Single Working Parents: when do you workout?



  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    I work out 3x a week when the kids are at their dad's house. It's the only time I can fit it in. I treat the 1-hr time blocks as an important appointment that can't be cancelled or rescheduled.
  • EricLFC1892
    EricLFC1892 Posts: 85 Member
    I get up at 4:30am to have an early burn.. is the only time i have
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Although I'm not a single parent the feedback I've seen from either single parents (or a parent where their spouse travels a lot) is to go workout at somewhere with daycare or babysitting built in. My gym has babysitting and I see a lot of parents take advantage of it during my Monday Zumba class. I've also heard good things from folks that use the childcare at the barre studio (for barre classes) and that's the only way they would get a workout in.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I am not a single parent, but I am a very busy father of two young boys and here are some suggestions...

    1 - drop the gym...gyms are nice, but not necessary to get some exercise.

    2 - If you insist on a gym, find one with a daycare

    3 - Remember that a good, solid workout can be had in 30-60 don't have to spend hours upon hours exercising.

    4 - There are numerous home DVD workout programs out there at your disposal...these could be done in the AM before the kids are up or in the PM after they're in bed.

    5 - I sacrifice my lunch hour 4 days per week to get my rides in...this means I end up just eating at my desk while I work.

    Once you get on a schedule and a routine, it gets just becomes another thing you do during your daily.
  • caitsaunt
    caitsaunt Posts: 25 Member
    I work out on my lunch breaks - the gym is close enough to the office that it works OK. However, busy season is coming and I may start working out right after I drop the kids off at school, before I get to the office and can't get away from desk.
  • pinkvici
    pinkvici Posts: 140 Member
    MscGray wrote: »
    Not a single parent, but we get so busy it feels like I am at times!! I prefer working out in the morning, its nice to get it in before you start your day (when you do have some time to yourself). I felt it like it gave me a little more energy for the morning too. PM work outs after the kids have gone to bed have a way of being bumped due to running out of time and/or energy, and if you do complete them you may find yourself ramped up and unable to sleep. Although with your schedule sounding just as hectic as mine, I say get it in where ever you can!!

    I was fitting it in in the morning - until my toddler decided to start waking anywhere between 5/6am! Added to this, she's gone from sleeping through to 1-3 night wakings!!

    I'm now going to try to alternate am and pm workouts where I can. It's not easy but I need to get in shape!
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    yes to all of your original post.
    I've gone in the mornings, late nights, right after work, etc.
    My gym has no care either.
    Currently going right after work and I squeak sessions in while she is at practices twice a week as well.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    During my lunch break. I worked out then even before my husband died and I became a single parent again. It's really the only time I have. So many things to do in the evenings at home.
  • nickelp22
    nickelp22 Posts: 35 Member
    I am not a single mom but my husband has an erratic schedule; I work full time and have 2 kids (6&8) I almost always get up early 5:30am to work out. Sometimes I will do a longer work out at night after the kids are in bed. Like tonight since my husband will not be home until 11 I will work out from 8:30-9:30 ish and then clean up and make lunches. It isn;'t ideal but I rather do that and still get to spend time with my kids than do it while they are awake.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Is there any way to switch to a gym that provides child care?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm a single mom and I workout on my lunch break. I also do some after the boys are in bed if I need it.
  • shannonstube
    shannonstube Posts: 64 Member
    Is it possible to find a gym with a daycare? For me personally, I know I would never work out at home. There are too many distractions and too many other things that need to be done. So going to the gym and putting my son in the childcare room is the only way I get a workout in. He has fun in there, so it's a win-win.

    When I used to work from home, and before he was school-age, I would sometimes take him to daycare early, go to the gym, then back home to work. That worked then because I had no commute so putting him in daycare for an extra hour or so wasn't so bad.
  • BuddhaMom74
    I'm up at 5am, work out in my basement (DVDs, treadmill, dumbbells, etc.), I'm showered and dressed by 6:30, get kids up at 7, put them on the school bus at 8, and go to work. When the weather gets warmer and the days are longer I hope to run outside a few times a week.

