First half marathon - do I need power gels/sports beans?



  • amw8675309
    amw8675309 Posts: 95 Member
    I did my first on this past sunday and i was able to get through with just gatorade! i mixed a 20 oz bottle to run with rather than leaving it just up to the aid stations, but that seemed to be enough to get me through it
  • spiritmachine
    Seem like a lot of good advice here. I wouldn't only add that if you are taking in a gel at mile 10 on a 13 mile race that I doubt you body would be able to digest it and have it available as energy by the time you finish. I did a half marathon with no gel. If you are going to do gel I would do it earlier than mile 8 so that when you need it around mile 10 it is already digested and ready to help you along.
  • vstinnett
    vstinnett Posts: 3
    I use them anytime I am out running more than an hour. It definately helps replentish my enery level.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Go with what you've been training with. The only change should be if the aid stations have something different.
  • nkenga
    nkenga Posts: 46
    When I did my first half-marathon, I didn't use any gels or anything. I carb-loaded the day before, drank plenty of water the week before, and alternated water and gatorade at the drink stations on the route. I did fine (I stopped once to use the bathroom, but that's it).

    However, I walked it, so if you are running yours, you may want to talk with experienced runners.