How to Enter My Ab Workout?

TaushasJourney Posts: 143
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone. So I picked up a Shape magazine today, and went ahead and did an abdominal workout it outlined. Now I have no idea how to enter these exercises into my MFP diary!

Here's what the workout entailed:
--Plank Hops: starting from push-up position, you hop to your feet & back 3 times & stand up quickly for 1 rep, 20 reps total
--Torso Twists w/ Knee Lift: In a semi-squat position, twist back & forth, lifting knee into a side crunch every other twist for 1 rep, 30 reps on either side
--Long Lever Crunch: Lying face-up with your arms above your head and 1 knee bent, lift head & shoulders while lifting the straight leg from a couple inches off the floor to the level of the bent leg's thigh, and then back for 1 rep, 40 reps on either side

Any idea what I should enter in my exercise diary for these exercises?


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    i put it down as calithenics or sit ups
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    You can make up your own names for exercises. Also- if you have a heart rate monitor or plan to buy one, I like to enter strength training or ANY kind of workout under Cardio anyway, and put in manually how many calories my HRM told me I burned. Why shouldn't you get calorie credit for ab workouts or strength training? Doesn't make sense, especially if you have worked out hard.
  • tmonsta617
    tmonsta617 Posts: 10
    put it under your strenght training excerise category to track the reps etc. Then put it under your cardio training as "strength training" to calculate calories.
  • Thanks guys! Yeah, I definitely want to get a HRM at some point. It would be good to have an accurate measure for myself. ^_^ For now, I'm tracking the reps under strength training & added the time into the cardio section. :D
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