Moms and Dads



  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Dad and husband here - I work out at night while wife studies and kid sleeps... I find it helps undo the stress of the day and I sleep great. :) Also I walk for 15-20 min every morning with the dogs. Been challenging myself to up the pace as much as possible, and do as many hills as possible. Tracking calories on the HRM seems to really help me stay motivated too (can I break a new record today!?)
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    @gwenny0407‌: Thanks for the ideas. Unfortunately, there are only two gyms in my area and only one offers childcare (not very well). I do have the option to buy a membership with the gym through my work which may be my best bet, however I hate the thought of spending the money on it and then not being able to use it because of time constraints. I know I just need to make time! Thanks again.

    @JoseCastaneda‌: Thanks for the comment. I have been working to try and incorporate my kids into what I am doing. My oldest (5 year old) likes to dance so she usually likes to do the Zumba dvd's with me.. :smile:
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    @bwmalone‌: I actually got up this morning when my 5 month old did (30 minutes before the alarm was supposed to go off), got her settled in with a bottle, handed her off to hubby and got on my exercise bike and rode for 30 minutes! WIN for mommy!! :smile: I have also been challenging myself to use my lunch break to walk the stairs, take my restroom breaks and take 2 flights of stairs instead of just walking across the hall..
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Stationary bike is your friend. Just hop on it while you watch a show in the evening or something. Otherwise, it's 99% diet anyway.
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    @francl27: the stationary bike has helped because of the ankle problems. I'm hoping that by losing some of the weight the ankle problems will start to go away as well. However, if not, my podiatrist has already discussed the surgery option to correct it.
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    I am working with one of my Physical Education/Teacher Education faculty to see if they can help get me into the correct pair of shoes as well. I am 100% against having surgery until absolutely necessary.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @clandrum1984‌ Sounds like you're making a real effort - that's great! The hard part for me is the continual effort that it can take sometimes, unless I have a set routine for my workouts.
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm a mom add me if you'd like. One of the best things that has happened since I began my journey is today I asked my daughter what her new year resolution was going to be and she said" eating healthier" ! I was happy, as I wish I had better habits as a child. She also has been mentioning that she doesn't like sweets anymore they don't taste as good As the fruit I cut up for snacks at night for us. Get your kids involved! Take them on walks, play soccer with them! Make it fun for you and your kids.
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    @leanne0627: My kids (well the 5 year old) likes to do the walking DVD's that I have been doing. She finds them funny. She is a very picky eater, so I am trying to eat better so that she sees me doing it and hopefully she will eat better too!
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    That's awesome! She will learn from just watching you. mine loves doing yoga videos with me off tht computer at night. She spends half the time laughing but hey its a start. One thing we've really enjoyed is I had her make me an obstacle course and we timed eachothr on who could do it quicker. 10 jumping jacks, then run up the stairs and back down, jump over pillows, jumping rope! I was so exhausted after just trying to keep up. She keeps asking to do it again. Yours are a little younger so it will be tougher but I bet they all like dancing with you right?
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    I think you and your family will do great! Your already off to a great start. Take it slow and just do what you can when you can.
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    @leanne0627: Thanks for the idea. We were playing Fruit Ninja last night. While it did not create a significant calorie burn for me, it was still fun and made me out of breath or a few minutes, plus gave my arms a workout! :smile:
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Hi All,
    I am looking for people to keep me motivated. I am a working mom, three kids (5, 3 and 5 months). I am away from the home from 6:30am-6:30pm (typically). After getting home and getting the kids settled in with baths, homework and things ready for the next day, I'm exhausted and don't much energy to do anything else.

    I love seeing people post on their feeds about their day and how they have done because it motivates me to do more. Please add me if you are going through the same thing or feel like you could maybe help me. :D

    Thanks in advance.. You guys rock!

    I am a mom to one 14 year old. I am a sahm and homeschool my kid. I hesitate to join threads or groups with a parent focus because it is a different lifestyle. My challenges are being around food all day, getting enough sleep and being very sedentary.
    I pre-log my food for the whole day- usually for the next day right before I go to bed or while I eat breakfast. That is really helpful for keeping me on track. I do meal planning and have dinners for the whole month planned out.
    I drink mostly water or unsweetened tea. I'd rather save my calories for food.
    I usually eat something low prep for breakfast like yogurt, granola bar, fruit, sandwich or cereal. Lunch is usually a sandwich or leftovers. I cook dinner almost every day.
    I try to exercise around 30 minutes a day. I don't go to a gym. I like workout videos off of you tube, walking, or some exercise dvd's. Dd will join me in playing some active video games like Just Dance or Walk It Out. If I am tired or stressed, a bit of exercise generally makes me feel better. Sometimes you just have to make yourself do it like brushing your teeth.

