I'm back and more angrier with myself than ever



  • Tujuannaevans
    I hear you and understand your frustration. I am in the same boat but I am 52 and need to get a lot healthier. Take it one day at a time--you have youth on your side. Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. You can friend me. I will help to motivate you. Good luck honey!!!
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    Convert your anger into determination. Do not let anyone, anything or any event divert you from your goal. Persevere through all setbacks. Log every single thing you eat. Don't bother with fad diets and pills. Spend that money on good food for yourself. Count calories. It works. Eat enough protein. Do some exercise. I lost 45lb in 5 months and I am twice your age. You really can do it. So forget giving yourself a hard time, move forward, and do something about it starting NOW.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    Hi there, I understand ... I'm very upset with myeslf for constantly yo-yo-ing for the last 6 years. I am 32, and I have had a binge eating disorder and weight and body image issues since I can remember, though I was probably never actually overweight I was 18 or 19. I gained a ton of weight in college and after, and it wasn't until I was in my mid 20's that I finally decided to get healthy. I went from 188lb to 125 lb in about 10 months. I was SO happy with my lifestyle and my body. But after I got married and moved abroad, I quickly gained it all back and more. I now weigh 194 and I'm SO TIRED OF BEING FAT. Losing weight and staying fit as a LIFESTYLE is the hardest thing I have ever done and I constantly fear that I can't do it a second time.
  • thathelenagirl
    thathelenagirl Posts: 24 Member
    I know exactly how you are feeling. I am 26 and 196 pounds... I'm only 5'4 so it's terrible extra weight that I know looks awful. This is the heaviest I've ever been in my life... and I have decided 2015 is finally my year. I am paying a lot more to go to a gym I loved before, and I'm going to do it this time. It's a lifestyle change, and one that I finally am going to force myself to commit to. My friends here on MFP hold me accountable... and it's so motivating to see others struggle with the same things I do. Anyone is welcome to friend request me... I love seeing other people's success on here... it makes me believe even as awful as I'm feeling, it's possible to work hard and feel great again! Good luck! We're in the same boat, you've got this!!
  • dlvuyovich
    dlvuyovich Posts: 102 Member
    A lot of great advice. My 2 cents: Learn to eat clean for LIFE rather than depend on any plan with an expiration date.

    Good luck!
  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    Your priority shouldn't be losing weight and how good you will look on some vacation. It should be your health. That's a mindset that works for me. When I eat something, I'm not thinking "ahmahgawd so many calories, I'm going to gain". No, I objectively think "Is this good my health? Will this keep my motor running?". Your body is machine and it needs good fuel in order to function. There are really skinny people, that are also really unhealthy. Then I prefer a strong body, that gets enough good food and movement, so it can do anything you want it to do.
  • wackadoode8
    Im only 27yo and i currently weight 228lbs & im 5'5

    i am hoping to get to 154lbs, you can add me as a friend if you like and we can share out progress and encourage each other
  • Kates8891
    Kates8891 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello I too also want to loose 70lbs I have just joined and can do with a lot of support! I'm from the UK