
So my question is does anyone else sweat more on cool down from dvds or classes as much as i do.. I mean seriously im pooring freaking sweat at the cool down...am i just the weird one here or does anyone else have the problem.....


  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    LOL....I sweat from beginning to end....but i love it because to me that is a sign that i worked my butt off :happy:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I sweat all the frigging time. And I HATE to sweat. Makes working out consistently very difficult for me. Just be sure to wipe yourself dry. Don't use a towel that's too damp. Use a dry one. Otherwise the new sweat can't evaporate as efficiently to cool you down.
  • spaztastic13
    spaztastic13 Posts: 229
    Ya me too but its worse then the workout....lol
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I sweat a lot during but once I stop working out it drips off of me crazier than what it already was during the workout. Is that what you mean?
  • mememe84
    mememe84 Posts: 35 Member
    i sweat all the time and a friend recommended odaban or driclaw and it works great you use it 3 times a week in the first week and once a week after and it stops me sweating x
  • spaztastic13
    spaztastic13 Posts: 229
    I sweat a lot during but once I stop working out it drips off of me crazier than what it already was during the workout. Is that what you mean?

    Yes thats what i mean its way worse at the end like dripping in my eyes and burning them worse....lol
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Yep. I seem to sweat more in the cool down and just after the workout. Bit odd. Like my body holds it all up during the workout and when the intensity lessens it lets it all out lol.

    I just see it as a sign I've had a good workout :smile:
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    surely you are sweating to get rid of the excess heat from your body caused by moving - either a) you are not exercising within a cool room or b) your body is still working really hard when you are cooling down - which isnt a bad thing
  • starboardzor
    starboardzor Posts: 312
    I sweat a lot, but it doesn't bother me! If I'm not sweating, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Not only do I sweat during the cooldown, but even after I shower and carry on the rest of the day, i could still be sweating long after the shower. That part is pretty annoying!
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    I sweat more during my cool down. I LOVE to sweat when I workout. I know I'm working hard and burning calories. My absolute favorite is after a long run or ride I get this layer of salt on my skin when the sweat dries. It actually feels like sand on my skin. Yeah, gross I know, but it's the result of a hard workout.
  • allimax2002
    allimax2002 Posts: 83 Member
    Me too! I'll sweat a little along but when time to quit work then I start dripping sweat. And what's worse is I'm a head sweater. So my short hair is soaking wet. Eww! But I do feel like that let's me know I've done good!