    I think watching your calories is the most important thing you can do.
  • fullofsmiles04
    fullofsmiles04 Posts: 158 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Everyone!
    I am a working mother of an incredible almost 9 month old little girl. I gained 45lbs during my pregnancy and although I have lost all of it, I still have more weight to lose and need to set an example for my daughter. I am more motivated than ever to continue losing weight to become the healthiest I've ever been. I am also looking for anyone who can help support me and help keep this motivation alive. I've been using MFP for quite a while, sometimes more regularly than others, but I am going to do my best to use my food and exercise dairies every day. If you think you'd like to be friends, feel free to send me a request!! :)
  • amber5151
    amber5151 Posts: 51 Member
    I have a 7 and 3 year old. I feel your pain, lol. I made the mistake of signing up for a gym (12 month contract) that didn't have childcare. (I had a live in babysitter at the time that got them ready for school/stayed home with my youngest, I no longer have that) In order for me to get to work on time I wake up at 5, get ready, wake the kids at 5:30, leave at 6:15, drop everyone off, get to work at 7, pick up at 4, go home and start dinner, my SO doesn't get home until around 7 so even though I would love to go to the gym at 4, I have no childcare. And during DVDs mine yell and "momma! momma! mom! mom! mom! mom!" me. So I am riding out the last few months of this wasted contract and just trying to get my steps in at work and go to the gym on the rare times that I can and really just controlling calories in. I know that once you get in the habit, it gets easier. In May I was waking up at 4 every morning to go to the gym, I need to get back into that habit.
  • Cindy_Walks
    Cindy_Walks Posts: 12 Member
    I am a mother of 4 yr old twins. One is very high energy and the other is ADHD in fricking outer space. I work full time, so I totally get that you are spent by the time you get those kids in bed. It really helps a lot if you can manage to squeeze your exercise into your work day. If nothing else - go for a couple of short walks. Make sure your lunches are healthy. Do you have a gym near your work? I know this is something that is really hard to get used to, but if you can get to a gym and do a quick 30 minute workout, you'll feel so much better. I decided that since I didn't have time to shower, that I would just stay away from co-workers in the afternoon - hehe. My health is more important. Get a walk buddy. I'm 50 years old and my walk buddy was a cute 24 yr old male. He never let me skip.
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    Hey All.

    @lounmoun: I feel you when it comes to being home. I ended up being home with my kids (off from work/school) from December 24th-today, January 5th and it was extremely hard for me to not just go pick up a snack whenever I was bored. I find that most of the time I eat when I am bored!

    @fullofsmiles04: congrats on losing the baby weight and good luck on losing the remaining weight that you want to lose! Definitely here to motivate if you would like.

    @amber7088: WOW, 4am wake up for the gym. not sure I could do that. Well I know I couldn't. I feel you when it comes to the "mommy, mom! mom! mom!, he hit me, she touched my stuff" (those are from my kids! :smile: I am starting to make it a group activity for them to do as well so they are involved and enjoy it as much as I do! We challenge each other.

    @Cindy_Walks: I actually have a gym attached to my building at work but the price of the membership is too much for me to afford right now so I am just working out at home. I am, although, starting classes at the university I work at so, technically, I am a student and can go to the student center to work out, since I pay for it with my tuition. May just have to hit up the student center! I am also looking into signing up for some aqua fitness classes. Wish me luck..

    Any of you who would like to add me, please feel free to do so! I'm sure we could all use a little extra support!
  • DiChic74
    DiChic74 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! Day 1 back at MFP after a 2-year absence.

    I am a 40-yr old mom of 1 (5 years old) and work FT. I need to lose about 20 pounds (mostly leftover baby weight...can't believe it's been 5 years!!!!) but like so many others, my challenge is controlling food intake and finding time to work out. I LOATHE gyms - we actually have one in my building at work but I tried that last year and using machines/weights just bores me to tears and so I never stuck with it. I DO, however, love dancing/Jazzercise and was a regular class attendee before my son was born. Unfortunately, class times no longer jive with my family schedule so I can't make that work. We do have an ancient, manual treadmill at home in the garage that I want to try to use, but also seeking ways to fit in exercise at work. I've committed myself to taking the stairs instead of the elevator (I work on the 5th floor). Also hoping to get a group of coworkers to walk around the block 20-30 minutes after lunch.

    I do love to eat and I am a total variety I quickly get bored with the same fruits, yogurt, granola bar snack options and salads for lunch. We have a nice cafeteria at work but I don't have a lot of info about the nutritional value of the food, so it will be easier for me to bring my own. Just need some help coming up with new and different ideas for lunch/snacks! My weakness is eating out at to do that too. I am committing myself to trying new, healthier options on the menus and staying away from fried foods altogether.

    Would love to stay in touch with other moms/dads finding it tough to fit in exercise and stay motivated! I need a lot of support and motivation and I'm happy to help others with that as well!
  • mummiecakes
    mummiecakes Posts: 28 Member
    Late to join the thread here, but I think I might fit...add me if you like. I am a mom to three kids and working two jobs right now. I have been away from mfp for a while, but coming back and hoping to be consistent. Right now, I need to figure out how to make exercise more consistent and get back to cleaner eating.
  • mamameg312
    mamameg312 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm back to MFP recently after a few months away. I did the food plan work and lost 30 lbs, but I didn't implement exercise. I'm convinced (admitting? LOL) that exercise is the missing link to my long term weight management success. I need to figure out a way to get it into my busy schedule. I have 2 kids at home, age 8 and 10, and I work 30 hours a week, plus run them around to all their stuff, and do my own volunteering.

    I think getting up early and getting it in first thing in the morning is going to have to be the way I do this.