231 (this past June) I knew I absolutely had to do something. I'm getting married in October and want to look incredible. I want to be able to wear a bikini when we honeymoon in December (we are both teachers so we are going for Christmas break). I graduated college this past May and started my first teaching job and it has been very stressful so I haven't done as well as I had hoped. Right now I'm down to 215 and I'm very excited! I joined an awesome challenge and am hoping to loose 15 pounds by June 4th. I am really hoping to get below 180 for my wedding, but my real goal weight is about 160. I'm currently a size 16 and am really hoping to get down to a 10-12 by my wedding...I could use any support I can get, so would love some more friends on here!


  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    Feel free to add me! I gained weight my feshman and sophomore year of college and i'm looking to lose to some of it. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    You will get all the support you want here. I think this is the best plan I have ever had for losing weight. And I have tried everything! Good Luck.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    hi & add me!
  • 1ArmyMom1
    1ArmyMom1 Posts: 94
    This is the place to be!!! I'm addicted to my "my fitness pal" app on my phone... SOOOOO incredibly easy to make sure I'm staying within my calories & cholesterol/sodium levels. I'm shooting for about the same amount of weight loss (I've done it before, but then my house burned down & life went haywire & I gained it all back), feel free to add me as a friend here & we can help support & challenge each other. My current weight is 181.8 & I want to get to 130... my starting weight 2 weeks ago was 190.
    Best of luck to you & congratulations on the wedding!!
  • piximax
    piximax Posts: 7
    Feel free to add me (anyone can) I think this is the best tool for losing weight I've had. Everyone needs encouragement and support and that's what this is all about. I feel great when I can change my weight and my ticker goes down!! We'll get you there. Remember to set small goals too and always have fruit handy rather than choc bars.
    Good luck, Max x
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    well done on taking the steps to get healthy!!! Feel free to add me - It's a great community and I think you'll really like it here!
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Hi! I will send you a friend request. I met my husband and gained weight because he is a chef. Then I quit smoking and gained even more. I'm 170 now and i want to get to 130. I'm only 5ft 3.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Hi! This is an awesome place to be! It makes it so easy to lose weight! Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm always looking for more friends!
  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    Good Luck with all of your goals -

    Please feel free to add me as a friend for support and motivation !!!!

    Mark in NH
  • melinda6569
    melinda6569 Posts: 124
    The way i see this is if you try hard and don't give up you can acheive the goal of 160- 165 before December..That is losing 2 pounds a week. Obviously the more you have to loose the quicker you will lose ( maybe 3-4 lbs a week in the start) and as you start turning fat into Muscle you will feel like you hit a Plateau.( thats when you judge by your measurements) My suggestions to you is to clean out the kitchen replace evrything with healty snacks.( i don't believe in giving up on one certain type of food either..I eat carbs..LOL) You need to eat to fuel your body. I eat 5 times a day. Last September i was 198 now i am 166. that was 7.5 months ago but i wasn't pushing myself to my max until march when i found this website..oh and i just bought a bikini first time in 20 years. You can totally acheive your Goal and look Sexy on your wedding day. Be honest. Log everything. And exercise. I have been told i exercise too much but i enjoy it. You can request me as a friend. i don't have any on here yet so you would be my first. Good Luck to you, I know you can do this!
  • mdfeller
    mdfeller Posts: 135
    I sent you a request! I just joined three weeks ago, and already have lost weight. This app/website it AMAZING! and such an eye opener.