lose 100 pounds?

Hi All! new year new me, ? yes in deed!
100 pounds to lose, and it will happen ! who is in the same boat then me and need to lose 100 pounds too? can we do this together?


  • Hey, I'm not into the whole new years resolution thing, I've been on here since October,but this is a new account I just made yesterday.

    I have 110 pounds to lose, so far I've lost 33, but gained some holiday weight, so I'm at -29..

    Everyone feel free to add me, I log daily, and I'm looking for friends that also are looking to lose a large amount of weight, and log daily!

    :# (*)

  • wmander1
    wmander1 Posts: 53 Member
    I have exactly 104.2 lbs to lose! :smile:

    At least, that's the big goal for 2015!

    Feel free to add me! I'm all in for motivating friends!
  • thanks ! request sent!
  • Shazziie13
    Shazziie13 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I need to lose about 110lbs! If you wanna add me feel free!!! :smile: We can motivate each other!
  • Becca0301
    Becca0301 Posts: 90 Member
    I need to lose a total of 109 pounds,I'm about half way there. Feel free to add me if you like. Anyone can.
  • RLjosephson
    RLjosephson Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am also going to lose 100 this year! Feel free to add me.
  • luvlish2
    luvlish2 Posts: 4 Member
    I as well need to lose 100 pounds, I lost 30 pounds last year with MFP but unfortunately gained it all back........please feel free to add me!
  • PrincessKabuki
    PrincessKabuki Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to fitness pal and have 115 pounds to lose. Count me in!
  • I need to lose about 90 pounds. I'm starting with 70 because that seems more realistic for my height.
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    feel free to add me - I need to lose 150 lbs :) we can do it!
  • davecando
    davecando Posts: 46 Member
    edited January 2015
    Feel free to add me i need a boot up the behind did really well last year but since easter i seemed to have went backwards adding on 56 lbs after losing 125lb this time in looking at losing 80lbs can any of you help motovate me and help me along the way please im male married 46 years of age train 3 to 4 times a week and know exactley what foods work without starving myself to lose weight have a lot fo usefull info , aiming for 1 stone at a time next target is 23 stones for me , also got a new fitbit for xmas great little tool to help me out
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    You can do it :)

    Feel free to add me as well...I've got 100+ to lose.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    You all can do it! I lost 100 pounds and have kept it off for about 8 years now :) Stay focused on your goals and you totally got this! Then once you get to wherever it is you want to be weight/health wise, you simply tune those goals so you maintain the loss. It isn't always easy, we are human and will slip up, but I want people to know maintaining a loss long term is possible!
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    I am about half way through my 100. I would love to have more friends working toward the same goal!
  • kristie_cla
    kristie_cla Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to add me too!! I had been on MFP and lost 70 of my 120 pound goal....then fell off track and gained it back. Sigh. Starting over. :smile:
  • I have a wedding to get set for in october. I am hoping to see 100 lbs be gone by then but my main goal is 50lbs. Lets do this!
  • MidgekinRN
    MidgekinRN Posts: 18 Member
    156lbs for me! I know a year isn't realistic but that is my overall goal. If I can make it to 100 lost this year Ill be a happy happy girl!! Please feel free to add me!
  • harlowxo
    harlowxo Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in. I'm hoping to lose that for my overall goal this year.
  • positivelykara
    positivelykara Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I lost 100 pounds in 2013, and in 2014 I gained almost half of that back. My goal for 2015 is to get down to 100 pounds lost again and probably 20-30 more. I enjoy exercising and LOVE running, boxing, zumba, and spinning. Anything that is high energy and fun keeps my focus. I definitely struggle with consistency with eating healthy. I tend to make a strong start lately, but taper off. I recently started using Advocare products which helped me immensely back when I lost in 2013. I just started a 24 Day Challenge through them, and am reaching out to anyone in the same boat as I am with weight struggles. Please feel free to add me, and I look forward to meeting some of you! 2015 is OUR year! Thanks, Kara
  • I lost 50lbs in 2013 and gained back about 15 of them in 2014. Back on track to hit that 143.8lbs loss mark!