Morbidly Obese...yikes.

Hi guys, I have been on my journey for over a year now of highs and lows, ups and downs. I started at almost 400lbs and I am now 335.6. So, I've made progress but I still have a long road of roughly 175 more lbs to go. I am looking for friends to help me in this journey. If you have overcome obesity, or if you have similar goals, I would love to support each other. I am not bandwagoning for the new years goals, I am here for the long, bumpy haul.


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I would be happy to be along for your journey. My top was 275 and I am now 185.
  • SeeNicholeShrink
    SeeNicholeShrink Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks, I added you :)
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    Congrats on making the decision to better yourself! I was obese (about 250 lbs) for my entire life until I decided to make a change about two years ago. The decision to lose weight was the best decision I've ever made. Good luck and stick with it! It will pay off!
  • SeeNicholeShrink
    SeeNicholeShrink Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks Ryan! I know its a long process but I am motivated and even though last year I only lost 64lbs its 64lbs less than I was so I'm going to count that as a success! I am hoping to lose steadily at 2lbs a week for the next year to mark another 96 off.

  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    You can do it! You ARE doing it! The road is long and bumpy indeed, but the sense of accomplishment you probably feel is amazing. Keep going! *cheers*

    I started off in the morbidly obese range and have been consistently losing as well. I have a goal of losing another 70 lbs to reach my ideal, albeit overweight, body weight (I'm naturally very muscular when active and I accept that). The determination and the lesson in patience is more than I ever thought I could learn from all of this, that's for sure.
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    please add me and we can do this together!! I'm Betty and I started here in July at 369lbs and today I weigh 282lbs with an 87lbs loss :smile: I choose to live a 20 carbs a day lifestyle and I'm very strict with the food choices I allow in my life. I consider this my new lifestyle and not just a diet with an ending when a goal has been met. Finally, I am enjoying being active and exercising 4-5 times a week on my treadmill, recumbent bike, and elliptical. My life has changed so much already in these 6mths and I'm still considered morbidly obese. But the scale is steady going down and my measurements are getting smaller as each month passes. I hope to be a friend who can inspire you to hang in there and be ready to shake things up for yourself to bring about the changes that you want :smiley: Come get me if you'd like to share this journey together, my friend :wink:
  • SeeNicholeShrink
    SeeNicholeShrink Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks guys! I added you Bett & NJ :)
  • noelkm67
    noelkm67 Posts: 118
    edited January 2015
    You can add me! All time high was 265. I've been at 245 for the last decade or so. I'm now at 217. My next mini goal is 209, then 199.
  • SeeNicholeShrink
    SeeNicholeShrink Posts: 29 Member
    Great Noel, I will add you thanks! We can do this!
  • MBenton57
    MBenton57 Posts: 1 Member can add me! I am weighing in at 250 and need all the support I can get, too. I want to avoid being diagnosed with diabetes. You have already inspired me. Thank you!
  • SeeNicholeShrink
    SeeNicholeShrink Posts: 29 Member
    Added thank you :)
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Hello, I have been on mfp for about 15 months, lost 34lbs but still have a long way to go.

    Anyone is welcome to friend me but the following are MUSTS for me.
    1. You log onto mfp regularly
    2. You comment on post and not just use the like button.
    3. The support is two way and you give support to me in return for the support I give to you.

    I do delete those that do not support and comment as I want to be a supportive friend on this journey.
    Good Luck to you all.
  • SeeNicholeShrink
    SeeNicholeShrink Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks Cad, I appreciate your viewpoint but I dont think I really want to be regulated like that. I am a supportive friend, but may not always have time for replying to every post.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    Add me if you'd like, I have 104lbs to lose!
  • jellybeanpumba
    jellybeanpumba Posts: 24 Member
    Add me!! I'm at my all time right now 303! We all need all the help we can get. I'm setting small goals that will add up to bigger goals.
  • clharper1973
    clharper1973 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I'm less than a pound away from 200lbs and I need to get moving before I cross that line. I've been through a lot emotionally in the last 4 months and subsequently gained 30lbs, after having struggled to lose 25lbs :neutral_face: I would really like to give and receive any support anyone is willing to give or need. Supporting each other would be so beneficial. I have 75lbs to lose to get back to my "skinny" weight. Feel free to add me!
  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    bnw208 wrote: »
    Hi guys, I have been on my journey for over a year now of highs and lows, ups and downs. I started at almost 400lbs and I am now 335.6. So, I've made progress but I still have a long road of roughly 175 more lbs to go.

    Bah, give yourself a bit more credit. You have obviously figured out the hard part already, that is, how to lose the first 10 pounds. The rest is easy, there is nothing that you have to do, only a few things that you must not do. And what could be easier than not doing something, right? :-)

    Anyway, a great big congrats on your achievements so far and an equally big cheer for what lies up ahead. Just remember, reaching your goal isn't hard (just don't eat poorly, what could be easier than not doing something...) but it will take time. And the longer you let it take, the better the results will be (within reason, obviously). Don't try to rush things. Although you seem to have all this figured out already, just wanted to reaffirm you. Your goal of losing two lbs / week is good for someone your size, it certainly bodes for a healthy and sustainable new lifestyle.

    Just a question, are you exercising? And if you are, what do you do?

    Also, feel free to add me as a friend here at MFP!
  • Hello,

    Please add me too!

    I started at 237 8 months ago and am currently 150! I am happy to support and encourage anyone with what worked for me!
  • SeeNicholeShrink
    SeeNicholeShrink Posts: 29 Member
    Hey Zipa, thank you so much for that. Its easy to get down on yourself, or lessen your accomplishments. I have been working out, but its not the easiest thing being 335lbs. I go for walks, use the treadmill or do Leslie Sansone DVDs. I would like to get into weight lifting but am a bit intimidated by it.

    I added you!

  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    There's certainly no need to be intimidated by weight lifting. Everyone was a beginner at some point, except the ones who never started at all.