    Exactly this! I'm a single full-time working mom of 2 (12 and 8 years old). I invested in a treadmill, an exercise ball, free weights (a set of 3lbs, 5lbs, 8lbs and 10lbs) and some fitness bands. I'm up at 5am; workout is 5:15am-6am. Shower, lunches packed and breakfast ready by 6:45am...I get myself ready while the kids are eating their breakfast, then we're all out the door by 7:30am - whew!

    I also meal prep, so on the weekend, I know what we're having for diner every night. Then in the evening, as I'm getting lunches ready for the next day, I'm also making sure that anything I need chopped/prepared for the next night is done as well.

    I've also made a conscious decision to not be an "overscheduler" (is that a word?!?!?!). Each kids gets to (must!) pick one activity per term, this way, we're not "running" every night. My 12-year old son has special needs, so he does have OT and counselling appointments, but I make them right after school so it doesn't bog down our evenings.

    Take care!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    My sister (not a single parent, but the advice still applies) gives the kids (age 3 & 7) something else to do while she works out. She sits them down with their tablet, coloring paper, homework, or they play in their room. It's just a half an hour, the kids can occupy themselves for a little while.

    Actually, her girls sometimes join in with her videos. It's really cute to see them doing push ups and stuff with her. The 7 year old goes out running with her as well.

    Another great idea is to start doing family walks after dinner or after school. It's a great time to catch up and chat and instills healthy habits.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    +1 on cancelling the gym membership if you aren't using it

    I can't give sage advice as I don't have kids, but what about walking on your lunch at work? I can't do anything really sweaty on lunch (my coworkers would not appreciate it) but walking around inside the building or outside burns calories.
  • aprilholmquist
    I am so happy that I found this thread. I too am a single mom and have found it very difficult to find time to work out. I am self employed with a startup business so I am working about 50 hours a week easy. I ended up getting a bicycle trainer and I wake up early in the morning to ride it before my daughter wakes up. But that's all I do. No way I would be able to do a gym as much as I would love to Even the ones with childcare you have to pay for the childcare $2-6/hr which can add up fast if you are at the gym 5 days a week. So on top of the gym membership you are paying about $120/month in additional childcare costs. I can't afford it and I dream of one day getting to just go to the gym. I'm going to check some of the ideas for youtube exercises above.

    I did a plank challenge which was pretty fun and I find doing little challenges helps me test myself but I am a competitive person. I find it very helpful to give myself rewards (non-food), or make it a game to see how many days of the week I can be active. Like at the end of the week if I was good and worked out at least 4-5 days I would do something special for myself. Before getting the myfitnesspal app on my phone I printed out a calendar and wrote down my exercise and daily water intake. I put it on my fridge so I saw it throughout the day which helped. I sacrifice sleep a lot (in busy business times) but that in itself can cause you to gain weight or not lose weight. It's a delicate balance. I used to stay up after my daughter went to bed but started going to bed when she does at 8:30-9am and then I am able to wake up at 4:30-5am without sacrificing sleep and I get to have me time for 2-3 hours before I find myself the most motivated and active in the early mornings. But you have to find when you are the most motivated. I find that I have to set myself up for success. If I set up my trainer before I go to bed I wake up to it in the middle of the room staring me down and I have no choice but to hop on it. I make sure I also set up work out clothing so it's all there and ready for me to do.

    Another idea I have had (but I have not implemented yet) is to form a single mom exercise group and have one person alternate as the care giver while the others worked out, even if it's another girlfriend that is trying to exercise, doing a childcare exchange a few days a week so the other can go work out or do whatever they need without having kiddo around. Lots of ideas. I hope that helps. :) Good luck with your weight loss!!! It's soooo hard just to maintain a normal life as a single momma so just surviving the day sometimes is a workout in itself. You are doing great!
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Ok-my baby is now 19 but I raised then on my own since he was five. We crosscountry skiied-I'd meet the older two at sschool with skis and boots in the car-and youngest-stop to pick up an adult friend and the 5 of us would ski a local park (when youngest was 3 he went in sled behind me).
    We hiked-the 4 of us
    We biked-with youngest on a trail a bike (or tagalong) we could do 30 k at age 5, 7 and 9. Distances increased with age.
    We paddled weekly at the city pond with canoe club.

    Workouts outside this were me on my stationary bike or cross country ski machine after the kids were in bed.