Anyone 200lbs and over? Looking for support



  • sherrymoyle
    sherrymoyle Posts: 6 Member
    You are not alone. I weight 220 and at my worse was 245 after 3 pregnancy back to back. Its hard to find support and encouragement for someone my size. I go to the gym and get stares and since I became a runner over 2 years ago I get the stereotype that I can't be a runner I'm too big! I even had people yell out their window at me that I won't loose any weight unless I run faster. Really? I would love to met others on here and support each other. Feel free to send me a request :)
  • sweetberrywine
    Feel free to add me, this is a long journey! Currently 247, but the highest my scale once read this past year was 262 :(
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    Didn't read everyone's responses - just the first page - so sorry if someone else mentioned it already, but if you look under groups there's a very popular one called Team Get Out of the 200's :) I recently graduated entering One-derland - you can do it too! Slow and steady wins the race. It was great to have that group to check in with - all people in the similar situation, to varying degrees. Good luck! Be patient and kind with yourself :)
  • kasmsc42
    kasmsc42 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm currently 261lbs. It would be nice to have some friends in the same weight range who are looking to lose. Weight loss is a long path to travel alone!
  • ksmalls013
    ksmalls013 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone! My name's Kelly. I'm 5'9" and 280 lbs. I have been in denial about the weight I have been gaining since I graduated college. I worked retail management for four years after and the yucky food court got to me. I am now in law school and want to get healthy not only because my body needs it but because good lord is it hard to find nice business clothes that fit. My goal weight is 165 (because that's technically within a healthy range for me), but I remember feeling healthy at 180. I've got a long way to go so I could use some friends!
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 131 Member
    Hey! I'm 239.2 lbs which is the heaviest I've ever been!!! I lost some weight before and got down to 186 but got pregnant 4 times (lost all 4) and now I'm trying to start over from scratch! Looking for any and all motivation!
  • Shaselai
    Shaselai Posts: 151
    I am 240 or so... I gained some back when I was 200ish
  • mgrimes517
    mgrimes517 Posts: 16 Member
    So glad I am not the only one in this boat. I am in the 200"s and have about 70+ lbs to lose.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Eighteen months ago I was 275, now 185. I've had a lot of help along the way including bariatric surgery this past summer.

    "I even had people yell out their window at me that I won't loose any weight unless I run faster. Really?" - sherrymoyle

    I am horrified! I have also started running and I can't believe the ignorance of that comment. Hopefully the enlightened outnumber the ignorant out there. You'd think people would be impressed that you are taking steps to fitness and health. My running group has been unfailingly patient and supportive.

  • sewmom73
    sewmom73 Posts: 81 Member
    I too am in the 200's 223 to be exact. I lost about 30 pounds about two years ago and loved being in "one"derland but I managed to put it all back on. So I'm back here again looking for support and motivation. I have had Lupus for the past 10 years, so with the meds I take and the joint pain I don't always get to do as much as I want, I have to listen to my body first. I really am trying to get smaller for my daughters upcoming graduation in May, so I have a tangible date to work toward. Feel free to add me as a friend, I need all the help I can get.
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    I'm 5'10" and 236 pounds. My goal at this point is to reach Onederland (199). We'll see how I'm doing at that point, but my doctor thinks it would be a perfect weight for me.
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • ItsSlimpossible12
    ItsSlimpossible12 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi all! I am 5'6, joined and started at 241 January 2013, got down to 199.8 by June 2013 and then let the winter take me out of my routine. Add in a couple failed attempts at a restart and some hard life events and I got back up to 234. Currently at 227. I would LOVE to be in Onederland again by my birthday (March 31st) so that is the goal for now, though I know it is kind of lofty!
    ACGSKITEE Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all you beautiful people!!! I'm 5'10", 291lbs, and 33 years old. I've been in heavy all of my life but this by far is my heaviest. I just started my new healthy lifestyle and am super pumped. Besides wanting a healthy two main motivations: diabetes runs in my family (yikes!) and my husband and I would like to have a baby. There's no way I would think of getting pregnant in my condition. So hoping to make some friends for support...I'm gonna need it! Good luck! Feel free to add me.
  • sherrymoyle
    sherrymoyle Posts: 6 Member
    @jgnatca‌ I was horrified. It got into my head & I went indoors for the treadmill for sometime. Even today if I run that area I avoid those apartment buildings. Anyway like with anything you gotta get past it. I run with headphones now so I don't hear it & sunglasses to pretend I can't see them. Its all a state of mind. I had to find my inner peace, I hope everyone here finds theirs :)
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Count me in!

    I'm a mom to three. I did great losing the weight after I had my twins 5 years ago - I got down to 175 - but as soon as I got pregnant with my son, I used it as an excuse to let it all go. And it went. I am now 234 lbs, after a good loss in the first few weeks of this year.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, ladies. There's strength in numbers!