Anyone 200lbs and over? Looking for support



  • Gothix
    Gothix Posts: 1 Member
    The heaviest I have been is 220, but now I've been on a moderate decline and am now at 212. My ultimate goal is to get to about 155-120. Feel free to friend me! ♥
  • shortcake83
    shortcake83 Posts: 3 Member
    I've just started an exercise program and restricted diet a week and a half ago. I'm currently 286 down from 293 (my heaviest). I have a long road ahead of me and I'm hoping to find lots of support here on MFP. Please feel free to add me! And good luck to all!! :)
  • Kekekylene
    Kekekylene Posts: 112 Member
    Started at 270 just about 2 years ago. Got to 171 this past June, crap happened and gained just over 30lbs. Currently just got under 200 again. I am only 5'3" so still have quite a bit to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    edited December 2014
    dec 2013 i was 255, im now hovering around 200. i got down to 200 around summertime and have been wavering there since. I'm happy I'm maintaining! but i would really like to get back into weightloss mode! good luck!
  • stopdropandlose
    stopdropandlose Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 237. Feel free to add me!
  • legowrangler
    legowrangler Posts: 229 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started 51 days ago at 329 and now I am at 297
  • shortstuff17
    shortstuff17 Posts: 86 Member
    231 as of today...not sure what I'm doing wrong...I've been counting calories and working out, but still have been gaining weight. I know I haven't been super diligent at working out but I know I haven't eaten an extra 3500 calories in 1 week! So any support would be awesome!!! Feel free to add me!
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    I am. My highest ALL time weight was 252 when I was pg with my middle child. I got all the way down to 140 and got pg again. Up to 242. I hovered in the 220s for a while and got down to 212ish before I started MFP. Now I'm at 205. I can't wait to flip the 3rd digit back to a 1. =)
  • AmmB23
    AmmB23 Posts: 12 Member
    I joined MFP at the beginning of November when I was at my highest (221) and so far I'm down to 209. Not sure what exactly got me so motivated in November (I'd been hovering around 221 since the beginning of the year) but a switch flipped and suddenly I just knew I could do this and so far it's been easy to stay motivated since I'm losing about 2 pounds per week, but I'm afraid that motivation will wear off once the loss slows down...
  • Thantanos
    Thantanos Posts: 45 Member
    I was 255 11 days ago then got serious on MFP I love my new routine and diet and I will not stop until I am 130 in a few years. So feel free to add me for a positive accountability partner. Or someone to chat with on diet thoughts.
  • jfoamy
    jfoamy Posts: 4
    I'm glad i found this post! I just started MFP due to an extreme weight gain of 35 pounds after graduating college and moving to Houston. I am now 265 and I have PCOS so stopping the weight gain has been difficult but now I am giving it everything in order to gain my health and confidence back. I have started exercising daily with dance and bootcamp and i have begun to take my metformin/phentermine again.
  • I've just started my journey to lose at least 75lbs. I'm a 25 y/o mother of two. I have been overweight pretty much since my son was born. I finally started to lose weight and got pregnant with my daughter who is now three. Ever since she was born my weight and habits have gotten horrible and now I weigh more than I did when I was pregnant. I weigh 250 lbs and feel so bad. So it's time for me to take back my body and get into shape. But I have no friends or family who are overweight or looking to lose weight. I would really love to find a great support group!
  • ShellyC1985
    ShellyC1985 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, I'm at around 224 pounds, I am a UK size 18, biggest I have ever been :( I will be 30 next month, and have made this my ear to get back on track and stick to it. Good luck, feel free to add me :smile:
  • aln2014alc
    aln2014alc Posts: 1 Member
    Yep. I'm approximately 230 lbs (I don't have a scale, can you believe that?) and looking to lose about 100. I'm a 45 year old woman married to the man of my dreams. I'm on disability because of lupus, and I suffer from chronic fatigue and mild-to-moderate depression. Because of this, I find it extremely difficult to stay motivated, but I absolutely must lose weight because my doctor and I are noticing distinct health warnings.
  • Amose69
    Amose69 Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone ! I'm 26 yo and I'm from France. My actual weight is 260 lbs (the heaviest I've ever been...), but I'm REALLY motivated to reach my goal ! I've already proved myself that I'm able to make it, but now, I want to reach my goal AND make it last ! So if your state of mind is the same as mine, feel free to add me as a friend so we can support each other ! ;) xoxo
  • Jill814
    Jill814 Posts: 30 Member
    feel free to add me! always looking for support and to help others! im looking to lose about 125 lbs (then will decide on a "goal" weight)
  • jesslintch
    jesslintch Posts: 63 Member
    Back up to 331. :s I used MFP to lose over 60 pounds and then got pregnant. I maintained through the pregnancy (mainly because of GD), but in the nine months since I've gained a good bit of it back. A combination of relief at not having to be quite so strict and demands of being a mommy of two has gotten out of control. Feel free to add me!
  • Hey everyone! After a few stops and starts (and a cross country move!) I have started up again and have been using MFP since November. Also, seeing a nutritionist. We battle, but I know she's(mostly) right. :) I started at 233 on November 18, and as of 12/31 I was 217. No idea what my end goal is, but my FIRST goal is 1
  • momof3ajs
    momof3ajs Posts: 1 Member
    hi there 4 years ago, I was 275, I got down to 212, now im at 230 to 235, im ready to see under 200 my goal right now is another 50lbs and then I will go from there :) lets do this!! :-) please add me
  • goddessj
    goddessj Posts: 7 Member
    I'm looking to lose 35-50 pounds. Doesn't seem like much, but with my PCOS fully kicked in it's an almost impossible task. For the last 7 years I've had a weight beginning with a 2 and climbing. When i continually got heavier no matter tnat i worked out an hour and a half every day, and consumed less than 1300 clean calories a day, i went on metformin. I seem to be holding steady nowadays, but not happily. So it makes me not work out and eat poorly. I'm back on mfp as of today. When i follow it i go down some and feel better about myself. I follow how my clothes fit far more than the scale. Really hoping i can stick to it this time without getting discouraged after about 6 weeks.