I KNOW i want this....why is it so hard?

Jonna4450 Posts: 8
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to MFP. Love the site. I decided that i would start by just logging my food for a bit to see what i am doing wrong. And i have come to find out it is quite a bit. Drinking would be my number one. And the fact that i have no self control when it comes to food. And i just cant seem to get myself to start doing what i need. I am not really OVERWEIGHT. I am 5'11'' and i weigh 180....i am just uncomfortable in my own skin. If i want to make myself feel better why is it so hard to get on track. Any encouraging words or advice??


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    you got an ipod or mp3 player? get some music & get sweaty. It really is that easy.
  • Superdupermom
    Superdupermom Posts: 149
    now that you see what goes into your body your heading in the right direction! drink lots of water and even if you dont choose the healthier choice everytime log it so you can learn your patterns! learn from others on here and see new foods and maybe soon your body wont even want that crap!!!! :)
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    Any major change in life is difficult to accomplish, the way to stick at it is to remember that it's something you want and just keep at it. If you have days that you don't keep to your calories, just remember that each is just one day out of the thousands in the rest of your life. Tomorrow is a new day, a new start.
  • Superdupermom
    Superdupermom Posts: 149
    you got an ipod or mp3 player? get some music & get sweaty. It really is that easy.
  • elifefull
    elifefull Posts: 46
    Welcome! Its a journey but you can do it, just put your mind to it!!
  • rock_1206
    rock_1206 Posts: 33
    Take it from a foodie, its not really that difficult, all you have to do is make up your mind, do it for a few days. all it takes is a bit of motivation and self discipline. MFP really helps since you have friends on here who can motivate you when you are down and wont judge you. You can do it!!!!!!
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Good luck with your goal!
  • PeaceMe
    PeaceMe Posts: 53 Member
    Good Advice!! Meant to quote gameovergt
  • Jonna4450
    Jonna4450 Posts: 8
    I actually invested in an MP3 player today...so hopefully that will help me get my butt in gear. Would love some buddies on here to go through this jorney together.....feel free to add me :)
  • Crimson21
    Crimson21 Posts: 148 Member
    I used to have that problem...It was always hard for me to get started and get on track...But after a while I started to get really tired of being so lazy....so I changed...sometimes, you just have to do it. Don't think about it. Just do it. One thing I do, to make sure I workout, is when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do, is put on my workout clothes. I don't workout right away, but after breakfast, it reminds me that I should exercise...Hell I'm already in my workout clothes, might as well just do it now. I also post little reminders around the house, like on the fridge, the corner of the tv, the bathroom mirror, all reminding me that I have to workout whether I like it or not. Hope this helps a little! Good Luck!
  • shawny519
    shawny519 Posts: 20
    If I can do it you can do it :)
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    Oh man....drinks can be your enemy! Especially if it's hard alcohol........Thankfully I don't drink that often but I sure think about it when I do! I am also in somewhat the same boat as you as far as weight goes. I want to loose about 20lbs. It's SO freaking hard! To stay focused and motivated. I'm not sure how long you have been on here but I have come to find out that it has helped me REALLY rethink what I am eating. I'm a small mean person so I eat a 5-6x a day but as the day goes on I really think about what I will eat as my snack, considering what I've already had that day and thinking about what I will have for dinner. I REALLY want to meal plan but haven't succeeded at that just yet! ;-) I'm working on it. There is a REALLY cool websit called pepperplate.com that directly links to a few sites and you can save recipes, add to a shopping list and if you have a smart phone there is an app for it as well. (at least on the IPod and IPhone) My OTHER (I have a few, lol) is exercising and staying away from sugar. You said drinking was your thing, well mine would be ICECREAM. lol
    Add me if you want and best wishes to you!!!!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Just force yourself to start and keep yourself accountable and you'll start getting into the habit of it. That's what happened to me. Now, I have to log in every day and journal my calories, otherwise I'm just not happy! Also, the people on MFP really help keep me motivated. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some more support!
  • TanicaShante
    TanicaShante Posts: 27 Member
    I know how you feel, I could say the same thing, but it is because we are so used to doing things a certain way that it becomes difficult to change. I was thinking about it the other day and realized that I have 27 years of bad habits to undo, but you know what I'm getting it done and so can you. Just keep logging and paying attention to your eating you will see that it's easy to let go of some things. You can do this!!!!!!!
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    I'm a small mean person
    LMAO....I meant small *MEAL* person = )
  • Jonna4450
    Jonna4450 Posts: 8
    Thanks so much for the kind words...i know i can do this. I am starting on friday with my weighin and i am really going to start doing this. I LOVE THIS SITE!! everyone is so great! thanks!!
  • moonunit7
    moonunit7 Posts: 7
    I can so relate! I don't know how it happened but over the past two months my weight SKYROCKETED to over 180. I swore I would never get that heavy again and here I am, today, 190. I'm 5'8. When I was up and down in the 170s I was unhappy but not miserable. Right now I just want to crawl in a hole, I'm so embarrassed by the way I look. The weight just piles right on but is slow coming off. It's so frustrating. I seriously thought I must be pregnant because I was gaining weight so fast. No such luck. Just fat. Anyway, I do think this site will help. I've only used it for one day and was surprised to see how poorly I eat even when I am "dieting". Oddly enough, this guy that I just saw on The Voice last night said something that I thought was motivating. He said he wants to win The Voice. He said he wants it more than anything and he just keeps thinking about that and imagining himself winning. I thought, maybe I should do that with the number 150. Eventually, I'll want to be skinner but I haven't been 150 in so long, I think it would be a miracle. I feel your pain!!!
  • sshap21712
    sshap21712 Posts: 139
    I also started by logging my food and it really helped, even if it just told me when to stop. Then I started exercising, especially if I knew I was going to eat alot that day (or drink as it were), knowing if I burned a lot I could eat more. Then I started weighing myself and I've lost some weight. If nothing else, it helps keep you on track.
  • rock_1206
    rock_1206 Posts: 33
    Why wait till Friday, when you can start today!!! You will already have at least a days worth of head start! Sorry, if that sounds too pushy, but you know you can do it!!
  • mindy_may
    mindy_may Posts: 1
    Hey girl hang in there...I too am new to MFP (only one my 6th day) and I know I have a long journey ahead of me...
    I too am 5' 11". This year has been really crazy and stressful for me and I have wanted to make a change for a long time, but I am just now getting around to it. I know im an all or nothing type of person, so I didnt wanna start something and fail at it, and then discourage myself more, but i finally have the mindset and attitude I need to follow through successfully....I believe it is a mental game more than anything, soo HANG IN THERE, YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :)
  • Jonna4450
    Jonna4450 Posts: 8
    i will "Start" today....but my official day is friday. I get paid and i am going to buy my first scale....something i am dreading! but i am going to do it.....baby steps i guess...the next challange will be to get on the darn thing! ha
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