Getting started... need advice!

Hi friends!
I am beginning my journey for a healthy lifestyle and could use a little bit of help! I had a baby 5 months ago and I know I can't keep using the "I just had a baby" excuse forever. I need to lose around 70 lbs to be in a healthy range. I began working out again over winter break and so far I have just done an hour of cardio each day to get my body back into moving again. Should I start doing weights now and a half hour of cardio instead, or keep going how I have started for a while?! Thoughts? I must say, I am feeling better already, but want to get the most bang for my buck! Thanks :-)


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    To lose weight, you need to get your eating/diet dialed in. Exercise is great, but it doesn't matter much if you are still eating too much.

    But to your question - weight training can't hurt. How necessary it is depends on your goals beyond simple weight loss, but it's never a bad thing.

    IMO, beginners should always start with a nice mix of cardio and strength training.
  • LGM080514
    LGM080514 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh yea. I am logging everything and staying within my limit. I'm eating as clean as I can, and so far, so good.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    girrrrrrrrrrl starting weights now would be the bestest advantage you could POSSIBLY give yourself that most people just starting out would totally overlook. It wont just make your workouts more effective, but it really shapes and strengthens and tightens up everything underneath the fat - so when the fat melts away - you have some helluva gorgeous body underneath being revealed... instead of like... saggy mawmaw bum, which is what can happen when you lose weight but dont maintain and/or build your lean mass (i.e. - strength train).

    It also doesnt always have to be weights! So many people new to strength training think that means you have to get into the squat rack and be there forever, but that's a common misconception. Elastic bands, pilates, bodyweight circuits - all of these things and any other activity that includes resistance against your muscles' movements is going to make you stronger. there is a wide array, just as in cardio - so start experimenting and find some favorites!!!

    Good luck!!!