40ish Group getting closer to THE BIG 50



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Turning 45 next month and have been really enjoying getting back into exercise. Always like having friends around the same age group, so anyone can add me.
  • gary622
    gary622 Posts: 2 Member
    anyone here is welcome to add me as well. Almost 48, married, straight, boring dude. :-)
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    I've just started up again, I'm 46 and wish I never stopped logging and exercising 6 months ago, now I'm up 9 lbs and disgusted with myself. But exercised today and that's a good start and had a huge home made stir fry for dinner with tons of veggies.
  • OldDogSparky
    gary622 wrote: »
    Almost 48, married, straight, boring dude. :-)
    Subtract a year and that's me. Signed on to MFP a year and a half ago. Lost 45 pounds over six months with "starving myself" and busting my hump. I'm determined to not go back. My wife thinks I've gone insane with my exercise, but that's about the only way I know to stick to it. I don't count, but I weigh every day and log my exercises. I'm telling you, it's possible.
  • hotcoffee692
    hotcoffee692 Posts: 167 Member
    45 and so ready to be healthy and fit! I'm weirdly optimistic about it this time. I tend to do best when I'm under pressure, and I have visits with judgy, always slim relatives coming up, which seems to be lighting a fire under my (amply sized) booty.
  • Goalinsight
    Goalinsight Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 46, Irish, married, mother of three, working full time, studying part time and trying to lose weight! I'm back to MFP for a few weeks now and very determined. It's coming off slowly so far, but I need to lose over 40lbs and it would be great to add some more friends. All you 40 somethings, please feel free to add me. I'd love to hear from you all :)
  • salomeswish
    salomeswish Posts: 9 Member
    I'm glad I finally found people in my age group!
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I'm 59. You young people think you're all that. meh
  • NofatdaddyMike
    NofatdaddyMike Posts: 574 Member
    I will be 50 in January and hope to be fit at 50 sometime next year.
  • jamesbaird35325
    jamesbaird35325 Posts: 23 Member
    My peers! Finally someone else that can relate to the aches and pains of getting healthy!
    49 and my second time around. Lost 35lbs last year! Feel free to add me I will certainly support everyone on my friend's list.
  • gvhunterollie
    gvhunterollie Posts: 74 Member
    49. Will be 49 extra large in January. If I make it!
  • amybrownfranks
    So how is everyone doing on the exercise part.. Still can not find my motivation i need you guys to hold me accountable please. Snow is flying around here so it is to cold for me to walk outside.. Any ideas would be great..
  • amybrownfranks
    Hello everyone I am back I have had some illness of the Holidays.. But this is a new year and a new start to getting healthy...I would like to correspond with several people I really need a cheering sections to keep me going.. I suffer from depression so it is so easy to say I will start tomorrow.. But not this time I am going to do this...