Weight Watchers compared with MFP



  • LandyBreigh
    LandyBreigh Posts: 207 Member
    I lost 129 pounds on WW over a 2 year period. I loved the program. I went through a divorce, getting adjusted to new lifestyle, Single, getting a new place, dating, eventually remarrying, etc....needless to say, I gained back a lot of it. So, now that my life is calmer and happier I'm back to working on ME. Since I do not have the money or time to do WW again, I found MFP online. I truly enjoy this site and find it to be easy to track food and the community support is excellent.
  • aluapnaj
    I have had success with WW in the past so I checked their website to see how much it costs now. I was thinking of a 3-month deal. I went to a WW meeting and was told that they could not match the internet price for meeting plans. Do you mean to tell me that the corporate driven pricing is not honored by the franchises. Ridiculous, everyone looks at the internet before they go to places in person now. WW needs to get with the times or the only clients they will have will be little (big) old ladies. I'm saying this and I'm 57! I REALLY like saving money. I walked out the door, plan never to return. MFP fits my lifestyle, crossing my fingers it works.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    aluapnaj wrote: »
    I have had success with WW in the past so I checked their website to see how much it costs now. I was thinking of a 3-month deal. I went to a WW meeting and was told that they could not match the internet price for meeting plans. Do you mean to tell me that the corporate driven pricing is not honored by the franchises. Ridiculous, everyone looks at the internet before they go to places in person now. WW needs to get with the times or the only clients they will have will be little (big) old ladies. I'm saying this and I'm 57! I REALLY like saving money. I walked out the door, plan never to return. MFP fits my lifestyle, crossing my fingers it works.
    Yep, same here. My whole state is a franchise and charges more. I guess the upside is they don't push WW products, virtually at all. It's not their pockets. But say you're doing eTools and meetings... your meeting weigh-in isn't even entered into the system because it's all on paper here, so you have to log it manually online. Silly.

  • Bruyere_62
    Bruyere_62 Posts: 11 Member
    I did WW. I had some successes with it, but I never really felt comfortable there. I have done both online and meetings. I found the meetings too cultish for me. I'm not a "rah rah" type person. I'm very private and don't like sharing this journey, at least not until I'm on my way and comfortable in my skin/mind. And by comfortable, I mean the psychology of losing weight.

    I felt, they had 2 choices of plans, one was count your points, no foods are off limit, but to make it work you needed to use "lite" and "low fat". The other was their "lifestyle" and they had off limit foods, and still needing "lite" and low fat". Neither were sustainable for me.

    I have adopted following calories (man was that an adjustment from thinking in points - I have struggled with it a bit actually), from there I have discovered eating clean, which has lead me to watching my macros and seeing what works. And then seeing how really exercise fits.

    Once I got over myself and those "points" I'm really loving the control I have simply using my calories. Calories in < Calories out. I understand it. I can make it work. I can use it to impact my health and the side effect is that I can lose weight thus even better impacting my health.

    Plus the barcode reader of mfp rocks!

  • LaarainNYC
    LaarainNYC Posts: 90 Member
    Did WW years ago, lost 100 lbs and have kept most of it off. But, like many of the other posters here, am finding that the unlimited fruit and vegetable thing is becoming a hindrance. So I'll probably drop them. The MFP database is much better as well; it's easy to find the restaurant foods I'm likely to eat on MFP whereas the WW restaurant database only covers chain restaurants.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    RoyBeck wrote: »
    Personally, I wouldn't like to be told which foods I can/can't eat or what to avoid. This is a great site you'll do well here.

    You must not read the forums on here much. :D

    I'm not using Weight Watchers anymore but it still bugs me when people think you have to eat their food. It's a point system there. You can eat any damned thing you want.

    Really, the only difference between WW and MFP is that you pay for WW and you get to pretend some foods don't have any point value.
  • kareniniowa
    kareniniowa Posts: 15 Member
    I love MFP! I have done both and have lost weight on WW but the community here and the app just seem to flow better! Feel free to add me!
  • bean_jean
    bean_jean Posts: 12 Member
    WW works well for many people. I love the bank of recipes! Especially the series called A Cut Above. But having said that I find the point system dumbed down. I like knowing whats in my food. It helps me make positive changes. The other problem I have is that the members I've met attend because they "have" to lose weight. I don't experience any excitement about getting more fit. Some of the meetings have a stodgy atmosphere.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I became a life time member of WW in the late 70's, and then again in the late 80's. I applaud WW for seeking new ways to help many people successfully lose weight. That being said, I utilized another on line non logging , non counting plan to lose weight , learn to maintain, plan and have kept the weight off - but I logged the first six months on Loseit, and then came on over to MFP for the 7th month and am now on my forth year of my new healthy lifestyle. I feel that WW is a great place to learn daily discipline, but it doesn't really have a the rah-rah I get from MFP at whatever stage I am at in my healthy lifestyle journey. I, too, like to customize my macros and calories to my goals. And learn from the other members of MFP every day.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    I've done WW meetings and on line had some success with meetings a little with on line. For me the key is tracking, whether it is points, calories, macronutrients, whatever. (I still in my head sometimes think about points). As someone else mentioned, I like the forums. I don't often comment, but find these very motivating. Still get e-mails from WW to come back - I check it out once in a while curious if they have lowered their rates of what is different. I see that WW now has a live-chat available on line - I guess that is how they justify charging. Again can come on MFP and pretty much get a conversation going at any time of day. Again, MFP is great, I've also used Lose-It (non-premium) and I like it too and both are also available mobile.
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    I did WW years ago and lost 2 stone (28lbs) in 8 weeks, which is a lot in a very short time period! I obviously gained that back very quickly as I hadn't really made long term sustainable choices! When I wanted to lose weight again I considered WW again as I enjoyed the meetings, learnt useful information, met new people and I know it had been successful for me in the past and is successful for many people... but I didn't want to pay for something I could do for free... so I found MFP and started tracking! My calorie allowance has ranged between 1400-1750 whilst I've been on here and exercising 2-5 times a week, but looking at what I was taking in whilst with weight watchers... it was 800-1000 calories per day, plus exercise 7-10 times per week, no wonder weight just fell off of me!!! It was a very unhealthy way to do it! I much prefer MFP, it encourages me to lose weight healthily!
  • The_Fitness_Foodie
    The_Fitness_Foodie Posts: 95 Member
    I did Weight Watchers for 1 year (2005-6) but I then lost my job so I couldn't afford to go every week, then we calculated that I spent a total of £240 to be told I had lost total of 67lb in weight....

