Don't be afraid of the gym

I wanted to take a moment to share something I received today along with a little perspective about where I've come from and where I'm going.

When I talk to other friends who are trying to get healthier about going to the gym they express hesitation or outright anxiety. We all can be up in our own heads a little bit about what people are going to say or what they might think of us.

I understand that. When I first went to the gym I had over 300lbs to lose, a number that probably seems impossible to a lot of you here. However, this note left for me at the front desk today is representative of the kind of feedback I've received from people at the gym:


In all my time at the gym so far no one has been unkind to me, no one has given me so much as a sidelong glance. In fact, the more I've undergone obvious physical changes the more people have come up to say positive things to me.

If you're scared of being judged, don't be. The people who are go to gyms and stay with gyms are the kind of people who know and appreciate dedication. No matter where you are fitness wise, even if you're starting from as low a point as I did, no one is interested in judging you. They just want to see people do better. They're rooting for you.

Stop waiting. Go. Add strength training to the lifestyle changes you're already making. I've made it part of my life and I couldn't be happier. Good luck in 2015. :)


  • dln1975
    dln1975 Posts: 62 Member
    How inspiring! And congrats to you for "sticking it out"! I have a gym membership, and though I have gone a few times I always feel uncomfortable, almost like I "don't belong," but deep down I know that it is all in my head and your post just confirms it. Again, congrats to you! And I'm wishing you continued success in 2015 (and beyond)! :smiley:
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Great post. I was also approaching 300 pounds when I started going to the gym. The compliments I love and appreciate the most are from the people at the gym who comment on my dedication and changes I've made, telling me that few people can do what I've done. Keep it up! And if you're thinking of going to the gym but nervous, just do it!
  • I want to go to the gym but other than the treadmill I don't know what to do and what machines to use.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    beggs4it wrote: »
    I want to go to the gym but other than the treadmill I don't know what to do and what machines to use.

    That's what the gym staff members are for! Ask them and they'll be happy to help you :)
  • itsMcKay
    itsMcKay Posts: 131 Member
    edited January 2015
    There has been absolutely NO change in the patronage of my gym. Which is great because I have a favorite machine and I NEVER have to wait for it. But it also bums me out. I was hoping to see new butts on those treadmills! Get in here. We don't bite. :D

    I actually only use the stationary bike. It's an upright one, not seated, which makes it comfortable for my back and knees. It also means I can sustain a 150 bpm average which helps me figure out my exact burn. I do the bike in 30-minute increments, up to 3 hours, tops. But usually just 30 to 60 minutes. Sometimes I'll poke around on the machines for some upper body and core stuff but nothing too crazy. When I get thinner, I'll try the treadmills and elliptical. But, as it stands now, they hurt my knees and hips. So, pick something you like, monitor your heart rate, and just go for it!
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    I just joined with a work BFF. Not as a resolution, I've been working on this new lifestyle since June 2013. But because I needed a change. Having her with me has made the transition so much easier, and definitely more fun. If you can go with a friend, do it! If you don't have someone to go with, do it!
  • KatieAlexx
    KatieAlexx Posts: 16 Member
    Great thread! I used to be afraid of the gym. I certainly couldn't go running, ever, when there were people around. But then I realized that nobody really cares what you're doing. For the most part, people are in their own heads working towards their own goals. And hey, when I'm at the gym or when I see people walking/running on the steet, I definitely judge them. I say wow, good for them getting out there and being active. When I see someone very overweight at the gym I just feel proud of them, happy for them, it fills me with warmth that they are courageous enough to come to the gym and work towards what they want and I get hopeful that they succeed.

    I'm just a stranger at the gym, a 22 year old female and if you think I'm gonna judge you, those are my real thoughts.
  • Love this thread. I refuse to run when people are around. Just need to let loose ;)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    This is fantastic and well done you. I always want to approach people and say something similar for those with large amounts to lose, great chopice and stick at it. The most inspirational on the success stories are those who have lost great amounts of weight simply because they will have to stick at it so much longer and we all know what consistent dedication is required.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Awesome! (*)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    What a nice gesture from your gym. Not only is it good marketing, but it shows a level of awareness about their membership.

    Ultimately, your motivation has to come from within, but it's great to have someone notice. At my last gym, I got to know some of the staff and it was nice to have them comment on my progress as I developed a habit of fitness.
  • saddare
    saddare Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you for sharing this. I have always been terrified of the other people at the gym--my true reason for never joining one, though I'm an expert at creating other, more reasonable-sounding excuses.

    Heck, I don't even like it when someone drives past me when I'm out jogging in my neighborhood--I always immediately get it in my head that they're thinking something along the lines of, "Ha! Yeah, you'd better run, fatty!" or "Why does she even bother? Look at her!" I've been trying to retrain my brain to not immediately jump to these conclusions, but it's hard.
  • milkywayward
    milkywayward Posts: 27 Member
    The thing I always tell myself if I'm intimidated at the gym is that nobody started out at a high level of fitness. All of the men in the weight room who seemed so scary to me when I was first interested in resistance training started lifting weights small and worked their way up, the people pounding it on the treadmill or elliptical probably couldn't run a mile when they first started (I know I couldn't). And for the most part I assume they remember what it was like when they got started, because I remember what it was like for me, so I respect anyone I see at the gym working on their fitness regardless of what they look like or how they perform relative to me.
  • floridamatty
    floridamatty Posts: 93 Member
    ive been going to the gym for years and nobody I know judges anybody who has made the effort to workout doesnt matter their size. not that it happens but im always there if anyone needs help or has a question cause they are new to equipment or trying new stuff. dont worry about the gym were there to help, not judge
  • markalicious1
    markalicious1 Posts: 55 Member
    speaking of judgement and the gym, Hey would anyone be up for having committed pen pal? I heard a connection over the net helps with weight loss. It would also be good to have someone to talk to for a change. Sometimes the people in your life just don't see the things obvious to a complete stranger. Also judgement from across the world doesn't really fade me.