Weight loss buddy needed

I'm a 5.5 23 year old. Currently at 168 looking to reach 133. My main exercise is treadmill running.

Would love to meet someone similar (UK based & female) to help share motivation!


  • Hi im 34 5'3 and 12 st 3 lbs my main exercise is running round after my son....my goal is 2 get bk down 2 10 stone in serious need of motivation.
  • nickyj2015
    nickyj2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Cool, I'll add you.
  • flissy5
    flissy5 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 5'3 and around 152lbs and 33 years old, aiming to get to 140. I'm UK based and female.

    I lift heavy things and do yoga mostly for exercise.
  • Hi. I'm UK based, 165 lbs and would love to get to 140 -145 lbs. I've made poor food choices which cancels out thr exercise I do. Learnt a lot about food using MFP in just 2 days. Great if you can add me
  • Ok nickyj2015