    Here I've lost 164lb & spent £0.00 - job or no job, this site wins over for me....
  • MadMaximus83
    MadMaximus83 Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats on such an awesome loss! I'm on WW now and MFP is winning me over for sure. I totally agree on the barcode app example! 9 times out of 10, the WW barcode app can't find it or freezes up. Also my app has a heck of a time tracking on the weekends for some reason. I have none of those troubles with MFP. Right now I'm tracking strictly on MFP to see if I can keep going with my weight loss (I've lost 80 lbs and have 22 more to go). So far I have tracked with just MFP for 2 weeks and I have lost 3.5. So it looks like WW will have another cancellation :smile:
  • Tljordan40
    Tljordan40 Posts: 61 Member
    Wonderful information and review about WW. I am currently a WW member and have been a member for years now. I have come over to my MFP and I love it. The food database is awesome and the people on this sight are awesome. I have realized that I do not enjoy the message boards like I do on MFP. I think that I am going to do MFP exclusively and save my money that I spend on WW monthly.
  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    Nine days after I started this post and can I now confirm why I was not losing weight on WW. I have tracked everything on MFP and am eating so much less fruit and veg: because it was free I ate it - and must have been on another 300-500 calories a day than I am now.

    I lost 6lb in the first week - I know that this is probably atypical but it is very motivating!
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I did lose 30 pounds on WW years ago. I did not like the meetings because I'm a private person and if I gained a pound one week because of sodium or female issues, I didn't like the whole, "what did you do wrong?!?!" shriek of the leader. So much for dignity and privacy during the weigh in! Also, I followed the points but also walked five miles/five days a week and never ate back those points. In other words, it was more about creating a deficit, which I think I can do on my own, for free. :) But WW does make a lot of people happy, and I commend them for taking the time to find what works for them.
  • chixyb
    chixyb Posts: 107 Member
    Great work! I have done weight watchers off and on since I was a teenager. It works. However, I agree with a few others here. It doesn't actually teach you to eat. It just teaches you to restrict your intake to meet a points allowance. I lost over 140 lbs with MFP, became injured (1 1/2 years of injury so far) and gained 50 back.

    My mom was interested in joining weight watchers so I said I'd do it with her. I'm 2 weeks in and already back on MFP. I feel like I'm being discouraged to eat anything with protein or fat because it raises the points level of a food so much! I do like that they are trying to push you towards eating more fresh produce but I'm not sure if it's being done the right way. The biggest thing that made me come back (well, doing both currently since I paid in advance) is the website and their customer service. THEIR DATABASE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THEIR OWN FOODS, let alone any others. I usually only use the recipe function anyway but really?

    So...welcome to MFP!
  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    Whilst on WW I lost4stone 14lbs (69 pounds). I was averaging 0.4lb loss a week for the last6 months or so but would gain it back at the holidays. Can you believe that it took me over a year to lose 7 lb? I just couldn't seem to lose any more.

    Since starting on hear on 2nd Jan I have already lost 8 pounds, so I finally arrived at my 5 stone (70lbs) milestone YAY!. I am aware that I am losing a bit too quickly, but can adjust that. oh happy day.
  • rayqd2
    rayqd2 Posts: 6 Member
    edited March 2015
    So I am trying to use MFP instead of WW. I successfully lost 25 lbs on WW but then started slacking, gained some of it back, and just can't seem to be as strictly on the WW train as I was originally.

    Here's my question though, I met my MFP calorie limit today but calculated the WW points total and it was 41! Normal my WW points goal is 29 or 30. That worries me a lot. Any thoughts?
  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    Hi Rayqd
    The ww points will be 29 + your weeklies, an extra seven to add on which would be 36. Also the free fruit and veg wasn't counted. I worked out that with the free fruit and veg I was eating around 1700calories a day, 500 more than I am on now.