Lets be Fitness Pals!

JaedinM Posts: 5
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Losing weight is way better when you have people on your side rooting for you! So if anyone needs an extra friend just let me know. I'm Jaedin an 18 year old, 205lb, tech geek/student. Losing weight is something I've always struggled with while putting weight on is not so much of a struggle. I LOVE to cook. I LOVE to eat. Literally food is like a gift to me. It makes me smile it makes my day a whole lot better. But I've finally declared that eating too much food isn't gonna make my belly any smaller or my chins disappear. So here I am! You can learn a lot more about me on my profile. Don't forget to add my mom too Manaj4. We actually have a mother daughter team thing going on and we'd love for more people to join us. I'm gonna stop blabbing now. Friend ME and my MOM we love people! Happy weight loss journey! -Jaedin :#


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    HI Jaedin :) Welcome to the site, you've made a great decision toward getting healthy coming to MFP!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    What's up, J. I love food too...which makes this whole life adjustment quite the undertaking. But it's a worthwhile undertaking...so here I am, day after day. Good luck to you guys! :smile:
  • JaedinM
    Thanks guys! Hearts_2015 Thanks I'm glad that I have your support. Jzalisa, yes it is too much of a transition. Food is so great! Let's take it one day at a time.