Looking for UK Pals!

Hi All, I've been on MFP for a couple of years now, for the last year however I have been slipping, gained back half the weight I lost and I can really tell. I have quite a few MFP's but would like a few more in the UK. Having been away for a while I can see from my friend list that quite a large number of my MFP's have been away like me, and some for even longer. However, I refuse to delete them. The aim of the game is support and if they decide to come back then I would like to be there for them as all my MFP's are still there for me.

All my MFP's are fabulous! I don't want to distract from that, but I would like some more UK pals so that time frames are sometimes the same. It's a little easier to compare foods sometimes too.

I'm female, live in South Yorkshire, I'm 5'3" tall, I weigh 184lbs and I'm aiming to get down to between 125-140lbs, last time I was on MFP I got down to 168lbs before my life went tits up, so I know it works. Now I'm trying to get things tits down and under control again.

It would be great to have new pals with which we can mutually share our journey's.


  • Beckeh87
    Beckeh87 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm in West Yorkshire and also trying to get my weight under control. Looking for support with my journey.
  • I'm in Scotland - 18kg still to lose by May. I know i can lose weight but if u want my support to help you lose too the just give me an add. SNB
  • Another from Scotland. I really need help in fighting the unhealthy Scottish diet!
  • itsDapps
    itsDapps Posts: 11 Member
    Hi im from Luton the place the where those bright orange easyjet planes are from lol, on that journey as well that seems to be stop starting every year be happy add u as a pal keep fighting the fight
  • nickyj2015
    nickyj2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya, I'm looking for UK pals too!
  • jasfarley93
    jasfarley93 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, am in Kent, have only just joined am looking to lose 70lbs, so got quite a way to go yet, good luck everyone!
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in Scotland! Been bouncing around the same 5 lbs for the last year after losing my enthusiasm a bit but looking to get back to it! :)
  • MusclenMascara
    MusclenMascara Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in the UK! Not looking to lose weight but build some muscle by lifting heavy. Feel free to add me, I log daily :)
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm in London. I will add you now, hope that's OK!
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    Im in the UK please feel free to add me, always happy to motivate where I can
  • adelem86
    adelem86 Posts: 16 Member
    Im based in kent happy to motivate. I am looking to lose 1stone within the next three months :0)
  • dizzylou36
    dizzylou36 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in Lincolnshire and just started back after putting nearly all my weight back on (I had lost 28lb), need to lose about 70lb, I have added you if that's ok?
  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm in Northumberland. Still got about 35 pounds to go for a total of about 55. Would love some friends on here so I can snoop in their diaries and get some ideas. :)
  • JohnH71
    JohnH71 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm from North Lincs, work all over 'the north', including Humber region, Yorkshire, and most of the North East. Looking to loose a few pesky pounds that crept back on in November / December and generally get super fit. Feel free to add me!
  • FrothyGibblets
    FrothyGibblets Posts: 49 Member
    Hello all. I'm a returning newbie who's only just trying the community aspect of weight loss. I'm from the Northants area, need to lose 170-180lbs, perhaps more depending on how I look when I've lost that amount. Currently 400+ but at 6'8 and 27 years old, it doesn't affect my mobility like such a large weight would an average size person. I can hear the health time bomb ticking though, I've given enough of my life to this.

    I'm also taking the secondary step of also becoming vegetarian, which will be quite a challenge. If anyone would like to add me please feel free.
  • catemb80
    catemb80 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I'm in Surrey and looking for pals, but at it a year and January is a great time to focus the energy
  • LNPurdie
    LNPurdie Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, I am in The process of relocating from Manchester to Bristol. Thanks for the thread because would love some support in the local area, and certainly in the same time zone.
  • Heya, I'm looking for UK buddies too, I live in Plymouth. Anybody is welcome to add me. :)
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Hi I'm from London, UK. Back after a break with 22lb to lose. Please feel free to add as I can't work out how to add yet on this new look site.
  • antjtw
    antjtw Posts: 3 Member
    I'm after some more friends on here too, from York, studying in Leeds. I'm slowing working my way towards becoming a powerlifter, so I 'cut' and 'bulk' at several points during the year.